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INSTALL EXE - Installation program
UNZIP EXE - Program to unzip the .ZIP files
README COM - Reads the readme file
CHELP C - Windows 3.1 example file
CHELP DEF - Windows 3.1 example file
CHELP HLP - Windows 3.1 example file
CHELP HPJ - Windows 3.1 example file
CHELP PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file
CHELP RC - Windows 3.1 example file
CHELP RTF - Windows 3.1 example file
CHELPM H - Windows 3.1 example file
CHELPR H - Windows 3.1 example file

MAKEFILE - Makefile for building class library

CLASSINC ZIP - Include files for C++ class library

ABSTARRY H - Header file for classlibs
ARRAY H - Header file for classlibs
ARRAYS H - Header file for classlibs
ASSOC H - Header file for classlibs
BAG H - Header file for classlibs
BAGS H - Header file for classlibs
BTREE H - Header file for classlibs
CHECKS H - Header file for class libs
CLSDEFS H - Header file for classlibs
CLSTYPES H - Header file for classlibs
COLLECT H - Header file for classlibs
CONTAIN H - Header file for classlibs
DBLLIST H - Header file for classlibs
DEQUE H - Header file for classlibs
DEQUES H - Header file for classlibs
DICT H - Header file for classlibs
DLISTIMP H - Header file for classlibs
HASHTBL H - Header file for classlibs
LDATE H - Header file for classlibs
LIST H - Header file for classlibs
LISTIMP H - Header file for classlibs
LTIME H - Header file for classlibs
MEMMGR H - Header file for classlibs
OBJECT H - Header file for classlibs
PRIORTYQ H - Header file for classlibs
QUEUE H - Header file for classlibs
QUEUES H - Header file for classlibs
RESOURCE H - Header file for classlibs
SET H - Header file for classlibs
SETS H - Header file for classlibs
SHDDEL H - Header file for classlibs
SORTABLE H - Header file for classlibs
SORTARRY H - Header file for classlibs
STACK H - Header file for classlibs
STACKS H - Header file for classlibs
STDTEMPL H - Header file for classlibs
STRNG H - Header file for classlibs
TIMER H - Header file for classlibs
VECTIMP H - Header file for classlibs

CLASSSRC ZIP - Source files to C++ class library

ABSTARRY CPP - Abstract array class definitions
ARRAY CPP - Source file for classlibs
ASSOC CPP - Association class (used by dictionary class)
BABSTARY CPP - Source file for classlibs
BDICT CPP - Source file for classlibs
BIDS DEF - Source file for classlibs
BSORTARY CPP - Source file for classlibs
BTREE CPP - Source file for classlibs
BTREEINN CPP - Source file for classlibs
BTREELFN CPP - Source file for classlibs
CLASMAIN CPP - Source file for classlibs
COLLECT CPP - Ordered collection class definitions
CONTAIN CPP - Container class definitions
DBLLIST CPP - Doubly linked list class definitions
DEQUE CPP - Source file for classlibs
DICT CPP - Dictinary class definitiions
HASHTBL CPP - Hash table class definitions
LDATE CPP - Date class definitions
LIST CPP - List class definitions
LTIME CPP - Time class definitions
MEMMGR CPP - Source file for classlibs
OBJECT CPP - Base class for other objects
SORTARRY CPP - Sorted array class definitions
STACK CPP - Source file for classlibs
STRNG CPP - String class definitions
TCLASS DEF - Definition file for classlibs
TIMER CPP - Source file for classlibs
TMPLINST CPP - Source file for classlibs

EXAMPLES ZIP - Example programs

BARCHART C - C example file
DEF2 CPP - C++ example - another version of DEF.CPP
DEF2 H - Header file for DEF.CPP
FILTER H - Header file for TASM2MSG.C and GREP2MSG.C
GETOPT C - Parses options in command line
GREP2MSG C - Example program for Borland C++ filters
HELLO C - Example Borland C++ program
IMPL2MSG C - Source for IMPLIB filter program
LIST2 CPP - Another version of LIST.CPP
LIST2 H - Header file for LIST2.CPP
MYFUNCS CPP - C++ example file
MYFUNCS H - C++ example Header file
MYMAIN CPP - C++ example file
RC2MSG C - Example program for Borland C++ filters
TASM2MSG C - Example program for Borland C++ filters
VCIRC CPP - C++ example program
VCIRC PRJ - Project file for VCIRC.CPP
VPOINT CPP - C++ example program
VPOINT H - Header file for VPOINT.CPP


