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RRCC Computer Services


1. Insert boot disc into drive

2. Restart machine
3. On the Dell machines, you may have to tap F12 as the boot page comes up, then select
Boot From CD/DVD
4. Tap any key until you see the Loading Windows Components bar
5. On the applet, click Repair
6. On the next page, click Command Prompt
7. In the prompt, type ren C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistrobution
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistrobution.bak {enter}
8. In the prompt, type del C:\WINDOWS\WinSXS\Pending.XML {enter}
9. Exit out of the command prompt, remove the disc, and click restart
10. Let Windows boot as normal, you may see a message about reverting updates or
something of the like, let it finish (~20min)
11. Log in as local admin, go to run and type cmd {enter}
12. In the command prompt, type sfc /scannow {enter}, this should take 5-10 minutes
13. After this finishes, start Windows Update
14. Try to only install all of the smaller updates before something big like a service pack
15. After update finishes, create a system restore point
16. Finish all updates

Josiah Kerley 12/2/2010

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