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If you have a moment, I would like to take you for a walk to a few of my favorite

Our first stop is my work where I am aquatics director. It is here where my
passion for people plays out. For many, learning to swim is a very difficult experience,
carrying them far outside their comfort zone. When I teach them to conquer the fear and
learn the skills, I feel as though I have imparted something more than being able to swim.
I have taught them to be confident in themselves and succeed in the face of difficulty. It
is the most wonderful feeling for me.
If we hurry, we will just be in time to see some of my friends and family at a little
get together they are having. It is these people who mean the most to me. I care for their
welfare and love having them in my life. Don’t worry, they will like you. You are smart
and articulate. Plus they will like your sense of humor.
One last place before our walk is over. Let’s stop at the Temple for a minute. As
you see, I am a modern Jewish woman. And although I have been formed by the world
around me, I still hear the voices of the ancients and feel their presence in my life. Let’s
listen for a moment. Perhaps you hear them too.

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