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What I learnt was some theories on second language acquisition. Krashen

claims some hypothesis for SLA which English teachers make use of some of
them. Depending on these theories, I have learned that there are predictable
sequences in acquisition, so I need to give lesson in a reasonable order. For
instance, I need to teach them simple past tense before past perfect tense to
make learning easier to them. Also, I have got the point of the term practice
does not make perfect. Practicing must be meaningful; otherwise, it would be
an unnecessary repetition without understanding anything. I agree that
knowing rules the rules cannot be merely useful in learning target language, so
I need to give them a situation or a context to make them use language in
different forms. Learning English is a long process and target language cannot
be totally learned in lesson hours, so we need to expand their boundaries as
there are a lot of sources for them to attain necessary information for English.
By this way, they will have chance to practice English outside of the classroom.

I like Krashen’s input hypothesis as he claims language learners should be

exposed to knowledge which is a bit higher than their current competence.
Therefore, I know I will need to choose lesson books which are challenging for
them and I should speak English which is also a bit higher than their level. I
know that every student wants to feel safe in the classroom, so my task will be
to eliminate anxiety from the class and to encourage them to work with their
friends to improve their self-belongings. When the students enjoy the class,
they start to learn things but first we need to be careful about their basic
needs. That’s all I can say now.

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