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FAQ in C++ by





FAQ in C++ by


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FAQ in C++ by
1. What is a class?
A class is a way to bind data and associated functions together. Actually, class is
an extension of the data type structure which can hold data and functions both as
its members with providing data hiding property. Class is a new kind of data type.
A class is usually declared as follows:-
class A {
int number;
float cost;
public :
void get_data(int a, float b);
void put_data( void);
Generally, variables are declared as private by default and functions are made

2. What is an object?
Class variables are called objects. There are two types of procedures to create
objects. Most common procedure is to create them at the place of their use.

Creation of object at the place of their Creation of object at the start of the
use program
class A { class A {
int number; int number;
float cost; float cost;
public : public :
void get_data(int a, float b); void get_data(int a, float b);
void put_data(void); void put_data(void);
}; }x,y;
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
item x,y; - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -

Here, x & y are the two objects created of the class item. By the creation of
objects, the necessary memory space is allocated. The purest definition of object
may be “a region of storage” (this is a more specific way of saying, “an object
must have a unique identifier,” which in the case of C++ is a unique memory
address). It’s a place where we can store data, and it’s implied that there are also
operations that can be performed on this data.

3. What is the difference between an object and a class?

Class is a special type of data types (much like structure with some additional
features) but objects are the variables of a class.

4. What is the difference between class and structure?

The members of a structure are public by default, while in class, the members are
private by default. In a class, one can make a member public or private or
protected as per his/her desire. But, structure does not provide data hiding.

FAQ in C++ by
5. What is public, protected, private?
Public, protected & private are the three access specifiers used to select the nature
of the class members.
 A member (data or function) declared in a public section of a class can be
accessed by anyone.
 A member (data or function) declared in a protected section of a class can
only be accessed by member functions and friends of that class, and by
member functions and friends of derived classes.
 A member (data or function) declared in a private section of a class can only
be accessed by member functions and friends of that class.

6. What are virtual functions?

A virtual function allows derived classes to replace the implementation provided
by the base class. When we use the same function name (or we want to enjoy run-
time-polymorphism) in the base and the derived class, the function in the base
class is declared virtual as shown below:
class base { - - - -
- - - -
virtual void show()
{ - - body of the show function - - }
class derived : public base
{ - - - -
- - - -
void show()
{ - - body of the show function - - }
Once the “show()” function is made virtual, we can execute different versions
(base version or derived version) of the “show()” function by pointing the base
pointer to different objects. For example:
main() {
base b;
derived d;
base *bptr;
bptr = &b;
bptr -> show(); //calls base version
bptr = &d;
bptr -> show(); //calls derived version
- - - -
- - - -
But, if the “show()” function was not declared virtual, the base pointer (even
when it was made to contain the address of the derived class) would always calls
the base version and always the base version would be executed. That is we
would fail to achieve run time polymorphism. This problem is solved by using
virtual functions.

7. What is friend function?

Friend functions are non member functions of a class who can access the private
members of that class. It is a non member function, but it must be listed in the
class definition.
class A { - - - - - - -

FAQ in C++ by
- - - - - - - -
public :
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
friend void XYZ(void);
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
The friend function XYZ may be defined any where in the program later. But this
type of definition differs from usual member function definition. The difference is
that there is no need for the scope resolution operator. The definition is like that:
void XYZ(void);
Also, the definition does not need the keyword friend again.

8. What is a scope resolution operator?

A scope resolution operator :: is used to define the member functions of a class
outside the class. The declaration and definition of the function is as follows:
class A {
int number;
float cost;
public :
void get_data(int a, float b); //declaration
void put_data(void);
void item :: get_data(int a, float b) //definition
number = a;
cost = b;

9. What do you mean by inheritance?

The C++ classes can be reused in several ways. Once, a class is written and tested
it can be adopted by other programmers. This is basically done by creating a new
class reusing the properties of the existing classes. Inheritance is the process of
creating new classes (derived classes) from existing classes (base classes). The
derived class inherits all the capabilities of the base class, but can add
embellishments and refinements of its own.

