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1.What is the need for application optimization?

A.To deliver better response time and effective utilisation of system resources

2.What are the areas where application optimization can be done?

A.i)Client/Server applications
ii)Database-dependent applications
iii)Scientific applications
iv)Threaded applications

3.What are threads?

A.Threads are small pieces of codes that enable a computer to perform several tasks simultaneously

4.On what factors the perfomance of an application depends ?

A.i)Computer architecture
ii)Application design
iii)System resources

5.Which is the highest level of optimization?

A.System level

6.What is the process of optimization?

A.i)Gather performance data
ii)Analyze data and identify performance issues
iii)Generate alternatives to resolve issues
iv)Implement enhancements
v)Test enhancements

7.Which type of tool has to be selected for better application performance?

A.The tool or function that does not affect the performance,so as to ensure that the measured
performance is same as the application performance.

8.What are hot-spots?

A.The analysis of data which identifies the areas which take more time to execute is called hot-spots.

9.What are bottle necks?

A.The resources that can limit the performance of the application is called as bottle necks.

10.What is VTUNE?
A.It is an intel tool that enables the user to find the execution time taken by various modules in an
application and also provides information about utilization of system resources by the application.

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