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It is a process if gathering information to answer a question

Induction involves observation and investigation into the relationship between meanings and
actions of human subject

Deduction involves the formulation of hypotheses

Basic research
Research done mainly to enhance the understanding of certain problems that
commonly occur in an organization setting and seeking method of solving is called
basic research

Applied research
Research done with the intention of applying the results of the findings to solve
Specific problems currently being experience in an organization

Exploratory research
The perpose of exploratory research is to seek new insights and find out what is happening

Explanatory research
This research explain a situtaion or problem usually in the form in the form of casual relationships

Discriptive research
This type of research sets out to provide an accurate profile of situation, people, or events

Quantitative research
Is a formal, objective, systematic process in which nomarical data is utilized to obtain information
about the world

Qulitative research
In formal, subjective research approch that usually emphasis words rather than number in

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