10. What is abstraction?

Abstraction is of the process of hiding unwanted details from the user. The
concept of abstraction relates to the idea of hiding data that are not needed for

11. What is polymorphism? Explain with an example.

FAQ in C++ by
“Poly” means “many” and “morph” means “form”. Polymorphism is the ability of
an object to behave differently. This is a crucial feature of OO languages that
provides a mean to extend the functionality of an object. The types of
polymorphism are shown in figure.
Compile time polymorphism is implemented by overloaded functions &
operators. The overloaded member functions are selected for invoking by
matching arguments (both type & number). This information is known to the
compiler at the compile time and so the compiler is able to select the particular
function for a particular call at the compile time itself. This is called early binding
or static binding or static linking. Also known as compile time polymorphism, the
early binding simply means that the object is bound to its function call at the
compile time. For example, the function “add( )” can be overloaded as follows:

Again, an example of operator overloading can be the addition ‘+’ operator is used
for adding two integers or to concatenate two strings.

12. What is encapsulation?

It is n way of preventing unauthorized access to some piece of information or
functionality. The key money-saving insight is to separate the volatile part of
some chunk of software from the stable part. Encapsulation puts a firewall around
the chunk, which prevents other chunks from accessing the volatile parts; other
chunks can only access the stable parts. This prevents the other chunks from
breaking if the volatile parts are changed. In context of OO software, a “chunk” is
normally a class or a tight group of classes.
The “volatile parts” are the implementation details. If the chunk is a single class,
the volatile part is normally encapsulated using the private and/or protected
keywords. If the chunk is a tight group of classes, encapsulation can be used to
deny access to entire classes in that group. Inheritance can also be used as a form
of encapsulation.
The “stable parts” are the interfaces. A good interface provides a simplified view
in the vocabulary of a user, and is designed from the outside-in (here a “user”
means another developer, not the end-user who buys the complete application).
If the chunk is a single class, the interface is simply the class's public member
functions and friend functions. If the chunk is a tight group of classes, the
interface can include several of the classes in the chunk.
Designing a clean interface and separating that interface from its implementation
merely allows users to use the interface. But encapsulating (putting “in a
capsule”) the implementation forces users to use the interface.

FAQ in C++ by
13. What do you mean by binding of data and functions?
This is encapsulation. In other words, it is the ability to package data with
functions which allows us to create a new data type, called “class”.

14. What is function overloading and operator overloading?

Function overloading: - Function overloading is one type of compile-time-
polymorphism. Here, we use different functions of the same name in different
tasks. For example, the function “add( )” can be overloaded as follows:

Operator overloading: - Operator overloading is one of the exciting features of

C++ which gives the ability to provide operators with a special meaning for a data
type. We can overload all C++ operators except:
 Class member access operator ( “.”, “,” and “.*”).
 Scope resolution operator ( “::”).
 Size operator ( “sizeof”).
 Conditional operator ( “?” and “:”).
Operator overloading provides a flexible option for the creation of new definitions
of some C++ operators. The additional task can be given to the operator by using
operator function as follows:
<return type> <class name> :: <operator> (op_areglist)
{ - - - function body - - - } // task defined
We can almost create a new language of our own by creative use of operator
overloading and function overloading together.
Following are the examples of operator overloading. The following code shows
some operators (in pink) being applied to objects of type “Intlist”:-
IntList L1, L2, L3;
L1 += 10;
L3 = L1 + L2;
cout << L1;
if (L1[0] == 5)- - -
if (L1 == L2)- - -
It is important to note that if we do not define these operators to apply to our
class, we will get a compile-time error if when we write code that does apply
them to class objects; the compiler supplies a default version only for operator
“=” (assignment). Note also that when we overload operators, at least one operand
must be a class object (or an enum). For example, you we redefine the plus
operator applied to an “IntList” and an integer, or to two “IntLists”, but we cannot
redefine plus applied to two integers. We also cannot redefine the parity of an
operator; for example, we cannot define plus to have three operands. Unary
operators, and binary operators whose left operands are class objects, can be

