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Case study: How the options evolved

Developing policies In the initial six options, the two extremes were:
A. Local councils should not have more power.
and strategy F. L
 ocal councils should have full power to deliver all services in the locality.
“How much power should local
When the options were amended, option F was revised to add:
councils (parish and town councils)
• Increase duties as well as powers.
have in the 21st century?”
• Acknowledge that this increase in power and duties brings an increased
Two hour event at University of Gloucestershire need for quality control and accountability.
Summer Seminar in Cheltenham in July 2009, for
50 chairs and clerks of parish and town councils. At the merger stage, Option F was merged with option E. The
merged option read:
Local councils should have powers and duties to deliver all appropriate
The Process services in the locality. This should be accompanied by increased:
STARTING OPTIONS resources; quality control; and accountability.
There were six pre-prepared options, written by In the second vote, the merger of E and F came first, just ahead of an
six speakers. option which said that local authorities should have a duty to devolve to local
councils. These two merge to form the final, consensus, option:
VOTE AND DISCUSS Principal authorities and other public service providers should have a
At the start, each option was introduced by a statutory duty to devolve the delivery of services to the local council. This
speaker and there was an initial vote. Then the duty should be supported by devolving financial resources, quality control,

speakers divided themselves between the six accountability and training.
tables at which participants were sitting. They had
ten minutes to present their option in more detail
and get feedback on it. They then moved to the options
next table, visiting all of the tables over an hour.


after initial consultation
plus position in 3rd 2nd 1st
Each speaker then had the opportunity to amend second vote
and/or merge their proposal. At the end of this Final outcome
stage, there were three options. Merged 1st & 2nd choice


There was a second vote on the three options, with By giving revising and merging ideas, the group created an option which
the results discussed briefly by the whole group. reflected the views of a broad range of the participants.

“The room contained a great range of opinions on the future powers that local councils should
have, so I was impressed at how far we moved towards consensus in just a couple of hours.”
Crispin Moor, Executive Director, Commission for Rural Communities

Contacts and further information

For more on Crowd Wise, contact Perry Walker: We acknowledge funding from the Ministry of Justice’s Building
020 7820 6360 Democracy Innovation Fund.

Crowd Wise
Case studies can be downloaded at We also acknowledge the creative
www.neweconomics/programmes/democracy-and-participation design ideas supplied by Rachel 18680 06/10

For the theory of consensus voting,

Anderson, Asbjørn Clemmensen
and Ben Wilson, Masters students Wise
in the Department of Typography
Turning differences into effective decisions
contact Peter Emerson, The de Borda Institute and Graphic Communication at the
028 9071 1795 University of Reading.
Registered charity number 1055254
June 2010 © nef (the new economics foundation)

D E F Consensus voting
5 6 2 1 3 4
Crowd Wise is a participative method for taking shared decisions. It produces
2 1 5 6 4 3
outcomes which the participants are more likely to support or be able to live with.
“At AFC Wimbledon, the club I support, we’ve known for a long
Crowd Wise is a tested and flexible format which can be used for a wide range of time that traditional decision-making meetings and structures aren’t
issues and decisions. It can work as a single event, or over a period of time; it can engaging our members in key strategic decisions in a way that as a
work for 15 people or 1500; it can be used to set priorities, allocate budgets or mutual society they should be. I’m very excited that in Crowd Wise
respond to a consultation. we may have found the solution.”
Dave Boyle, Chief Executive, Supporters Direct

What does Crowd Wise aim to do?

• Help people find common ground
• Avoid polarisation
• Take decisions that work for everyone
• Achieve more productive outcomes

