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•The web between the thumb and first

finger should meet the other person’s
•Only one squeeze.
•One or two pumps of the hand.
•Make eye contact while shaking hands.
•When meeting a business colleague in
malls or social events, greet by shaking
Telephone etiquette

• Don’t talk with your mouth full.

• the name of the company needs to be stated as
soon as the phone is answered along with the
person's name who answered the phone.
• Never put a caller on hold, but if you have to, be
sure to check back with them every minute or so
and ask if they would like to continue to hold.
Incoming calls
• Speak clearly and slowly when you answer a
business telephone. Do not slur or mumble
your words.
• Never be rude to a caller, no matter how nasty
they are.
Outgoing Calls
• When calling another business, it is proper
etiquette to give your name and the company's
name you work for to whomever answers the
• If you get the wrong number, apologize to the
person who answers the phone--do not just
hang up.
• Never interrupt the person while he/she is
talking to you.

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