FAQ in C++ by
defined either as member functions of that class, or as free functions. Binary
operators whose left operands are not class objects must be defined as free
functions. Now, we will verload the operator “+=”. In the statement:
L1 += 10;
the left operand of += is an “IntList”, and its right operand is an integer.
Therefore, this version of += can be defined either as an “IntList” member
function or as a free function. Here is how it might be defined as a member
class IntList {
void operator+=( int n );
- - - -
void IntList::operator+=( int n )
AddToEnd( n );
Note that it is up to the designer of the class to decide what it means to apply an
operator to a class object. This definition of operator+= adds the right-hand
operand (the integer value) to the end of the list represented by the left-hand
operand (the “IntList” whose member function is called). It would also be
reasonable to define operator+= to add the integer to the front of the list.

15. What is virtual class and friend class?

Virtual class: - This is also known as virtual base class.

Consider a case where all types of inheritances occur namely, multiple, multilevel
and hierarchical. The “Child” class inherits both the “Parent” classes, “Parent 1 &
2”. The two “Parents” are having a common base class “Grandparent”. The
“Child” can inherit the traits of “Grandparent” via the two “Parents” or directly
(dotted line) form the “Grandparent”. Now, during inheritance via “Parents”, the
“Child” may have duplicate sets of members from “Grandparent”, as all public
and protected members are inherited twice from the “Parents” by the “Child”. To
avoid this we need to make the “Grandparent” virtual as follows:
class Grandparent {- - -};
class Parent1 : virtual public Grandparent {- - -};
class Parent2 : virtual public Grandparent {- - -};
class Child : public Parent1, public Parent2 {- - -};
So, this is the concept behind virtual classes or virtual base classes.

FAQ in C++ by
Friend class:- In object-oriented programming to allow access to “private” or
“protected” data of a class in another class, the latter class is declared as a friend
class. A friend class has full access to the private data members of a class without
being a member of that class. A friend class can be declared as shown:
class A {
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
friend class B;
In this example class B has access to private and protected data and member
functions of class A.

16. What do you mean by inline function?

The idea behind inline functions is to insert the code of a called function at the
point where the function is called. Any function defined within a class body is
automatically inline, but we can also make a non-class function inline by
preceding it with the inline keyword. The syntax is:
inline int plusOne(int x) { return ++x; }
We almost always want to put inline definitions in a header file. When the
compiler sees such a definition, it puts the function type (the signature combined
with the return value) and the function body in its symbol table. When we use the
function, the compiler checks to ensure the call is correct and the return value is
being used correctly, and then substitutes the function body for the function call,
thus eliminating the overhead. The inline code does occupy space, but if the
function is small, this can actually take less space than the code generated to do an
ordinary function call.

17. What do you mean by public, private, protected and friendly?

Public, protected & private are the three access specifiers used to select the nature
of the class members.
 A member (data or function) declared in a public section of a class can be
accessed by anyone.
 A member (data or function) declared in a protected section of a class can
only be accessed by member functions and friends of that class, and by
member functions and friends of derived classes.
 A member (data or function) declared in a private section of a class can only
be accessed by member functions and friends of that class.
 There is no keyword like friendly. A class may be friendly to another class
(see friend class in question number 15) or a function may be friendly to a
class (see friend function in question number 7).

18. When an object created and what is is its lifetime?

Objects can be created whenever it is required by the programmer. The life-cycle
for an object begins when it is created, and ends when it is destroyed. Whenever
object of the class is created, constructor is called automatically. Constructors are

FAQ in C++ by
typically used to initialize the data members of the object to their default state, but
may also be used to allocate memory. When the object is deleted, a destructor is
called automatically. The destructor is typically used to deallocate the memory
allocated for that object.

19. What do you mean by multiple inheritance and multilevel inheritance?

Differentiate between them.
Multiple inheritance: - In this type of inheritance, the derived class can inherits
the attributes of two or more classes. For example, a tall & fair child (C) inherits
the tallness of the father (F) and the fairness of the mother (M). This is shown in
the figure below. Here, F & M are the two base classes and C is the derived class.