INCLUDE ZIP - Borland C++ Header files
_DEFS H - Definitions of _FAR, _Cdecl, _CType, _CLASSTYPE
_NFILE H - Header file for classlibs
_NULL H - Definition of NULL
ALLOC H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
ASSERT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
BCD H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
BIOS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
COMPLEX H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
CONIO H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
CONSTREA H - Borland RTL Header file
CTYPE H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
DIR H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
DIRECT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
DIRENT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
DOS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
ERRNO H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
FCNTL H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
FLOAT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
FSTREAM H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
GENERIC H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
GRAPHICS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
IO H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
IOMANIP H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
IOSTREAM H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
LIMITS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
LOCALE H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
LOCKING H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
MALLOC H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
MATH H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
MEM H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
MEMORY H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
NEW H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
PROCESS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
SEARCH H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
SETJMP H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
SHARE H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
SIGNAL H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
STAT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
STDARG H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
STDDEF H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
STDIO H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
STDIOSTR H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
STDLIB H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
STRING H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
STRSTREA H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
TIME H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
TIMEB H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
TYPES H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
UTIME H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
VALUES H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
VARARGS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file

RWBCINC ZIP - Compressed Borland C example include files

BWCC H - Header file for interface to Borland Window's Custom

RWBCLIB ZIP - Compressed Borland C example library files

BWCC LIB - Import library for Borland Window's Custom Controls

STARTUP ZIP - Startup code files

BUILD-C0 BAT - Batch file for building the startup code modules
C0 ASM - Assembler source for startup code
C0D ASM - Assembler source for startup code - Windows DLL
C0W ASM - Assembler source for startup code - Windows EXE
RULES ASI - Assembler include file for interfacing with Borland C++

TASMEXMP ZIP - zip file

ASMPSCL ASM - Tasm example file
AVERAGE ASM - Tasm example file
BIOS INC - Tasm example file
CALCAVG CPP - Tasm example file
CALLCT CPP - Tasm example file
CALLPROC ASM - Tasm example file
CASMLINK ASM - Tasm example file
COMPROG ASM - Tasm example file
CONCISE ASM - Tasm example file
COUNT ASM - Tasm example file
COUNTADD ASM - Tasm example file
COUNTADD CPP - Tasm example file
COUNTLG ASM - Tasm example file
CSPEC ASM - Tasm example file
DBLCOLON ASM - Tasm example file
DLLPROG ASM - Tasm example file
DOS INC - Tasm example file
DOTOTAL ASM - Tasm example file
ENVMOD ASM - Tasm example file
ENVSTR PAS - Tasm example file
EXCHMOD ASM - Tasm example file
EXEPROG ASM - Tasm example file
FINDCHAR ASM - Tasm example file
HELLO1 ASM - Tasm example file
HELLO2 ASM - Tasm example file
HELLO3 ASM - Tasm example file
HEX ASM - Tasm example file
HEX PAS - Tasm example file
HEXMOD ASM - Tasm example file
KBD INC - Tasm example file
LINK2ASM CPP - Tasm example file
MBIOS MAC - Tasm example file
MDOS MAC - Tasm example file
MMACROS MAC - Tasm example file
PRIMES ASM - Tasm example file
PRMSTACK ASM - Tasm example file
REVERSE ASM - Tasm example file
SHOWTOT CPP - Tasm example file
SOMESTR ASM - Tasm example file
VAREXCH ASM - Tasm example file
VAREXCH PAS - Tasm example file
WINPROG ASM - Tasm example file

TD CA2 - Split File of TD.ZIP

TDW CA2 - Split File of TDW.ZIP
WBIN CA1 - Windows binary files
BC ICO - Borland C++ Icon file
BC PIF - PIF file for BC
BCW EXE - Borland C++ for Windows IDE
BORTE FON - Font file for BCW.EXE
BRC EXE - RC compatible shell program
BRCC EXE - Command Line Resource Compiler
BRCWIN DLL - Resource compiler DLL
BUILDSYM EXE - Build .SYM file for .EXE file
DFA EXE - Program to process Winspctr's log files
EXEMAP EXE - Borland .EXE to .MAP file program
FCONVERT EXE - ASCII <> ANSI conversion utility
GROUPS EXE - Build Windows group for Borland's window compatible
HC31 ERR - Win 3.1 help compiler error list
HC31 EXE - Win 3.1 help compiler
HC BAT - Batch fiel to call Win3.1 help compiler
HELP ICO - Borland help icon
IMPLIBW EXE - Utility to convert windows LIB files to DEF files
RC EXE - Resource Compiler
RC2MSG EXE - RC filter program for Programmer's Platform
RCPP ERR - Resource Compiler error file
RCPP EXE - Resource Compiler file
RLINK EXE - Resource Linker
TBROWSER DLL - Borland Class Browser for Window Apps
TCOLORCC DLL - Custom color control for BCW.EXE
TMAPSYM EXE - Borland .MAP to .SYS file program
TOOLHELP DLL - Win 3.1 toolhelp file
WINHELP EXE - Windows 3.1 help file
WINSIGHT EXE - WinSight program for Windows
WINSIGHT HLP - Help for WinSight
WINSPCTR EXE - Program to log UAE's in the Windows Invironment
WINSTUB EXE - Windows stub program
WORKOPT DOS - Parameter file for BRCC.EXE
WSIHOOK DLL - Support DLL for WinSight
WSIWIN DLL - Support DLL for WinSight

