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EDMONTON JOURNAL 10005-101 st. Eammonton, Alber roost May27, 2011 ‘To Whom it May Concern 1am pleased to attest tothe outstanding work being done by Lucas Timmons inthe Edmonton Journal newsroom, Inthe space of only a year, Lucas has become a pila of our digltal team and has been identified ‘asa major player in our plans for transforming our newsroom. He is already akey content ‘generator and an inovator online; in the next year, he wl play a pivotal rle in plting 2 ‘community newizoom for Postmedia onsite here at The Journ His atibutes indude the following: Expertise in database mining © Pioneerin the use of tori, Word Cloud and Dipity + Creator afinteratve features such as My Wardrobe (bxtpi/uw edmontonioucnal com/life/mywardrobe/supernauitfindex htm) ‘Awareness and mastery of vrious socal media tos, ‘© Teacherot news procuction (online component} in the journalism program at Grant Macewan University * Accurate and creative ive-blogger and moderator for Cover It Live features His unique cluster of qualities, especialy his journalistic sophistication and tech savey, were Partiulrly valuable in The Journal's coverage ofthe recent federal election in Canad, his, Contribution to which i outlined inthe presentation he has nuded here. Lucas's superior sills and innovation have been recognized atthe highest lvelin Postmedia, the media grous to which Te Journal belongs. As aresut he has been flagged as someone who has the potential to play amajr role with our company in the future | eannot imagine a stronger candidate fora prestigious ONA fellowship. Pease donot haste te contact me fyou would ke more information about Lucas talents Sincerely, () Oot Wr

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