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Name: ______________________________ Date: ________

Class: ________

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 22 Reading Quiz

1. Who cries at the beginning of the chapter?

2. What was sent to the Finch family by the grateful black community?

3. Who is the person Dill says drinks a pint (of alcohol) every

4. What did Miss Maudie make for the children early in the morning?

5. For whom was the biggest one of Miss Maudie’s gifts intended?

6. Name one person besides Atticus who tried to help Tom Robinson.

7. What does Dill say he’ll be when he grows up?

8. What does Dill say Aunt Rachel rides?

9. What did Bob Ewell do to Atticus in front of the post office?

10. What was Bob Ewell’s threat to Atticus?  

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