WHELP2 CAB - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP

README - File contains last minute information

BGI ZIP - Graphics drivers
ATT BGI - Graphics driver for ATT400 graphics card
BGIDEMO C - Graphics demonstration program
BGIOBJ EXE - Conversion program for fonts and drivers
BOLD CHR - Font for Bold char set
CGA BGI - Graphics driver for CGA
EGAVGA BGI - Graphics driver for EGA and VGA
EURO CHR - Font for European char set
GOTH CHR - Font for gothic character set
HERC BGI - Graphics driver for Hercules
IBM8514 BGI - Graphics driver for IBM 8514 graphics card
LCOM CHR - Complex char font set
LITT CHR - Font for small character set
PC3270 BGI - Graphics driver for PC3270
SANS CHR - Font for sans serif character set
SCRI CHR - Font for script char set
SIMP CHR - Font for Simplex char set
TRIP CHR - Font for triplex character set
TSCR CHR - Font for tiny script char set

BC30RTL DLL - Borland run-time library DLL for Windows
BIDS31 DLL - Library file for C++ classes with templates
TCLASS31 DLL - Library file for C++ classes
CMDLINE CA1 - Files in Borland C++ Compiler - Command-Line version
BCC EXE - Command-line version of Borland C++ Compiler
BUILTINS MAK - File containing default inference rules and macros for
CPP EXE - Borland C++ preprocessor
MAKE EXE - Protected mode version of program for managing projects
MAKER EXE - Real mode version of program for managing projects
TLINK EXE - Borland Turbo Linker

RWCDEMO ZIP - Compressed Borland C++ demo files

BITBNAPP C - Demo app using bitmapped button DLL
BITBNAPP RES - Bitmapped button application resources
BITBTN C - Demo bitmapped button dll with custom control API
BITBTN DEF - Bitmapped button dll linker definitions file
BITBTN PRJ - Bitmapped button DLL IDE Project file
BITBTN RES - Bitmapped button dll resources
BITBTNCO H - Bitmapped button dll resource #defines
BTNBNAPP PRJ - Bitmapped button application IDE project file
RWCDEMO DEF - BCC Demo linker definitions file
RWCDEMO H - BCC Demo app .h file
RWCDEMO PRJ - Project file for building demo app with "standard" windows
RWCDEMO RC - Demo resources using "standard" controls
RWCDEMO RES - Demo resources using "standard" controls
RWCDEMOB PRJ - Project file for building demo app with Borland Custom
RWCDEMOB RC - Demo resources using Borland Windows Custom Controls
RWCDEMOB RES - Demo resources using Borland Windows Custom Controls
RWCDEMOC H - Demo .h file for resource id's
RWCDLG CPP - BCC Demo app dialogs
RWCDLG H - BCC Demo app dialogs .h file
RWCWND CPP - BCC Demo app windows
RWCWND H - BCC Demo dialogs .h file
RWDEMO CUR - Demo cursor file
RWDEMO ICO - BCC demo icon
STATBAR BMP - Demo status line bitmap
STATLINE BMP - Demo status line bitmap

WHELP2 CAA - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP

WHEREIS ZIP - zip file
BIOS INC - Tasm example file
BIOSMAC DOC - Tasm example file
DEMO1 BAT - Tasm example file
DOS INC - Tasm example file
DOSMAC DOC - Tasm example file
IASCIIZS ASM - Tasm example file
IBIOS MAC - Tasm example file
IBYTECPY ASM - Tasm example file
IDELCHAR ASM - Tasm example file
IDOS INC - Tasm example file
IDOS MAC - Tasm example file
IEXECDOS ASM - Tasm example file
IFINDBYT ASM - Tasm example file
IFINDFIL ASM - Tasm example file
IFINDREP ASM - Tasm example file
ILOCSTRG ASM - Tasm example file
IMACROS MAC - Tasm example file
IPARAM ASM - Tasm example file
IPARSEFN ASM - Tasm example file
ISKPWHIT ASM - Tasm example file
IWHEREIS ASM - Tasm example file
IWHGLOBL INC - Tasm example file
IWRITEPS ASM - Tasm example file
KBD INC - Tasm example file
WHEREIS DOC - Tasm example file
WHEREIS MAK - Tasm example file
WHUSAGE INC - Tasm example file

