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cMost of the retailers stressed only on higher retail margin than giving other

cThe time was an important factor through out the study. At most retail shops,
when approached for survey, respondents were busy with handling customers and
hesitated to give details in front of them.
cSince similar study was not been done IN Banglore city, it created difficulty in collecting
secondary data.
cMajor problem arise while tabulating the findings of direct interviews. Since some
of the questions in the interview
While asking the sales of different brands per day, retailers hesitated to give
details of it. Instead gave an approximate detail, which has brought error in the
cMost of the retailers stressed only on higher retail margin than giving other
cThe time was an important factor through out the study. At most retail shops,
when approached for survey, respondents were busy with handling customers and
hesitated to give details in front of them.
cSince similar study was not been done IN Banglore city, it created difficulty in collecting
secondary data.
cMajor problem arise while tabulating the findings of direct interviews. Since some
of the questions in the interview had to be changed from retailers to retailer
according to situation and based on relevance of question for the study.
cBy inquiring about details of customer purchase (whether clubbed with some
other purchase or impulse purchase).The question may have steered respondent
to some other idea of club purchasing and gave irrelevant response to the
question, which didn't provide valid inference in the study and the question was
eliminated later.
cThe study was conducted only in Banglore City and hence cautions had to be
exercised while generalizing the result of entire Karnataka market.
Because of the shortage of time only 20 retailers were interviewed during the
study in BangloreCity. It is assumed that this sample represents whole
cThere is a minimum bias in the response from retailers.
cIn spite of the limitations the investigator hopes that the study will yield
dependents and useful results.

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