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The feeling of helplessness is profound and perverse.

There is nothing as all-consuming and

inescapable as this sensation. The inability to act either in one way or the other. The entrapment of
waiting until something happens is suffocating. The void of helplessness drags toward it an array of
unwelcome emotions including, but definitely not limited to, depression, anxiety, frustration,
sadness, anger, and dejectedness. The feeling of complete and utter uselessness can eat away at a
person’s very soul. Tearing and chewing each tender morsel until they are merely an empty husk.
Dry and barren with no residue of hope or joy.

The emptiness is inhabited by a dark, black hole which sucks the very essence of happiness inside it
and refuses to set it free until the helplessness has been vanquished.

The fight against these intense, nightmarish moments often takes all of one’s energy, redundantly
leaving them vulnerable to the very emotions with which they fight. The battle proceeds as all its
predecessors, beginning with a catalyst, turning into war, producing casualties and finally
proclaiming both a winner and a loser. The victor of the battle is decided by you alone. The power of
success or failure lies within your grasp.

Helplessness is a state of mind, rather than a state of being. Within the realms and passages of your
mind lies the beast of dejection and powerlessness. You are the one that can refuse to let it gorge on
the positivity and prosperity of your mind. Keep the monster at bay by constantly visualising the
future: The much desired outcome for which you are wishing.

The key to the success against your inner demons is to be positive and to be patient. The situations
the cause us to feel powerless soon pass. The circumstances move on. The future becomes the
present then gracefully accepts its role as the past. Things will not always be this way. One day the
sun will rise and shine a resplendent light upon your new path, highlighting all the wonderful things
that will one day come. Your journey will forever continue into a happy and positive future, you
simply have to trust that it will come soon. Because, one day, that life that you always wished for will
be within your grasp and all you will have to do is grab hold of it and never let it go.

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