WINLIB CA1 - Window libraries

C0DC OBJ - Compact model startup code - Windows DLL
C0DL OBJ - Large model startup code - Windows DLL
C0DM OBJ - Medium model startup code - Windows DLL
C0DS OBJ - Small model startup code - Windows DLL
C0WC OBJ - Compact model startup code - Windows EXE
C0WL OBJ - Large model startup code - Windows EXE
C0WM OBJ - Medium model startup code - Windows EXE
C0WS OBJ - Small model startup code - Windows EXE
CRTLDLL LIB - Import library for BC30RTL.DLL
CWC LIB - Compact model run-time library - Windows
CWL LIB - Large model run-time library - Windows
CWM LIB - Medium model run-time library - Windows
CWS LIB - Small model run-time library - Windows
MATHWC LIB - Compact model windows math library
MATHWL LIB - Large model windows math library
MATHWM LIB - Medium model windows math library
MATHWS LIB - Small model windows math library

CLASSLIB ZIP - C++ class library
BIDSDBS LIB - Library file for C++ classes with templates
BIDSDLL LIB - Library file for C++ classes with templates
BIDSS LIB - Library file for C++ classes with templates
TCLASDBS LIB - Library file for C++ classes
TCLASDLL LIB - Library file for C++ classes
TCLASSS LIB - Library file for C++ classes

DOC ZIP - Miscellaneous documentation

BRIEF TEM - Editor Macros file for Brief emulation
CMACROS TEM - Editor Macros file for C emulation
DBGBOARD TD - Info about the TD hardware debugging interface
DEFAULTS TEM - Sample Editor Macros file
DOSEDIT TEM - Editor Macros file for Dosedit emulation
EPSILON TEM - Editor Macros file for Epsilon emulation
H2ASH TSM - Documentation for .H to .ASH conversion utility
HDWDEBUG TD - How to use 386 hardware debugging features
HELPME! DOC - Answers to commonly asked questions
HELPME! PRF - Answers to commonly asked PROF questions
HELPME! TD - Answers to commonly asked DEBUGGER questions
HELPME! TSM - Answers to commonly asked TASM questions
MANUAL BC - Corrections to the manual
MANUAL PRF - Additions and corrections to the PROF manuals
MANUAL TD - Additions and corrections to the DEBUGGER manuals
MANUAL TSM - Additions and corrections to the TASM manuals
SAMPLES BC - Samples documentation
TCREF TSM - Info about the TASM TCREF utility
UTIL DOC - Information about Borland C++ utilities
UTILS PRF - Info about the TPROF TDRF utility
UTILS TD - Info about various TD utilities
WIN31 DOC - Documentation to convert to Windows 3.1
WINPEN DOC - Documentation on Pen Windows
WINMEM DOC - Information about windows specific memory manager
WINSPCTR DOC - Winspector documentation

TDWEXMPL ZIP - Turbo Debugger Example Programs for Windows

BCWDEMO C - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features of TDW
BCWDEMO DEF - Definition file used to Build BCWDEMO*.C Programs
BCWDEMO EXE - Executable file For C Program to run in TDW
BCWDEMO H - Header file used to build sample BCWDEMO* Programs
BCWDEMO ICO - Icon file used to attached to Sample BCWDEMO* Programs
BCWDEMO PRJ - Makefile to build sample BCWDEMO.C Program
BCWDEMO RC - Resource file used to Build BCWDEMO*.C Programs
BCWDEMOA C - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features of TDW
BCWDEMOA EXE - Executable file For C Program to run in TDW
BCWDEMOA PRJ - Makefile to build sample BCWDEMOA.C Program
BCWDEMOB C - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features of TDW
BCWDEMOB EXE - Executable file For C Program to run in TDW
BCWDEMOB PRJ - Makefile to build sample BCWDEMOB.C Program

WHELP2 CA8 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP

WHELP2 CA9 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP
COMPRESS EXE - Dos version of LZ compression utility
MCISTRWH HLP - Win 3.1 media control interface help file
PENAPIWH HLP - Win 3.1 pen api help file
SHED EXE - Program to manage HotSpots within dialogs(MS)
SHED HLP - Help file for HotSpots(MS)
TOOLHELP DLL - Win 3.1 toolhelp file
WIN31MWH HLP - Win 3.1 multimedia help file
WINHELP EXE - Windows 3.1 help file program

CLIB ZIP - Compact model libraries
C0C OBJ - Compact model startup code
CC LIB - Compact model run-time library
MATHC LIB - Compact model math library

CLIOLE C - Windows 3.1 example file
CLIOLE DEF - Windows 3.1 example file
CLIOLE H - Windows 3.1 example file
CLIOLE PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file
CLIOLE RC - Windows 3.1 example file
CLIOLEER C - Windows 3.1 example file
CLIOLEER H - Windows 3.1 example file
CLIOLERC H - Windows 3.1 example file

CMDLG C - Windows 3.1 example file
CMDLG DEF - Windows 3.1 example file
CMDLG H - Windows 3.1 example file
CMDLG PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file
CMDLG RC - Windows 3.1 example file
CMDLGR H - Windows 3.1 example file

