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ENG 102


Should children be given total freedom?

Raising children is very complicated. Most parents lament that. In our world today, it is even

harder than it used to be back in the days. Many parents argue with their children in regards to

freedom. So, should children be given total freedom?

I say no, they shouldn’t. However, I am not saying that children should not have freedom but

there should always be a limitation and boundaries, parent’s needs to encourage their children

freedom to build a strong foundation for future independence. On the other hand how would a

kid understand what the world is like when if he or she has no idea about it. In my own opinion

children should be given a basic right to visit their friend, go to the park and have fun, or go to

the mini market alone, this little practice to start to build character. For instance as a parent, one

would not be thrill to have a child of 7 year old to go and get some Groceries in the store by

herself, However an individual can be subtle about it by allowing the kid to go with an older

friend, brother or cousin. It really makes a different for children not to be accompanied by their

parents everywhere they go; it discourages independence.

Moreover every house hold should have some certain rule to live by. These rules should be

extremely impose, A child should learn how to respect rules, also being able to abide by it, all

parents should make rules that their kids will be proud to obey, and even mention in the presents

of their friends but some of these rules should be withdraw gradually as the child grows, to

expand libration and opportunities and also not to constrict them.

Children freedom should be limited. All they need is to be acknowledge as an active human

beings, not just like a less important thing running around the house crying, They should be

given the freedom to express what kind of idea they have as part of the family, one may never

know what they have to say to some degree. Innocent mouth may have something useful to say.

Youngsters need counseling and guidance but they also like to embark on some decision by

themselves; like what kind of clothes to wear and what kind of toys to buy.

In conclusion, children should not be given total freedom, but they should be allowed the

basic freedom and self esteem suitable for every age. This makes them happy, proud and boosts

their self esteem which ensures comfortable and effective transition from childhood to

adolescence and finally adulthood.

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