The syntax of derived class with multiple base classes is as follows:-

class F { - - Body of first base class F - - };
class M { - - Body of second base class M - -};
class C : public F, public M
{- - Body of derived class C - - -};
The access specifier may be public, protected or private
Multilevel inheritance: - This is the process of deriving one class from another
derived class which was derived from a base class.

In the above figure, B1 is the base claas from where the class D1 is derived and
D2 is again derived from D1. The syntax of multilevel inheritance is given below:
class B1 { - - Body of base class B1 - - };
class D1 : public B1 { - - Body of derived class D1 - - };
class D2 : public D1 { - - Body of derived class D2 - - };

20. Difference between realloc() and free?

realloc() free()

FAQ in C++ by
i. The syntax is: i. The syntax is:
void * realloc ( void * ptr, void free ( void * ptr );
size_t size );
ii. It reallocates memory block. The ii. It deallocates space in memory. A
size of the memory block pointed to block of memory previously
by the ptr parameter is changed to allocated using a call to malloc(),
the size bytes, expanding or calloc() or realloc() is
reducing the amount of memory deallocated, making it available
available in the block. again for further allocations
iii. It has two parameters. iii. It has a single parameter ptr. It is a
1) ptr:- Pointer to a memory block pointer to a memory block
previously allocated with previously allocated with
malloc(), calloc() or malloc(), calloc() or
realloc() to be reallocated. realloc() to be deallocated. If a
If this is NULL, a new block is null pointer is passed as argument,
allocated and a pointer to it is no action occurs.
returned by the function.
2) size:- New size for the memory
block, in bytes. If it is 0 and ptr
points to an existing block of
memory, the memory block
pointed by ptr is deallocated
and a NULL pointer is returned.
iv. It returns a pointer to the reallocated iv. It returns nothing.
memory block, which may be either
the same as the ptr argument or a
new location. The type of this
pointer is void*, which can be cast
to the desired type of data pointer in
order to be dereferenceable. If the
function failed to allocate the
requested block of memory, a
NULL pointer is returned.

21. What is a template?

Template is a new concept in c++ that helps to implement generic programming
where generic types are used as parameters in algorithms so that they can work
for variety of datatypes and data structures. There are two applications of
templates: “class templates” and “function templates”. But, only the word
“template” generally refers to class template which is discussed in question
number 24.

FAQ in C++ by
22. What are the main differences between procedure oriented languages and
object oriented languages?

Procedure oriented languages Object oriented languages

i. In procedure oriented i. In object oriented languages,
languages, importance is given importance is given to the
to the sequence of things to be data.
ii. In procedure oriented ii. In object oriented languages,
languages, larger programs are larger programs are divided
divided into functions. into objects.
iii. In procedure oriented iii. In object oriented languages,
languages, most functions mostly the data is private and
share global data. only functions inside the
object can access the data.
iv. Procedure oriented languages iv. Object oriented languages
follows a top down approach follow a bottom up approach.
in problem solving.
v. For example PASCAL, C etc. v. For example, SMALLTALK,
JAVA, C#, C++ etc.

23. What is R T T I?
Run Time Type Identification is a mechanism that helps us to determine the type
of an object during program execution. There are three main C++ language
elements for RTTI as follows:
The dynamic_cast operator: Used for conversion of polymorphic types.
The typeid operator: Used for identifying the exact type of an object.
The typeinfo class: Used to hold the type information returned by the typeid

24. What are generic functions and generic classes?

Generic functions: - Generic functions are functions that can be used for
operations on several data types at time. The concept of template enables us to
define generic functions. For example, consider a swapping program using
templates as follows:
template <class T >
void swap(T &x, T &y);
temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
We can invoke the swap() like an ordinary function as follows:
void f(int m, int n, float a, float b)
swap(m,n) //swap two integers
swap(a,b) //swap two floats

FAQ in C++ by
Here, the function swap() is generic because it is used for swapping integers and
floats at a time.
Generic class:- Generic classes are those classes that can have members that use
template parameters as types. For example:
template <class T>
class mypair {
T values [2];
mypair (T first, T second)
values[0]=first; values[1]=second;
The class mypair is used to store two elements of any datatype. For example, if
we wanted to declare an object of this class to store two integers 15 & 14 we’ll
mypair<int> myobject (115, 36);
the same class can also be used to create an object to store floats:
mypair<double> myfloats (3.0, 2.18);