DDECLNT C - Windows 3.1 example file
DDECLNT DEF - Windows 3.1 example file
DDECLNT DOC - Windows 3.1 example file
DDECLNT H - Windows 3.1 example file
DDECLNT ICO - Windows 3.1 example file
DDECLNT PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file
DDECLNT RC - Windows 3.1 example file
DDESRVR C - Windows 3.1 example file
DDESRVR DEF - Windows 3.1 example file
DDESRVR H - Windows 3.1 example file
DDESRVR ICO - Windows 3.1 example file
DDESRVR PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file
DDESRVR RC - Windows 3.1 example file

HLIB ZIP - Huge model libraries

C0H OBJ - Huge model startup code
CH LIB - Huge model run-time library
MATHH LIB - Huge model math library

LLIB ZIP - Large model libraries

C0L OBJ - Large model startup code
CL LIB - Large model run-time library
MATHL LIB - Large model math library

RWDOC ZIP - Compressed Resource Workshop documentation files

BWCCAPI RW - Borland Custom Control API documentation
BWCCSTYL RW - Borland custom control style guidelines
CUSTCNTL RW - custom control api documentation
MANUAL RW - manual corrections

TDEXMPL ZIP - Turbo Debugger Example Programs for DOS

BCDEMO C - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features
BCDEMO EXE - Executable file For C Program
BCDEMOB C - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features
BCDEMOB EXE - Executable file For C Program

WEXAMPLE ZIP - Windows example files

BITMAP CPP - Windows sample app - source
BITMAP DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file
BITMAP H - Windows sample app - Header file
BITMAP PRJ - Windows sample app - project file
BITMAP RC - Windows sample app - resource file
BULLET BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
CHKBOFF BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
CHKBON BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
CODEC BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
CONTINUE BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
DDECLNT C - Windows sample app - source
DDECLNT H - Windows sample app - Header file
DDESRVR C - Windows sample app - source
DDESRVR H - Windows sample app - Header file
DLLDEMO CPP - Windows sample app - source
DLLDEMO DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file
DLLDEMO ICO - Windows sample app - icon file
DLLDEMO PRJ - Windows sample app - project file
DLLDEMO RC - Windows sample app - resource file
DLLDEMO1 BMP - Windows sample app - bitmap file
DLLDEMO2 BMP - Windows sample app - bitmap file
DLLSHELL CPP - Windows sample app - source
DONE BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
FFIND C - Windows sample app - Source
FFIND DEF - Windows sample app - Module definition file
FFIND H - Windows sample app - Header file
FFIND ICO - Windows sample app - icon file
FFIND PRJ - Windows sample app - project file
FFIND RC - Windows sample app - resource file
HDUMP C - Windows sample app - source
HDUMP DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file
HDUMP H - Windows sample app - Header file
HDUMP ICO - Windows sample app - icon file
HDUMP PRJ - Windows sample app - project file
HDUMP RC - Windows sample app - resource file
HELP CUR - Help compiler example file
HELPEX C - Help compiler example source file
HELPEX DEF - Help compiler example module definition file
HELPEX DLG - Help compiler example dialog file
HELPEX H - Help compiler example Header file
HELPEX HPJ - Help compiler example file
HELPEX PRJ - Project file for help compiler examples
HELPEX RC - Help compiler example resource file
HELPEX RTF - Help compiler example file
HELPICON BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
HELPIDS H - Help compiler example Header file
KEYS RTF - Help compiler example file
MSGPROC C - Windows sample app - source
MSGPROC H - Windows sample app - Header file
MSGWND C - Windows sample app - source
MSGWND DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file
MSGWND H - Windows sample app - Header file
MSGWND ICO - Windows sample app - icon file
MSGWND PRJ - Windows sample app - project file
MSGWND RC - Windows sample app - resource file
TERMS RTF - Help compiler example bitmap file
TODO DEF - Windows sample app - Module definition file
TODO PRJ - Windows sample app - Project file
TODODEFS H - Windows sample app - Header file
TODODLGS CPP - Windows sample app - Source
TODODLGS H - Windows sample app - Header file
TODOLIST CPP - Windows sample app - Source
TODOLIST H - Windows sample app - Header file
TODOWIN CPP - Windows sample app - Source
TODOWIN H - Windows sample app - Header file
TODOWIN RC - Windows sample app - Resource file
TSTAPP C - Windows sample app - source
TSTAPP DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file
TSTAPP H - Windows sample app - Header file
TSTAPP ICO - Windows sample app - icon file
TSTAPP PRJ - Windows sample app - project file
TSTAPP RC - Windows sample app - resource file
WHELLO CPP - Windows sample app - Source
WHELLO DEF - Windows sample app - Module definition file
WHELLO ICO - Windows sample app - icon file
WHELLO PRJ - Windows sample app - project file
WHELLO RC - Windows sample app - resource file

