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Listen up!

Communicating the Oral/Systemic Connection

onning a glittering silver jacket and pant set,

Photo credit: Shirley Gutkowski

bright blue sunglasses, and wielding an over-
sized toothbrush bearing his name, Dr. Chris
Kammer kicked off day 2 of Xlear’s 3rd Educational
Conference on Xylitol with a riveting opening number.
Calling it a “love song about a toothbrush,” Dr.
Kammer performed an ode to brushing while audience
members illuminated the room with the swaying of
light-up toothbrushes.
Audience members swayed light-up toothbrushes during Dr. Chris Kam-
Attention Please mer’s performance.

“It’s all about getting your attention,” said Dr. Kam-

mer. The second of 3 half-day seminars, Dr. Kammer’s Sweet Treats
opening lecture focused on the need to communicate Another way that Dr. Kammer is hoping to raise
with the public about the oral/systemic connection and awareness about oral health is through the Halloween
the benefits of xylitol for both oral and overall body Candy Buy Back program—a unique initiative that al-
health. lows dentists to buy back children’s unwanted Halloween
“The media is picking up on the oral/systemic con- candy. In his lecture, Dr. Kammer suggested that partici-
nection,” said Dr. Kammer, adding, “infections in the pating offices trade toothbrushes, dental check-ups, or
mouth are killing people.” However, the communi- cleanings in exchange for unwanted candy. The candy is
cation of this message is still falling short, according then donated to military troops overseas.
to Dr. Kammer. In his lecture, Dr. Kammer said that During the Q&A panel, an audience member asked
he has seen several cases in which patients are told to Dr. Kammer about the potential negative oral health
floss more, but are not told that they have gum dis- problems that the troops could experience as a result of
ease. “That’s a problem,” said Dr. Kammer, citing some the consumption of these donated candies. Dr. Kammer
striking statistics in his presentation: said that these sweet treats are a well-deserved indul-
• Eigthy percent of the population has or has had gum gence for the troops and he hopes to see the day when
disease. candy is made with 100% xylitol.
• More than 90% of patients with existing gum dis-
ease go untreated. Celebrity Dentist
One of the most theatrical presenters at Xlear’s
Call to Action conference, Dr. Kammer cited the need for a celebrity
In his lecture, Dr. Kammer said that 90% of patients within the dental industry to communicate the connec-
get prophies; however, he added that if the disease is tion between oral health and overall body health. “The
already present, dental professionals should not provide power of the celebrity can help us all win the battle
a prophy. Expressing his sentiments through an audio against oral disease,” said Dr. Kammer. But the ques-
clip from the film, Network, Dr. Kammer played the tion he posed about who that celebrity might be cur-
following: “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take rently remains unanswered.
this anymore!” Entertaining, yes, but this clip was more Perhaps dentistry may find its most worthy celebrity
than an attention grabber, it was a call to action and dentist candidate in Dr. Kammer. Judging by his tooth-
Dr. Kammer continued to prompt the audience to take brush rap on American Idol’s Milwaukee auditions,
action saying, “Let’s do something about it.” Dr. Kammer is certainly not camera shy. For Dr. Kam-
mer, the American Idol audition and interviews were a
Doing Something About It chance to spread his message, during which he said to
In 2011, Dr. Kammer founded the American Acad- the camera, “There’s a connection between the mouth
emy for Oral Systemic Health (AAOSH) as a way to health and the body health.”
educate the public, media, and health professionals on
the connection between oral health and overall body Battle Against Gum Disease
health. “Dentistry has always been a quiet profession,” Dr. Kammer believes xylitol is an important part of
said Dr. Kammer. One of the ways that Dr. Kammer attacking gum disease. In his lecture, he said that pro-
and the AAOSH are calling attention to the oral/sys- fessionals need to get the public’s and media’s attention
temic connection is through the distribution of press and educate them about xylitol and its benefits to oral
releases that educate the public and the media on this health and overall body health. “The help you can bring
connection. “We need to take gum disease as serious as to your patients can add years to their life, and add life
a heart attack,” he said. According to Dr. Kammer, the to their years,” said Dr. Kammer.
foundation is currently in the process of defining what Whether it’s in the form of press releases, educating
requirements are necessary to join AAOSH. One of the the media, or educating patients, Dr. Kammer said com-
proposed measures would be to require professionals municating the message is key. And where American Idol
to demonstrate a working knowledge of the benefits of is concerned, Dr. Kammer assured the audience that the
xylitol to become AAOSH certified. show hasn’t seen the last of him. Good luck Randy!
—Elyse Fetherman
Photo credit: Shirley Gutkowski

Chris Kammer, DDS

Dr. Kammer is the current president and founder of the
American Academy for Oral Systemic Health (AAOSH).
He is also the chief dental adviser and a frequent con-
tributor to Reader’s Digest. Dr. Kammer also has per-
formed a root canal on The Today Show and “Get Out
the Brush!” on American Idol, Season 10.

Dr. Chris Kammer opened the day’s lectures with an ode to brushing.

Dental Learning

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