Spring Semester Review

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Spring Semester Review 26/05/2011 09:35:00

1. Nationalism
2. Touissant L’Overture
3. Simon Bolivar
4. Tanzimat reforms
5. Mehmed II
6. Zionism
7. Hong Xiuquan
8. Taiping Rebellion
9. Opium Wars
10. Boxer Rebellion
11. Zaibatsu
12. Diet
13. Triple Alliance
14. Triple Entente
15. Central Powers
16. Allies
17. Schlieffen Plan
18. Italia Irredenta
19. Bolsheviks
20. Fourteen Points
21. Vladimir Lenin
22. Causes of WWI
23. Balfour Declaration
24. Muslim Brotherhood
25. Treaty of Versailles
26. League of Nations
27. New Economic Policy
28. Kellogg-Briand Pact
29. Blitzkrieg
30. Lebensraum
31. Appeasement
32. Causes of WEC
33. Causes of WWII
34. Axis Powers
35. Yalta Conference
36. Potsdam Conference
37. Hiroshima & Nagasaki
38. Hitler’s foreign policy
39. Josef Stalin
40. Benito Mussolini
41. Satyagraha

1. Nationalism and its impact on world history since 1500.

2. Imperialism and its impact on the various regions of the world that we
have studied.
• Impact had on Europe
• Causes of both WWI and WWII and Vietnam War
• For aggressors and victims
• Ex. Japan’s behavior

3. The causes and nature of various types of revolutions. (political,
economic, social, etc.)
• Usually related to each other
• Good for 2nd semester
• Political revolution: from French to Cuban
• Economic: industrial, result of Great Depression
• Social: women’ movement, big political and econ consequences
• Be clear about the political system
4. Different political economic systems.
5. Causes and consequences of the Cold War.
6. The role of religion in society.
7. Leadership and the nature of consequences of a “cult of personality.”

Economic-political system:
Fascism: anti communist, democracy is a bad idea
• F: Italy
• f: Italy, Germany, Austria
Capitalism: private property
Communism: collective honors hip, share resources
26/05/2011 09:35:00

26/05/2011 09:35:00

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