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The film we saw in class speaks about Planet Earth and how is a
blue planet called high share of water. something that caught
my much attention was that in the video explain the origin of
seawater and mentioned that a large percentage of water
produced by the magma of volcanoes, the magma that
produced the steam was being generated clouds and rain that
was generated last long and it was raining as I think great
percentage of seas, the rest of the sea water, mentioned in the
film came from a meteorite that had large percentage of water
ice and the meteorite struck the earth, filling the sea water.

I think the relationship you have this movie with our career
glance have nothing in common but I think it is not simply the
ecological, is something that encompasses all we are all
responsible for our environment, we must all take care, and if in
us this the possibility of creating awareness, we must not lose our
principles, we care for our environment in general.

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