A B C Majority voting
How is Crowd Wise used to
make decisions?
• The votes are counted. The higher
the number of points earned by 2nd 1st 5th 6th 4th 3rd Q&A How does Crowd Wise encourage a
constructive discussion?
Could an apparent consensus give
no-one what they really want?
C There are several elements to making the top option, the greater the Majority voting What can Crowd Wise be used for?
With consensus voting, each In Crowd Wise, people have an
good decisions. Crowd Wise provides degree of consensus. participant has an incentive to engage incentive to engage constructively with
Common Ground
different ways to tackle each2nd
one. 1st 5th Lots
6thof people
4th 3rd
can take part, both in Involving members
in decision making
service users with the others, in the hope of the other participants. This often leads
1. A range of options is developed. D
developing E
and discussing F
the options Consensus voting persuading them to rate their preferred to options being amended to reflect
Points 5 6 2 1 3 4
and in voting. Crowd Wise is relatively SU SU option, say, third instead of fifth. The better what people want.
quick: it can sometimes be done in just
Preference process itself encourages a search for In addition, this danger is more likely
two to three hours.
Consensus voting
1 5 6 4 3
common ground.
5 6 2 1 3 4
Majority voting SU when people are put under pressure to
This incentive would not exist in an give up what they want for the sake of
How Crowd Wise2nd produces
1st better,
5th 6th 4th 3rd Developing policies Participatory
either/or vote, when everyone will talk reaching agreement. This is much less
2 1 5 6 4 3 and strategy budgeting
more acceptable decisions up their choice and criticise the likely where people are casting their
1. There is a range of options. This is alternative. Nor would it exist if people vote on a ballot paper which is only
important because decisions are were not expressing their preferences on seen by the people counting the votes.
D E F rarely a matter of black and white. • The chosen option is often a
Consensus voting all the options.
5 6 2 1 3 composite
4 of some or all of the Can Crowd Wise help resolve
original options. Can the voting be done on-line? conflict?
Responding to a
oting • The voting shows how much 2 1 5 6 4 3 consultation
Definitely! nef has already developed a Yes. A forerunner of Crowd Wise was
consensus there is. If there is not
free tool for online consensus voting. used in Belfast in 1986 to discuss the
enough, that is a sign to continue
2. Consensus emerges through a constitutional status of Northern Ireland.
the process.
combination of discussion and voting: Can you tell how much consensus Over 200 people, including politicians
4. People find common ground with there is? - both unionists and Sinn Féin – chose
• Discussion leads to options being each other. This means that people
adapted to widen their appeal, Yes. The winner’s score will tell you this: this outcome from a list of ten options:
are not polarised. No-one votes
s voting and sometimes to mergers How many people can be involved? “Northern Ireland to have devolution
2. The options reflect the views of the against any option: they vote for all • If the top scoring option is well
between options. This autumn (2010), the biggest Crowd and power-sharing with a Belfast-
participants. The options are either the options, to different degrees. In ahead of the rest, it is likely to be
developed by the participants, or, Wise project so far will offer all the Dublin-London tripartite agreement.”
5 6 4• C rowd
3 Wise uses a form of voting addition, people have an incentive to very acceptable.
if they were prepared before the engage with the other participants, 1500 members of AFC Wimbledon, a It was a mini-Good Friday Agreement,
called ‘consensus voting’. All • If the top scoring option is some
participants are invited to rank the discussion, they are adapted to to understand how they can community-owned football club, the 12 years ahead of its time!
way ahead of the rest, it is likely to
options in order of preference. The reflect the values and interests of make their preferred option more opportunity to contribute ideas for the
be acceptable for all but the most
higher the preference, the greater the participants. appealing to others. options, and then discuss them, for
contentious issues.
the number of points. 3. The option that is chosen also example by filling in a blank page in the
Common Ground programme, or coming to a meeting • If no option has much of a lead, it is
reflects the views of the participants. Involving members Involving
Preference This is because: before a home game. There isinno decision
limit making probably best to keep talking and then
service users

to the number of people who can be run another vote.

• The voting reflects people’s
Majority voting SU SU
Common Ground
preferences on all the options. Involving members Involving involved in the voting. At the other end Sometimes two options are ahead
2nd 1st 5th 6th 4th 3rd This contrasts with majority in decision making service users of the scale, the process has worked of the
SUpack. Then SU it is a question of
voting where people vote only with as few as ten people. whether there
SU are compatible elements
Points for one option. in each that can be combined to make
Developing policies Participatory
SU SU and strategy a new option.
Consensus voting
5 6 2 1 3 4 Common Ground Developing policies Participatory Involving members Involving
and strategy budgeting in decision making service users
2 1 5 6 4 3

