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Factors of Words Retrieval:
The frequency of word
Semantic linkage
Grammatical category

Theory of Meaning:
Feature Theory
Knowledge-Based Theory

Factors of Words Retrieval:
Frequency of words
The more often a word used more quickly we can call it when we need it.
ex: mengharapkan; menutup – higher frequency
memalarkan; memala

A word that can be described or imagined easily will be more
understood and remembered easily.
ex: the concrete word is easier to be remembered than
the abstract word
Semantic Linkage
Certain words carry closer relationship of meaning to
certain another words and not to certain other words.
ex: bird  parrot, dove
parrot  bird (than animal)
Grammatical category
A word that sprained always replaced by the words that
have the same syntactic category - nouns by nouns, verbs
by verbs, and so on.
mencari nafkah  mencuri nafkah
[pencuri, pencurian, pencari atau pencarian]
morphemes that sound the same or similar stored at
adjacent sites
the characteristic of the words that we get in tip of the
(a) same number of syllables of the word.
(b) the first consonant to the word's first consonant is
always the same as the original.
(c) that word sounds similar to the original word
Ex: things are not sacred in Islam that causes a person,
he/she should not pray, tawaf, etc..
hadat, hadis, hadap…? - hadas
Theory of Meaning
Feature theory:
words have integral features-> dog
[+alive], [+animal], [+black, brown, white], [+4 legs], etc.
*My green dog smoked a dozen oranges
*Tutiek mengawini Tomi minggu depan

Knowledge-based Theory,
based on Feature Theory but it’s broader in a sense-> at
e.g. a cat is a cat though it has three legs
(because of the genetic failure)
Humans can understand speech because they can
recognize words that they hear intuitively based on the
knowledge they have about language and their culture.
They can also retrieve the words they need when they
utter them, because these words are systematically
organized in humans’ minds based on various criteria.

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