WHELP2 CA6 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP

WHELP2 CA7 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP
XLIB ZIP - Math and utility libraries
C0FC OBJ - Compact model startup code - assume SS=DS
C0FH OBJ - Huge model startup code - assume SS=DS
C0FL OBJ - Large model startup code - assume SS=DS
C0FM OBJ - Medium model startup code - assume SS=DS
C0FS OBJ - Small model startup code - assume SS=DS
C0FT OBJ - Tiny model startup code - assume SS=DS
EMU LIB - 8087 emulator library
FILES C - Source file for open files configuration
FILES2 C - Source file for open files configuration
FP87 LIB - 8087 library
GRAPHICS LIB - Graphics library
IMPORT LIB - Windows imports library
MATHERR C - Source code for handling math library exceptions
OVERLAY LIB - Overlays library
WILDARGS OBJ - Object code for module to expand wildcard arguments

BWCC ZIP - Compressed BWCC.DLL
BWCC DLL - Custom controls dynamic link library

CLASSEXM ZIP - C++ class library example files

DIRECTRY CPP - Directory class example file
FILEDATA CPP - FileData class example file
LOOKUP CPP - Lookup table example
LOOKUP PRJ - Project file for LOOKUP.CPP
QUEUETST CPP - Queue class example file
REVERSE CPP - String class example file
REVERSE PRJ - Project file for REVERSE.CPP
STRNGMAX CPP - String class example file
TESTDIR CPP - Directory example file

DRAGDROP C - Windows 3.1 example file
DRAGDROP DEF - Windows 3.1 example file
DRAGDROP PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file
DRAGDROP RC - Windows 3.1 example file

FILT ZIP - zip file

CONVERT1 INC - Tasm example file
CONVERT2 INC - Tasm example file
DEMO2 BAT - Tasm example file
DEMO3 BAT - Tasm example file
FILT ASM - Tasm example file
FILT DOC - Tasm example file
FILT MAK - Tasm example file
FILT RSP - Tasm example file
GLOBALS INC - Tasm example file
OBYTEHI ASM - Tasm example file
OBYTELOW ASM - Tasm example file
OBYTENRM ASM - Tasm example file
OCMDNUM ASM - Tasm example file
OERREXIT ASM - Tasm example file
OFCREATE ASM - Tasm example file
OFILALOC ASM - Tasm example file
OFILCLOS ASM - Tasm example file
OFILEFIL ASM - Tasm example file
OFILFREE ASM - Tasm example file
OFILREAD ASM - Tasm example file
OFILWRIT ASM - Tasm example file
OFLFLUSH ASM - Tasm example file
OFOPENR ASM - Tasm example file
OFOPENW ASM - Tasm example file
OLOCASE ASM - Tasm example file
OPARSCMD ASM - Tasm example file
OPRCBYTE ASM - Tasm example file
OPROCDOC ASM - Tasm example file
OPROCLIN ASM - Tasm example file
OSETOPTN ASM - Tasm example file
OSPACES ASM - Tasm example file
OSTORSPC ASM - Tasm example file
OSTORTAB ASM - Tasm example file
OTABCLR ASM - Tasm example file
OTABNEXT ASM - Tasm example file
OTABRSET ASM - Tasm example file
OTABSET ASM - Tasm example file
OUPCASE ASM - Tasm example file
SHOW87 ASM - Tasm example file
SHOW87 DOC - Tasm example file
VIDEO1 INC - Tasm example file
VIDEO2 INC - Tasm example file

MLIB ZIP - Medium model libraries

C0M OBJ - Medium model startup code
CM LIB - Medium model run-time library
MATHM LIB - Medium model math library

SOUNDER C - Windows 3.1 example file
SOUNDER DEF - Windows 3.1 example file
SOUNDER H - Windows 3.1 example file
SOUNDER PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file
SOUNDER RC - Windows 3.1 example file
SOUNDER WAV - Windows 3.1 example file

TASM CA1 - Turbo Assembler 3.0 and Utilities

H2ASH EXE - Utility to convert .h files to .ash files
TASM EXE - Turbo Assembler 3.0 DOS
TASM TAH - Turbo Assembler Help text file
TASMX EXE - Turbo Assembler 3.0 with DPMI Support
TCREF EXE - Turbo Assembler cross-reference utility

TFEXMPL ZIP - Packed example files for Turbo Profiler

CALLTEST C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features
CALLTEST EXE - Executable file For C Pascal Program
PLOST C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features
PLOST EXE - Executable file For C Program
PRIME0 C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features
PRIME0 EXE - Executable file For C Program
PRIME1 C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features
PRIME1 EXE - Executable file For C Program
PRIME2 C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features
PRIME2 EXE - Executable file For C Program
PRIME3 C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features
PRIME3 EXE - Executable file For C Program
PRIME4 C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features
PRIME4 EXE - Executable file For C Program
PRIME5 C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features
PRIME5 EXE - Executable file For C Program
PRIME6 C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features
PRIME6 EXE - Executable file For C Program
PTOLL C - C Program to Demonstrate Turbo Profiler Features
PTOLL EXE - Executable file For C Program

