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o 1

Look at yourself in the mirror with both eyes open to practice.

o 2

Close one eye quickly. If you can't do one side, try the other. Do which ever side
feels more comfortable.

o 3

Practice getting one eye as close to closing as possible if you can't get it shut all
the way. Don't get frustrated if you can't get it there; it may just take you a while.

o 4

Close one eye and hold it with your hand if you still can't wink. Practice this until
you can keep your eye closed even after you've released it from your hand.

o 5

Try winking the other eye once you get one eye down. With enough practice
you'll be able to wink one eye at a time quickly one after the other.

o 6

Make sure, by checking yourself out in the mirror, that you aren't squinting or
making a weird face when you wink. Practice winking until you look normal and
natural doing it.

o 7

Try out your new wink on a friend. You'll be able to see by the expression on his
face whether you've done it correctly, or if you still need more work

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