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XVII Congreso Latinoamericano de Estudiantes de Ingenieria Quimica XXVI Reunién Nacional Estudiantil II Congreso Metropolitano de Ingenieria Quimica México City, April 26 of 2011 Dear PhD. Gilbert F. Froment ‘Texas A&M University Professor ‘We are sending you an invitation to participate as a magisterial speaker, Tuesday, July 26, 41:00 to 12:00 hours at the Holliday Inn Hotel (Coyoacan) in México City, México. This event is part of the XVII Latinamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering Students (in Spanish: Congreso Latinoamericano de Estudiantes de Ingenieria Quimica, XVIICOLAEIQ), XXVII Students National ing (in Spanish: Reunion Nacional Estudiantil, XXVII RNE) and II Metropolitan Congress of ‘Chemical Engineering (in Spanish: Congreso Metropolitano de Ingenieros Quimico, I1COMIQ). [All this events are organized by chemical engineering students with the support of seven Uni (UNAM, IPN, UIA, ULaSalle, UAEMex, UNITEC and ITT), the Latinamerican of Chemical Engineering Students (in Spanish: Asociacién Lationamericana de Est Ingenieria Quimica, ALEIQ), the Mexican Institute of Chemical Engineers (in io Mexicano de Ingnieros Quimicos, IMIQ), the Chamber from the Processing, yra de la Industria de la Transformacion, CANACINTRA), and the -al engineering students and related careers rovides a comprehen ew of the the rent to ra * to speak epptonnaey 40 minutes, ¢ COMIQ....0 d/or the future of the Latinamerican Industry: This will leave 15 minutes jons and discussions. From July-25ao 27, we can cover your round trip, the transportation from airport to hotel and from hotel to airport your accommodation in a single room in the Hotel Holliday Inn, Plaza Universidad, three meals per day and transfer to the events. Thope that you will be able to join us. Sincerely, B. Sc, Rad! Isidro Alvarez Berra B.Sc. Monica Sanchez Garcia Chairman of XVII COLAEIQ, XXVII RNE ‘Academic Manager of XVII COLAEIQ, XXVII RNE & I1COMIQ XXVII RNE & If COMIQ

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