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Alcoholism occurs when a person shows physical signs of addiction, yet continues to

drink despite the negative impact it has on their life. Alcoholism and alcohol dependence are not

the same, but one has lead to the other in past cases. The most common cases of alcoholism in

men occur in such a fashion that they consume fifteen servings of alcohol in a week. Women

suffering from alcoholism most commonly consume at the least twelve servings a week.

Someone living with alcoholism normally has low self esteem, suffers from peer pressure, lives

under stress, lives in a place where alcohol is accepted, or has easy access to alcohol. Is this

lifestyle a choice, or a disease?

Scientists have performed many tests, and done extensive research in order to learn

whether this strange addiction is a choice or not. Some of the question asked during testing are

“Do you ever drive when you have been drinking?”, “Do you have to drink more than before

to get drunk or feel the desired effect?”, “Have you felt that you should cut down on your

drinking?”, “Have you ever had any blackouts after drinking?”, “Have you ever missed work

or lost a job because of drinking?”, “Is someone in your family worried about your drinking?”.

Many other drug tests are performed in order to achieve a healthy lifestyle for the addicted,

and find out more about the cause, effects, cure, and ways to avoid addiction all together.

Abstinence is the avoidance of alcohol. Many doctors strive for total abstinence when

looking into cures for their patients. A good support system among friends and family leads to

a high chance of success when trying to be cured of alcoholism. Some doctors encourage

patients to quit drinking all at once and stay off of it. Many alcoholics find this difficult. Most

doctors promote moderation. Moderation is a reduction in the patients’ normal amount of

consumption. Every day the patient is encouraged to drink less than the day before. After

awhile the patient will be drinking no alcohol at all.

Between the patient reducing their alcohol consumption and not suffering from

alcoholism any more there are a lot of complications. One common complication is

withdrawal symptoms. These systems range from bodily function disorders to mood and

anxiety. Everything that affects the patient during their time of recovery will either have a

negative or positive effect. Many try to gain only positive effects.

An example of a something that will most likely have a positive impact would be a

support group. Support groups are exactly like their name. They are there to help the one

suffering from alcoholism and make the change in their life as easy and smooth as possible.

Not only do they help the patient but also those they may have come in contact with. Family

member commonly need counseling to give them the strength and knowledge to carry on with

good support for the addicted. Women, men, Christians, or even non Christian groups are

among many that help treat a specific area.

The first thing family member need to know is that approximately ten percent of the

addicted want treatment. This leads to complications among families and friends, but if total

abstinence is obtained relationships, work life, and everyday life will improve. Those that

continue to drink more often have no jobs, or bad jobs, and have bad relationships among

friends and family.

Back to the question of whether alcoholism is a choice or a disease, I believe it is a little

bit of both. Alcoholism can be as bad as the way we crave water on a hot day. They will continue
to drink despite the horrible things taking place because of it. This makes it a disease. It is what

scientists call a chronic disease because it lasts for a persons’ life time. The risk for developing

this disease is influenced both by a person's genes and by his or her lifestyle. Scientists have

come to know that the addiction trait can be inherited through ones genes. However, some it can

also be considered a choice.

All actions that we perform in our life begin with a choice. The choice may be done

unconsciously, or done on purpose. When some has their first taste of alcohol they made a

choice. This choice, for some, leads to alcoholism. If they had never tasted the alcohol, they

would have never become addicted, therefore never becoming an alcoholic.

Because of the choices some make and the disease qualities the lifestyle carries,

alcoholism cannot be cured. It can be treated and maintained with very positive results, but the

patient will always be addicted and always feel a craving for the deadly drink.

There are few yet available medications that are used to treat alcoholism. These

medications can help with relapses and help reduce craving to nicotine. Many wish to take a

magic pill which will cure them of their addiction, but there is no such thing. Developments of

successful medications are of top priority among researchers.

If this is a chronic disease and cannot be cured does treatment really work? In some cases

the answer to this question would be yes. However, it cannot be guaranteed that treatment will be

successful. Some people are able to stay sober for long periods of time. Others sober up for

periods of time with relapses. Unfortunately, there are a number of people that have a negative
response to all treatment and remain addicted. It is known that the longer one stays abstinent, the

more likely they are to stay that way.

There are five things one can do in order to help someone in the treatment of this

addiction. Stop making excuses and recognize the problem. If the non-drinker can’t recognize

the problem why would the addicted. Time you intervention. The best time to talk to someone is

after an alcohol related accident has occurred. Make it a private conversation and be sure the one

organizing the meeting and the alcoholic are calm. Be specific. Get straight to the point. Showing

care through this time will make the patient more receiving and calm. State the results. Telling

the drinker what will happen if they do not get help can make them come to their senses. The last

thing is to find a crew that will be there in a time of need. Strength comes in number and two

minds are better that one so never be afraid to ask on some ones advice.

With alcoholism as prominent in society as it is today information is the best tool. A

positive result comes from knowledge of how to handle the situation. Alcoholism may be a

disease, but making the right choices can make it a disease worth fighting for.

"Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse - PubMed Health." Web. 20 Mar. 2011.


"Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - Do You Have to Be an Alcoholic to

Experience Problems on MedicineNet." MedicineNet - Health and Medical Information

Produced by Doctors. Web. 20 Mar. 2011.


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