D E F Consensus voting
5 6 2 1 3 4
Crowd Wise is a participative method for taking shared decisions. It produces
2 1 5 6 4 3
outcomes which the participants are more likely to support or be able to live with.
“At AFC Wimbledon, the club I support, we’ve known for a long
Crowd Wise is a tested and flexible format which can be used for a wide range of time that traditional decision-making meetings and structures aren’t
issues and decisions. It can work as a single event, or over a period of time; it can engaging our members in key strategic decisions in a way that as a
work for 15 people or 1500; it can be used to set priorities, allocate budgets or mutual society they should be. I’m very excited that in Crowd Wise
respond to a consultation. we may have found the solution.”
Dave Boyle, Chief Executive, Supporters Direct

What does Crowd Wise aim to do?

• Help people find common ground
• Avoid polarisation
• Take decisions that work for everyone
• Achieve more productive outcomes

A B C Majority voting
How is Crowd Wise used to
make decisions?
• The votes are counted. The higher
the number of points earned by 2nd 1st 5th 6th 4th 3rd Q&A How does Crowd Wise encourage a
constructive discussion?
Could an apparent consensus give
no-one what they really want?
C There are several elements to making the top option, the greater the Majority voting What can Crowd Wise be used for?
With consensus voting, each In Crowd Wise, people have an
good decisions. Crowd Wise provides degree of consensus. participant has an incentive to engage incentive to engage constructively with
Common Ground
different ways to tackle each2nd
one. 1st 5th Lots
6thof people
4th 3rd
can take part, both in Involving members
in decision making
service users with the others, in the hope of the other participants. This often leads
1. A range of options is developed. D
developing E
and discussing F
the options Consensus voting persuading them to rate their preferred to options being amended to reflect
Points 5 6 2 1 3 4
and in voting. Crowd Wise is relatively SU SU option, say, third instead of fifth. The better what people want.
quick: it can sometimes be done in just
Preference process itself encourages a search for In addition, this danger is more likely
two to three hours.
Consensus voting
1 5 6 4 3
common ground.
5 6 2 1 3 4
Majority voting SU when people are put under pressure to
This incentive would not exist in an give up what they want for the sake of
How Crowd Wise2nd produces
1st better,
5th 6th 4th 3rd Developing policies Participatory
either/or vote, when everyone will talk reaching agreement. This is much less
2 1 5 6 4 3 and strategy budgeting
more acceptable decisions up their choice and criticise the likely where people are casting their
1. There is a range of options. This is alternative. Nor would it exist if people vote on a ballot paper which is only
important because decisions are were not expressing their preferences on seen by the people counting the votes.
D E F rarely a matter of black and white. • The chosen option is often a
Consensus voting all the options.
5 6 2 1 3 composite
4 of some or all of the Can Crowd Wise help resolve
original options. Can the voting be done on-line? conflict?
Responding to a
oting • The voting shows how much 2 1 5 6 4 3 consultation
Definitely! nef has already developed a Yes. A forerunner of Crowd Wise was
consensus there is. If there is not
free tool for online consensus voting. used in Belfast in 1986 to discuss the
enough, that is a sign to continue
2. Consensus emerges through a constitutional status of Northern Ireland.
the process.
combination of discussion and voting: Can you tell how much consensus Over 200 people, including politicians
4. People find common ground with there is? - both unionists and Sinn Féin – chose
• Discussion leads to options being each other. This means that people
adapted to widen their appeal, Yes. The winner’s score will tell you this: this outcome from a list of ten options:
are not polarised. No-one votes
s voting and sometimes to mergers How many people can be involved? “Northern Ireland to have devolution
2. The options reflect the views of the against any option: they vote for all • If the top scoring option is well
between options. This autumn (2010), the biggest Crowd and power-sharing with a Belfast-
participants. The options are either the options, to different degrees. In ahead of the rest, it is likely to be
developed by the participants, or, Wise project so far will offer all the Dublin-London tripartite agreement.”
5 6 4• C rowd
3 Wise uses a form of voting addition, people have an incentive to very acceptable.
if they were prepared before the engage with the other participants, 1500 members of AFC Wimbledon, a It was a mini-Good Friday Agreement,
called ‘consensus voting’. All • If the top scoring option is some
participants are invited to rank the discussion, they are adapted to to understand how they can community-owned football club, the 12 years ahead of its time!
way ahead of the rest, it is likely to
options in order of preference. The reflect the values and interests of make their preferred option more opportunity to contribute ideas for the
be acceptable for all but the most
higher the preference, the greater the participants. appealing to others. options, and then discuss them, for
contentious issues.
the number of points. 3. The option that is chosen also example by filling in a blank page in the
Common Ground programme, or coming to a meeting • If no option has much of a lead, it is
reflects the views of the participants. Involving members Involving
Preference This is because: before a home game. There isinno decision
limit making probably best to keep talking and then
service users