25. What is namespace?

Namespaces allow us to group a set of global classes, objects and/or functions
under a name. They serve to split the global scope in sub scopes known as
namespaces. The form to use namespaces is:
namespace <identifier> { namespace-body }
Where identifier is any valid identifier and namespace-body is the set of
classes, objects and functions that are included within the namespace. For
namespace admiral { int a, b; }
In this case, a and b are normal variables integrated within the admiral
namespace. In order to access to these variables from outside the namespace we
have to use the scope resolution operator ::. For example, to access the previous
variables we would have to put:
admiral::a admiral::b
The functionality of namespaces is especially useful in case that there is a
possibility that a global object or function can have the same name than another
one, causing a redefinition error.

26. What is the difference between pass by reference and pass by value?
Pass by value:- When we pass an argument to a function, a copy of that argument
is made inside the function. This is referred to as pass-by-value. The effect of
pass-by-value is shown bellow:
void f(int a)
cout << "a = " << a << endl;
a = 5;
cout << "a = " << a << endl;
int main()
int x = 47;
cout << "x = " << x << endl;
cout << "x = " << x << endl;

FAQ in C++ by
In f( ), a is a local variable, so it exists only for the duration of the function call to
f( ). Because it’s a function argument, the value of a is initialized by the
arguments that are passed when the function is called; in main( ) the argument is
x, which has a value of 47, so this value is copied into a when f( ) is called.

When we run this program we’ll see:

x = 47
a = 47
a = 5
x = 47
Initially, of course, x is 47. When f( ) is called, temporary space is created to hold
the variable a for the duration of the function call, and a is initialized by copying
the value of x, which is verified by printing it out. Of course, we can change the
value of a and show that it is changed. But when f( ) is completed, the temporary
space that was created for a disappears, and we see that the only connection that
ever existed between a and x happened when the value of x was copied into a.

Pass by reference:- C++ allows an additional way to pass an address into a

function. This is pass-by-reference.
void f(int& r)
cout << "r = " << r << endl;
cout << "&r = " << &r << endl;
r = 5;
cout << "r = " << r << endl;
int main()
int x = 47;
cout << "x = " << x << endl;
cout << "&x = " << &x << endl;
f(x); // Looks like pass-by-value,
// is actually pass by reference
cout << "x = " << x << endl;
In f( )’s argument list, we make int& to pass a reference. Inside f( ), if we just say
‘r’ (which would produce the address if r were a pointer) we get the value in the
variable that r references. If we assign to r, we actually assign to the variable that r
references. In fact, the only way to get the address that’s held inside r is with the
‘&’ operator.
In main( ), we can see the key effect of references in the syntax of the call to f( ),
which is just f(x). Even though this looks like an ordinary pass-by-value, the
effect of the reference is that it actually takes the address and passes it in, rather
than making a copy of the value. The output is:
x = 47
&x = 0065FE00
r = 47
&r = 0065FE00
r = 5
x = 5

FAQ in C++ by
So you can see that pass-by-reference allows a function to modify the outside
object, just like passing a pointer does in C. Actually in C, pointer passing is the
only way to pass-by-reference as it does not support a reference to be passed
directly. You can also observe that the reference obscures the fact that an address
is being passed.

27. Why do we use virtual functions?

We use it to achieve dynamic polymorphism. For a virtual function which is
defined in both the base and derived classes, the decision of which
implementation to call is taken at runtime depending on the type of object, and
NOT depending on the declaration type of pointer/reference. For example:
When we use the same function name in the base and the derived class, the
function in the base class is declared virtual as shown below:
class base { - - - -
- - - -
virtual void show()
{ - - body of the show function - - }
class derived : public base
{ - - - -
- - - -
void show()
{ - - body of the show function - - }
Once the “show()” function is made virtual, we can execute different versions
(base version or derived version) of the “show()” function by pointing the base
pointer to different objects. For example:
main() {
base b;
derived d;
base *bptr;
bptr = &b;
bptr -> show(); //calls base version
bptr = &d;
bptr -> show(); //calls derived version
- - - -
- - - -
But, if the “show()” function was not declared virtual, the base pointer (even
when it was made to contain the address of the derived class) would always calls
the base version and always the base version would be executed. That is we
would fail to achieve run time polymorphism. This problem is solved by using
virtual functions.

