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Quotes on Love

"Love is not a thing to understand.

Love is not a thing to feel.
Love is not a thing to give and receive.
Love is a thing only to become
And eternally be. "

- Sri Chinmoy (1)

Love is an endless mystery,

for it has nothing else to explain it.

Love's gift cannot be given,

it waits to be accepted.

Rabindranath Tagore (2)

Love is the scent with the lotus born.

It is the silent choirs of petals
Singing the winter’s harmony of uniform beauty.
Love is the song of the soul, singing to God.
It is the balanced rhythmic dance of planets -    sun and moon lit

- Paramahansa Yoganada (3)

 " Love knows no answer for it does not question."

-silent lotus

 " Your fortune is misfortune if it is not Love."  

- silent lotus

 The madness of love

Is a rich fief;
Anyone who recognized this
Would not ask Love for anything else:
It can unite Opposites
And reverse the paradox.
I am declaring the truth about this:
The madness of love makes bitter what was sweet,
It makes the stranger a kinsman,
And it makes the smallest the most proud.

- Hadewijch of Antwerp

 Though I am never loath to grant salvation,

I hesitate indeed to grant pure love.
Whoever wins pure love surpasses all;
He is adored by men;
He triumphs over the three worlds..

- Sri Ramakrisna (4)

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