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A Partial Solar Eclipse will occur on 1st / 2nd June 2011. The Eclipse will be visible from
northern polar region, including Alaska, northern Canada, North America, Greenland, Iceland,
Norway, western Siberia,, northern China, North Korea and Japan. It will not be visible from
Pakistan, since Pakistan and lots of its adjoining area will be facing night during the Eclipse. Total
duration of the Eclipse will be 3 hours and 42 minutes.

Time of occurrence
Stage of Partial Eclipse
(Pakistan Standard Time)

Beginning of the eclipse 00:25 Hours

Greatest Eclipse 02:16 hours

Ending of the eclipse 04:07 Hours

Area of Eclipse Visibility

. A very small partial eclipse can be seen from northern Alaska, northern Canada, Greenland,
Iceland, and portions of northeastern Asia. A partial solar eclipse occurs when the moon’s shadow
misses the earth but passes very close to it. This allows many viewers the opportunity to view at
least a small portion of the sun being blocked by the moon.

The Eclipse’s Path

The path of the partial solar eclipse begins at sunrise in Siberia and northern China at 00:25
Hrs PST. he eclipse’s path will travel northeast and end at 04:07 Hrs PST, just north of
Newfoundland in the Atlantic Ocean.

Greatest Eclipse Occurrence

The greatest eclipse occurs in far northwestern Russia, near Cheshskaya Bay at 02:16 Hrs
PST with a magnitude of 0.602. This will occur about two hours after the eclipse begins its path from
Siberia. An eclipse magnitude of 0.601 will be visible from the Arctic coast of western Siberia, while
Icelanders will receive a magnitude of 0.462 just before sunset. The northern parts of Norway,
Sweden and Finland will also get a midnight sun eclipse.

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