28. What do you mean by pure virtual functions?

A pure virtual member function is a member function that the base class forces
derived classes to provide. Normally these member functions have no
implementation. They exist in concept; they don't have any reasonable definition.
Pure virtual functions are equated to zero.
class Shape {
public: virtual void draw() = 0;

FAQ in C++ by
29. What are virtual classes?
This is also known as virtual base class.

Consider a case where all types of inheritances occur namely, multiple, multilevel
and hierarchical. The “Child” class inherits both the “Parent” classes, “Parent 1 &
2”. The two “Parents” are having a common base class “Grandparent”. The
“Child” can inherit the traits of “Grandparent” via the two “Parents” or directly
(dotted line) form the “Grandparent”. Now, during inheritance via “Parents”, the
“Child” may have duplicate sets of members from “Grandparent”, as all public
and protected members are inherited twice from the “Parents” by the “Child”. To
avoid this we need to make the “Grandparent” virtual as follows:
class Grandparent {- - -};
class Parent1 : virtual public Grandparent {- - -};
class Parent2 : virtual public Grandparent {- - -};
class Child : public Parent1, public Parent2 {- - -};
So, this is the concept behind virtual classes or virtual base classes.

30. Does c++ support multilevel and multiple inheritances?

Yes. C++ supports multiple & multilevel inheritance.

31. What are the advantages of inheritance?

 Inheritance (& composition also) provide a way to reuse object code. This
code reusability results in rapid project development by saving time.
 It encourages the reuse of proven and debugged high-quality software,
thus reducing problem after a system becomes functional.

32. When is a memory allocated to a class?

When the class variables (objects of the class) are declared, the memory space is

33. What is the difference between declaration and definition?

A declaration introduces a name (an identifier) to the compiler. It tells the
compiler “This function or this variable exists somewhere, and here is what it
should look like”. A definition, on the other hand, says: “Make this variable here”
or “Make this function here.” It allocates storage for the name. This meaning
works for either a variable or a function. In either case, at the point of definition
the compiler allocates storage. For a variable, the compiler determines how big

FAQ in C++ by
that variable is and causes space to be generated in memory to hold the data for
that variable. For a function, the compiler generates code, which ends up
occupying storage in memory. A function declaration and definition is shown
class A {
int number;
float cost;
public :
void get_data(int a, float b); //declaration
void put_data(void);
void item :: get_data(int a, float b) //definition
number = a;
cost = b;
34. What are virtual constructors/destructors?
C++ does not allow virtual constructor. According to OOP basics, the derived
class object can be created after the creation of base class object. Now, virtual
constructor creates object of derived class. When pointer points to derived type
object it fetches derived constructor directly, without its base class object
constructed. This is not supported in C++. So there is no virtual constructor in
But, virtual destructors are allowed in C++. Virtual destructors are used to call the
destructor of the correct object. For example:
class Base1 {
~Base1() { cout << "~Base1()\n"; }
class Derived1 : public Base1 {
~Derived1() { cout << "~Derived1()\n"; }
class Base2 {
virtual ~Base2() { cout << "~Base2()\n"; }
class Derived2 : public Base2 {
~Derived2() { cout << "~Derived2()\n"; }
int main() {
Base1* b1p = new Derived1;
delete b1p; // calls base class destructor
Base2* b2p = new Derived2;
delete b2p; // calls derived class destructor
When we run the program, we see that delete b1p only calls the base-class
destructor, while delete b2p calls the derived-class destructor followed by the
base-class destructor, which is the behavior C++ allows.

35. In c++ there are only virtual destructors, no constructors. Why?

According to OOP basics, the derived class object can be created after the
creation of base class object. Now, virtual constructor creates object of derived
class. When pointer points to derived type object it fetches derived constructor

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directly, without its base class object constructed. This is not supported in C++.
So there is no virtual constructor in C++.