WHELP2 CA5 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP

MARS DLL - Pen windows character recognition dll
MARS MOB - Pen windows character recognition file
DIB DRV - device independent bitmap driver
DIB DRV - device independent bitmap driver
EXPAND EXE - DOS command-line expansion (LZ)
MSMOUSE DRV - mouse driver(pen windows)
PENWIN DLL - pen windows dll
PENWIN DLL - pen windows dll
PENWIN INI - Pen Windows configuration file
REGLOAD EXE - registration database support
REGLOAD EXE - registration database support
SHELL DLL - registration, drag&drop, icon extraction
STRESS DLL - stress testing dll
VGAP DRV - VGA driver(pen windows)
YESMOUSE DRV - mouse driver(pen windows)

HEAP ZIP - zip file
DEMO_MEM BAT - Tasm example file
DISPLAY ASM - Tasm example file
DISPLAY INC - Tasm example file
MEM ASM - Tasm example file
MEM INC - Tasm example file
MEMTEST ASM - Tasm example file
MEMTEST MAK - Tasm example file
VMTUTIL INC - Tasm example file

IDE ZIP - Files in Borland C++ Compiler - IDE version

GREP2MSG EXE - GREP filter program for IDE
IMPL2MSG EXE - IMPLIB filter program for Programmer's Platform
PRJCNVT EXE - Utility to convert from Turbo C 2.x project files to
Borland C++ project files
TASM2MSG EXE - TASM filter program for IDE
TEMC EXE - Turbo editor macro compiler

LIST ASM - Turbo Assembler queue example file
LIST ASO - Turbo Assembler queue example file
NODE ASM - Turbo Assembler queue example file
NODE ASO - Turbo Assembler queue example file
OOP ASM - Turbo Assembler queue example file
QUEUE ASM - Turbo Assembler queue example file
QUEUE ASO - Turbo Assembler queue example file
STACK ASM - Turbo Assembler queue example file
STACK ASO - Turbo Assembler queue example file

RW CA1 - Compressed Resource Workshop files

LOADBWCC EXE - Loads bwcc.dll for custom apps
WORKED1 DLL - Menu editor
WORKED2 DLL - Icon, cursor, bitmap, and font editors
WORKED3 DLL - Dialog editor
WORKED4 DLL - Stringtable editor
WORKED5 DLL - Accelerator table editor
WORKHELP HLP - Help file
WORKLIB1 DLL - Resource compiler, resource data base
WORKLIB2 DLL - Custom controls
WORKSHOP EXE - Main program

SLIB ZIP - Small model libraries

C0S OBJ - Small model startup code
C0T OBJ - Tiny model startup code
CS LIB - Small model run-time library
MATHS LIB - Small model math library

TASM CA2 - Split File of TASM.ZIP

TCALC ZIP - Tcalc sources and doc
TCALC C - TurboCalc main program source code
TCALC DOC - TurboCalc documentation
TCALC H - The Header file for TurboCalc
TCALC PRJ - The TurboCalc project file
TCDISPLY C - TurboCalc screen display source code
TCINPUT C - TurboCalc input routines source code
TCOMMAND C - TurboCalc commands source code
TCPARSER C - TurboCalc input parser source code
TCUTIL C - TurboCalc utilities source code

TCHELP TCH - C++ help file for command-line tools
THELP COM - Pop-up help utility program

WINHELP TCH - Windows help file for command-line tools

TD CA1 - Turbo Debugger Programs for DOS Debugging
TD EXE - Turbo Debugger Program for DOS
TD286 EXE - Protected Mode Turbo Debugger
TD386 EXE - Utility for 80386/80486 Virtual Mode Debugging

TDW CA1 - Turbo Debugger Programs and Utilities for Windows

TDDEBUG 386 - Device driver for 80386/80486 processors
TDW EXE - Turbo Debugger Program for Windows
TDWHELP TDH - Help file for the TDW Debugger
TDWINST EXE - Custom configuration Program for TDW
WREMOTE EXE - Remote Debugging Utility for use in MS-Windows w/ TD.EXE
WRSETUP EXE - Utility to set Parameters in MS-Windows for WREMOTE.EXE

TCWHELP HLP - Help file with Windows API

WHELP2 CA4 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP

BC CA1 - Borland C++ compiler - IDE version
BC EXE - Borland C++ compiler (IDE)

