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Cub Scouts Picnic

Just got back from the end-of-the-year Shepherd Cub Scouts picnic. There was a lot of great
food to eat, and then after the boys earned their patches they were able to race their boats
down the Salt River. Josh’s boat spent the first quarter of the race on its side and dragging two
other boats with it, but once it was corrected it made some pretty good distance. Josh and I had
attached spoons to the ends to keep it from getting caught the weeds, but actually I think they
were causing it to spin endlessly.

The Food
There was lots and lots of food, starting with hot dogs cooked on the grill, and then a huge
spread of homemade dishes ranging from macaroni & cheese, salads, jello, chicken, and of
course an almost wider selection of desserts.


The Boat Race

The scouts brought boats which they had made themselve out of common, everyday items.
Josh had built his boat out of an empty jug of orange juice (his favorite thing to drink) and two
twelve ounce Pepsi bottles (my favorite thing to drink). They were held together with copious
amounts of duct tape. A ruler had also been inserted into the top of the orange juice container,
and then taped to a yellow cup which had been split almost in two to create a sail.

We knew that the boat would need to manage on itself once it started to move down the Salt
River, so I helped Josh add plastic spoons to the front and the back. In theory, these would act
as bumpers in case the boat got too close to the shore, brush, or other racing vessels.
We may never know the boat’s full capabilities because it started out tipped sideways with two
other boats stuck to it. After it was straightened out, however, it went a lot faster but turned a lot
more than we had expected.

Were you at the Picnic? Help improve this article by sharing your side of the story? Email Jon
Morgan at

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