36. What is late bound function call and early bound function call? Differentiate.
The procedure of connecting a function call to the function body is called binding.
When binding is performed before the program is run (by the compiler and
linker), it’s called early binding. C compilers have only early binding.
The problem by early binding is that the compiler cannot know the correct
function to call. Here late binding is the solution, where binding occurs at
runtime, based on the type of the object. When a language implements late
binding, there must be some mechanism to determine the type of the object at
runtime and call the appropriate member function. In the case of a compiled
language, the compiler still doesn’t know the actual object type, but it inserts code
that finds out and calls the correct function body. The late-binding mechanism
varies from language to language. For example, in C++, mechanism of virtual
table or VTABLE is used.

37. How is exception handling carried out in c++?

There are some extra problems, encountered by the program when it is being
executed, except the logic error or syntax error. They are known as exceptions.
They may be some conditions like “divide by zero”, “access to an array outside its
bounds”, “running out of memory/disc space” etc. basically exceptions are of two
types:– synchronous (out-of-range-index, overflow) and asynchronous (keyboard
interrupt – errors beyond the control of the program). ANSI C++ provides built-
in-language to detect and to handle the exceptions. The exception handling
mechanism suggests a separate error handling code that performs the following
 Find the problem (hit the exception).
 Inform that an error has occurred (throw the exception).
 Receive the error information (catch the exception).
 Take corrective actions (handle the exception).

C++ exception handling is basically built upon three keywords, namely try,
throw & catch. The keyword try is used to preface a block of statements
(surrounded by braces) which may generate exceptions. The block of statements
is known as “try block”. When an exception is detected, it is thrown using a
throw statement in the “try block”. A “catch block”, defined by the keyword

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catch, catches the exception thrown in the try block and handles it appropriately.
The relationship is shown in figure.

38. When will a constructor executed?

The constructor will be executed or automatically invoked when the objects of the
corresponding class will be created. For example:
class integer {
int m,n
public : integer()
{m = 0; n = 0;}
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
integer I ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
In the above program, we declared & defined a constructor inside the class. Now,
the statement “integer I ;” will creates an integer object I1 and then & their
the constructor will be invoked and set m & n to “0”. In this way constructor is

39. What is Dynamic Polymorphism?

When we can call and execute our desired function from a group of different
functions having the same name which belong to base or derived classes when the
program is running, dynamic polymorphism or run-time- polymorphism or
dynamic binding is said to be achieved.
When we use the same function name in the base and the derived class, the
function in the base class is declared virtual as shown below:
class base { - - - -
- - - -
virtual void show()
{ - - body of the show function - - }
class derived : public base
{ - - - -
- - - -
void show()
{ - - body of the show function - - }
Once the “show()” function is made virtual, we can execute different versions
(base version or derived version) of the “show()” function by pointing the base
pointer to different objects. For example:
main() {
base b;
derived d;
base *bptr;
bptr = &b;
bptr -> show(); //calls base version
bptr = &d;
bptr -> show(); //calls derived version
- - - -
- - - -
But, if the “show()” function was not declared virtual, the base pointer (even
when it was made to contain the address of the derived class) would always calls
the base version and always the base version would be executed. That is we

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would fail to achieve run time polymorphism. This problem is solved by using
virtual functions.

40. What is friend function?

Friend functions are non member functions of a class who can access the private
members of that class. It is a non member function, but it must be listed in the
class definition.
class A { - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
public :
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
friend void XYZ(void);
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
The friend function XYZ may be defined any where in the program later. But this
type of definition differs from usual member function definition. The difference is
that there is no need for the scope resolution operator. The definition is like that:
void XYZ(void);
Also, the definition does not need the keyword friend again.

41. Write a macro for swapping integers.

#define SWAP(i,j) ((i==j)||((i)^=(j)),((j)^=(i)),((i)^=(j)))
The XOR technique is used. This technique is free from overflow and round off
errors that are common in swapping program. The first OR condition (i==j) is
checked before the actual SWAP. Otherwise, it would fail to work when we try to
swap the same memory location.

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