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The ability of.

blueherry polyphenols to combat diabetes

first gained scientific validation over 80 years ago. This
ground,breaking data appeared in mainstream medicine's
revered. bastion of knowledge-the Journal of the Anerican
Medical Association UAMA) .
This landmark ]AMA report published in 1927 revealed
the ability of a specific blueberryextract to slas/r blood sugar
levels.l The totality of the evidence was so compelling, the
author called it the one compound to date that came closest to
curing diabetes.
Of course, the corwentional physicians on JrWIA's editorial
board saw fit to refute these findingis. They argued that such
extracts could not be standardized, dismissing the blueberry
compounds under study as a "new and non-official remedy."
Mainstream doctors todayperslsf in making similar pronounce-
ments about' natural interventions.
Life Extension@ members know better.
In this drticle, you will discover up-to-date data vindi-
catingr blueberry polyphenols' promise in combating the
factors that result in deadly metabolic syndrom*the
co-occurrence of insulin resistance, hypertension, abdomi-
nal obesity, and abnormal blood lipid profiles that increases
the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
You will learn how blueberries may boost insulin sensitivity,
lower LDL cholesterol and triglyceridos, and improve leptin
sensitivity, which has been associated with reduced appetite
and lower body weight.
You'll also discover the potential of blueberry polyphenols
to halt the progress of the disease in humans who are already
diabetic. Finally, detailed evidence is presented of the poten-
tial ability of blueberry extract to combat multiple forms of
cancer-for which metabolic syndrome sufferers are at
greater risk than the general population.z > >

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