BIN ZIP - Miscellaneous binary files

DPMI16BI OVL - Borland C++ DPMI Server
DPMIINST EXE - Borland C++ DPMI Configuration program
DPMILOAD EXE - Borland C++ DPMI loader
DPMIMEM DLL - Borland C++ DPMI memory manager
DPMIRES EXE - Borland C++ DPMI resident loader(user executable)
EMSTEST COM - Utility program for detecting expanded memory
GREP COM - Turbo GREP program
IMPDEF EXE - Utility to convert DEF files to LIB files
IMPLIB EXE - Utility to convert LIB files to DEF files
OBJXREF COM - Object file cross-reference utility
PATCH COM - Patch program
PRJ2MAK EXE - Utility to convert a BC project file into a BCC make file
PRJCFG EXE - Utility to convert a BC project file into a TURBOC.CFG
SERVER DIF - Patch file for EMM386
TLIB EXE - Borland Turbo Librarian
TOUCH COM - Program that updates a file's date and time
TRANCOPY EXE - Utility to copy Transfer items between .PRJ files
TRIGRAPH EXE - Trigraph conversion utility

TDUTIL ZIP - Turbo Debugger Utility Programs for DOS

TD286INS EXE - Kernel Configuration Program for Installing TD286.EXE
TDDEV EXE - Program to Display Currently Active Device Drivers
TDH386 SYS - Device Driver for TD386.EXE
TDHELP TDH - Help file for the TD, TD286, and TD386 Debuggers
TDINST EXE - Custom Configuration Program for TD, TD286, TD386
TDMAP EXE - Converts .MAP files Generated for CodeView to TD Format
TDMEM EXE - Utility to Display Current Memory Mapping and Usage
TDNMI COM - Program to Clear NMI switch
TDREMOTE EXE - Remote Debugging Utility for use at DOS w/ TD.EXE/TDRF.EXE
TDRF EXE - Remote file Transfer Utility for use with TDREMOTE.EXE
TDSTRIP EXE - Utility to Strip Debug Information from .EXE files
TDUMP EXE - Dumps Symbolic Information from .EXE/.OBJ files

TRUETYPE C - Windows 3.1 example file
TRUETYPE DEF - Windows 3.1 example file
TRUETYPE DLG - Windows 3.1 example file
TRUETYPE H - Windows 3.1 example file
TRUETYPE ICO - Windows 3.1 example file
TRUETYPE PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file
TRUETYPE RC - Windows 3.1 example file
WHELP2 CA3 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP
WINCLUDE ZIP - Windows Header files
CDERR H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
COLORDLG H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
COMMDLG H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
CPL H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
CUSTCNTL H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
DDE H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
DDEML H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
DLGS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
DRIVINIT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
LZEXPAND H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
MMSYSTEM H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
MMSYSTEM INC - Borland C++ RTL Header file
OLE H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
PENWIN H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
PENWOEM H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
PRINT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
SHELLAPI H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
STRESS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
TOOLHELP H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
TOOLHELP INC - Borland C++ RTL Header file
VER H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
WFEXT H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
WIN30 H - Borland C++ RTL Header file (for Windows 3.0 development)
WINDOWS H - Borland C++ RTL Header file
WINDOWS INC - Borland C++ RTL Header file
WINDOWSX H - Borland C++ RTL Header file

TPROFW EXE - Turbo Profiler program for Windows

WBIN CA2 - Split File of WBIN.ZIP

WBIN CA3 - Split File of WBIN.ZIP
WBIN CA4 - Split File of WBIN.ZIP
WHELP1 CA3 - Split File of WHELP1.ZIP

BC CA2 - Split File of BC.ZIP
RW CA2 - Split File of RW.ZIP
TPROF ZIP - Turbo Profiler Programs and Utilities
TDH386 SYS - Device Driver for TPROF.EXE
TF386 EXE - Utility For 80386/80486 Virtual Profiling
TFHELP TFH - Help file for TPROF.EXE
TFINST EXE - Configuration Customization Program for TPROF.EXE
TFREMOTE EXE - Remote Profiling Kernel for TPROF
TPROF EXE - Turbo Profiler program

WBIN CA5 - Split File of WBIN.ZIP

WIN31BIN CA2 - Split File of WIN31BIN.ZIP

RW CA3 - Split File of RW.ZIP
WHELP1 CA2 - Split File of WHELP1.ZIP
WHELP3 CA2 - Split File of WHELP3.ZIP
WHELP3 CA5 - Split File of WHELP3.ZIP

DUAL8514 DLL - Super VGA support for TDW and TPROFW with an 8514 video
STB DLL - Super VGA support for TDW and TPROFW with an STB video
TDVESA DLL - Super VGA support for TDW and TPROFW with an VESA video
VESATEST EXE - Program to test for VESA video card
ATI DLL - Super VGA support for TDW and TPROFW with an ATT video
TDWIN DLL - DLL for Turbo Debugger for Windows
TSENG DLL - Super VGA support for TDW and TPROFW with a TSENG based
video card
ULTRA DLL - Super VGA support for TDW and TPROFW with an ULTRA video

WHELP2 CA2 - Split File of WHELP2.ZIP

WHELP3 CA3 - Split File of WHELP3.ZIP
WHELP3 CA4 - Split File of WHELP3.ZIP
WIN31BIN CA3 - Split File of WIN31BIN.ZIP

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