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Hello honey,

First of all I want to say thank you, not because you help me out on something but you’re always
there for me. Thank you for the time that you spent with me and for the coming years that I’m looking
forward to be with you. Thank you for the love, for sharing me your fact ideas about life, about love
about yourself and about what you see in me. ) I’m really sorry for the times that I’ve caused you so
much pain. For the times that I ignore you, I’m sorry for those moments that I was able to let you feel
you’re not that special to me (well I guess now you know what you really mean to me, right?)

Always remember that I’ll always be here for you, no matter what will happen we’ll still be that
best of friends for now right? And maybe more than that honey. :D ayeee. You can always count on me
and whenever you feel so down, just remember your beautiful (lol) girl who’ll stay beside you forever
and a day 

I wish as we get along, we’ll open up more about ourselves with each other, smoothly and not
right away, am I right? I know you Drey and I want to know more about you honey, thank you again. I
love you honey. Thanks for making me happy again, thank you and I love you again and again ))))))

I really care honey,

Hamster FAE 

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