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Got this from Reader's Digest. This may explain the changes we see in our society and
car drivers attitude.


BUILDERS: 1920-1945

The WW II produced a generation with a strong work ethic, financial conservatism and
respect for authority.

BABY BOOMERS: 1946-1964

Born in era of financial prosperity, they are vocal on social issues and liberal in outlook.

GENERATION X: 1965-1979

Cynical about authority and open to new spirituality, but insecure about financial future.

GENERATION Y: 1980-1994

Flighty and transient.

Known as " me now" generation

GENERATION Z: 1995-2009

Tech savvy, creative,confident and have strong work ethic. Due to more mature parents
and economic downturn.


In era of information overload, they are expected to be more tech savvy and materialistic
than Gen Z.

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