to the number of people who can be run another vote.

• The voting reflects people’s
Majority voting SU SU
Common Ground
preferences on all the options. Involving members Involving involved in the voting. At the other end Sometimes two options are ahead
2nd 1st 5th 6th 4th 3rd This contrasts with majority in decision making service users of the scale, the process has worked of the
SUpack. Then SU it is a question of
voting where people vote only with as few as ten people. whether there
SU are compatible elements
Points for one option. in each that can be combined to make
Developing policies Participatory
SU SU and strategy a new option.
Consensus voting
5 6 2 1 3 4 Common Ground Developing policies Participatory Involving members Involving
and strategy budgeting in decision making service users
2 1 5 6 4 3
Case study: How the options evolved

Developing policies In the initial six options, the two extremes were:
A. Local councils should not have more power.
and strategy F. L
 ocal councils should have full power to deliver all services in the locality.
“How much power should local
When the options were amended, option F was revised to add:
councils (parish and town councils)
• Increase duties as well as powers.
have in the 21st century?”
• Acknowledge that this increase in power and duties brings an increased
Two hour event at University of Gloucestershire need for quality control and accountability.
Summer Seminar in Cheltenham in July 2009, for
50 chairs and clerks of parish and town councils. At the merger stage, Option F was merged with option E. The
merged option read:
Local councils should have powers and duties to deliver all appropriate
The Process services in the locality. This should be accompanied by increased:
STARTING OPTIONS resources; quality control; and accountability.
There were six pre-prepared options, written by In the second vote, the merger of E and F came first, just ahead of an
six speakers. option which said that local authorities should have a duty to devolve to local
councils. These two merge to form the final, consensus, option:
VOTE AND DISCUSS Principal authorities and other public service providers should have a
At the start, each option was introduced by a statutory duty to devolve the delivery of services to the local council. This
speaker and there was an initial vote. Then the duty should be supported by devolving financial resources, quality control,

speakers divided themselves between the six accountability and training.
tables at which participants were sitting. They had
ten minutes to present their option in more detail
and get feedback on it. They then moved to the options
next table, visiting all of the tables over an hour.


after initial consultation
plus position in 3rd 2nd 1st
Each speaker then had the opportunity to amend second vote
and/or merge their proposal. At the end of this Final outcome
stage, there were three options. Merged 1st & 2nd choice


There was a second vote on the three options, with By giving revising and merging ideas, the group created an option which
the results discussed briefly by the whole group. reflected the views of a broad range of the participants.

“The room contained a great range of opinions on the future powers that local councils should
have, so I was impressed at how far we moved towards consensus in just a couple of hours.”
Crispin Moor, Executive Director, Commission for Rural Communities

Contacts and further information

For more on Crowd Wise, contact Perry Walker: We acknowledge funding from the Ministry of Justice’s Building
020 7820 6360 Democracy Innovation Fund.

Crowd Wise
Case studies can be downloaded at We also acknowledge the creative
www.neweconomics/programmes/democracy-and-participation design ideas supplied by Rachel 18680 06/10

For the theory of consensus voting,

Anderson, Asbjørn Clemmensen
and Ben Wilson, Masters students Wise
in the Department of Typography
Turning differences into effective decisions
contact Peter Emerson, The de Borda Institute and Graphic Communication at the
028 9071 1795 University of Reading.
Registered charity number 1055254
June 2010 © nef (the new economics foundation)

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