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Bacc IV/Sociology


Critical about critical sociology:

Three main points in critical about critical sociology will be focused on this work, those are
Africa and history of western dominion, Europe and the rise of white/black racism, and then
reconstructing the history of Africa. As it is seen, all concepts are about two sides: Western
world and third world especially Africa

According to sociological analysis, Africa has been dominated by Western for a very long time,
economically, politically, mentally, in all domains. It is during colonialism period where
domination was manifested, selfishness of Western with exploitation spirit. No social change at
all because human right was not considered but destroyed, Africans were exploited, considered
as slave in their own country. For this, sociologist (Western ones) did not stand in their position
to intervene in such situation, especially for Africans who were ignorant at that time; they did not
know their right as human being. So Africans resist to Westernization because of the way they
are treated, but dependence remain (Africa still depend on Western countries), the situations lead
to racism between two worlds and resistance. This mean deep root of racism were created
between white and black men

For this, two sides are involved, on one hand, in that time (colonial period), there were no
successful sociologist intervention, did not stand in their position to help the one in need, and as
we know “a friend in need is a friend indeed” on the other hand, modern sociologist are required
to not commit the same mistake as the ancient ones, the most concern are Africans they are the
one victims of the period, they know well negative effects of not be considered as Human being.

So, reconstructing the history of Africa will be requiring Africans’ interventions with positive
thought, in their own meaning, rise up and stand for Africa development.
Let’s African achieve their full potential without western dependence but mutual cooperation is
needed and very important for both sides. Even if nowadays dependence is becoming more
political than social, they have to stand up for their right, to be dependant and then be their
selves. It can happen with African cooperativeness

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