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New's letter for

Birduiatcher S _ lr,. '.._._

I Vol. -41
No. 1
JI~U'lR .•. FeIJ.



1\1'0.. 'I

Jan. - Feb. ,20101

" . .

to be i[l"v:itoS'dby Pra.kasl1 and Sw,1!Jmi Gole t(} f>pend at ~'j,I'eeke,nd 1lher;~. Evan though I was €I:.<pe.t'l"tiJ'lgAg ... l'It 11MI, 11ltewMlt:h ~ c-1PMi'HH"! Lak'e amated me. He
countrv, the IJef€nce S,e"l""]C9~a"e p~ayed: tit:qeir partin protecling coos:ldBtabie sectlens ot om n.atUrai en vi rol" ment, by k.eeping' them ow:; 01 b;;'U!1d:s 'fQr men and cattle. Though the nevi hi:ghw!:Ily to Mum b~i Ibordel'~ {me .s-ideof this wetland, i1 is a large enougha.rea to 'N1ll"istal11d tr.e pre;ssureand the noise of traffic air nna encl. The of her sides. Rre V"Jogded and qllJi~t lam rio! a qood note-:ak~r (a deplorable weakJ"le.5s), but file picture of Pa.!';hom in mymrnd lsye1undiMmed. Bronz . ;,-wjnged <'lind' ,phea~ar1Jt..ailed ja·cana.$, I.alrge 'lmiSmlli;j tEla.!:!;., 00*. CQfmoram:5, pu rple he rons, n u kt!l,$, $pot·biU Iil d dU(I(Ke, s'hov~l{'r~, eeeen teals, a voery large ilocfi; of 'M'li.skEiradi 'lerIlS' and many other species dBlighted us, r1o:ttawmltl~' WBi51 the preseli"iC;;, of a f€!w brallminy ducks, pfe'$~m<lbly fresh from their trs8c1ing g]rouncls in lad'aktl. driving palil'l the NDJ ....estabdishmOl'lt e,~HI ~.he KJHid8.loJalsla Dam, in 'the slirrotmding ~cruh~and we saw Iniriive'ls, a C"Jc-koo shtlke, a iooe-pie .. malfllY drong'Os, and a soliti!ii)' Indian roller< At lihe. edg'a oilOO ltJarra.rIhen~ was a poi'r of fflat most lU1:tf;lr:e~fng, grea~ Ii:lileu warbler (!l'Llhlch dQ£:::,and!:;:

e. as In ITia:FlY ar8M



Editor1:"il CI Visit 10 P~IfI~ D Birdlif€ IFl~~rnatiQln.3.1


VulturE'lS in KArnla, ~}'Io'C. 31!11';lniklll1"lar . OCCUrreD'lIC9 ot Asian Brow flycatch-e·; In t e Ge.ngfitlC FI'God Plalna ur, try Aruriayan

D CI o • A Summ·er Sur ... of Wetlands and Waterbird~ nsar >e:!/, Madras. by V. ,sarnt1f8lraml ~iIilstlllgofOommGn Grey Hombili. byDr, A.A. Rastogi How cBirds make use of Nature's Medici ne Chest, by S_ ROlflga_sw2mi

Correspondence D A Short Trlr.:,10 Bandipur' - Some tlnusl;J'al Sightill.!ls,



A.R.. Pai -


Oemrnents ori !he NawsiIAt1:!r, Py Lavkimi1<'!.r I~hao.'iar Nesti!lllg Colonle.s of Ihe Little, Cmmoranl ~d Nignt Haron In Puna CIIJ'. MaharMhtIJa, byKlran PLlrandar~ A Request fur I'nfiormai]ol1 'Barh8aGed GieMi@, by F'r...~~h GorE! ChariC[n~1 by ~ Sr.Jipe, b~'Lt. Gen. BaWit Singh TW'OLJI<I~omrri cm ,Birds Recorded froll! Cbrrah V'Ji'ldll~e Sanctuary in Sc·u:ttl 11:1>51: Rajasthan, by Rak!3sh Vya5" .A.nil Nairr and KC. Joshi . Ba~ding of Sams Cr.aM ~ an E,>;cili~,gEvent, by Haj,gev Chaurnan
OCQurr~noe 01' Rosy P8!I~can i:ll D~ep ar Bee~


cannot, ~mj] a~ao one of the most wijde~,! 'spread birds w·oli'ltJwlde). Su.rprrisirrgly, h!,m;! as in, GOa! and Kj hfrn , at :about lihesaf'ilrEdime, I saw hardly Eb"l'f mYllas. But I was glad to sec house sparr.;.w~ itt. PUle (the ~r:Js which lli>l'laalmoslvanished from B.~m;Oilbre}as also iits rarer cousinthe lIejkm~thro1}led

Ka$hmir ill wirrrter). and bl'ack ..... 1flg,~dstllts (the pl["]/\f<3;r' wilh Ul€l rongl\llst I~s, !l~nc",,·abiledof'eed in :;l,~~';; where. o1hers

01 01 DI

SarlO1lU'lu'Y> AS9:6irrl, by Bilbhuti Bi... ,o;; j it [Jeka w


On 1h~ 12ille-venrng

we drove 10 Anda van, :J: ~ (01) fe€l high



Whlle-lrump!5:d Vu~t!,Jre.s are Dying at Indi3_lf'IElolan~al Gardenl, by Arum3.y,a1'1 'Shl9!rmll! .A Nate {:If HousB Marlins' Ri!flgung Pmgramme, by

Some: N~w~ from GliJjarat, by Lovkumar Kha:olier P'aint'6d S~oriks Aband'on title Gorany at Pan dad, GU]i>rat" by Dr. S.C. Va~hishtha VLlltur!ls inlhe Haje-j! Na:liooOl'I'Park, Utlar Prsdesh,
by Dr.

hilll;\lhera lI1a·Gol'e',s ~:mttage' overtcoks ths lKhad~.It::\.'a.S:la and IDe Dam. Surmur..dedl b~' Fl range of hflls i;n the, far di5MlfI;Qe (oflte o~whichi$ Mahal%dooh\l'lla.r) 1-.e lands:c'.ape with H~ elevation:,;;, <ll'ldi depne99-1d<ns, and its tree. 'OOVt"l'l',$ a magical aspect.a1 S'Ul1:set and I V~M a.rlJoli,DIlSto sse iOI.nd j10lar the bJr,ds at ·s.lJm~se ~hc oo!t:t: omrrllg:. At 5 in the mor.ninl:;) I t1101.tgh~beard! the, repeated tripLa-not.::;:s oil the tSCOP~HWi,ii (O~s I scopS) renamed by the authors of B•. .S. aslhe mierrtal soaps I Qwl (Oiu.:,;suni~l RuHhs ri.esor'iption of'me volceJn Grimmett et; al. make,;; rna doubt VI'helher it waa nota dlff@if'l;ml bird'

which Illeard.

Prakash Hac Rose Rm:h ,_Weed Destroyoer' or s-. T Nirrnala. and A- Ha.]asekaran

Di5!pH'sel"" 'ii,



Muni;;:,5 ~:»;Pt Abandcned nest o,f Ba.y;!!!; by Veer Vaibha~' t.flshra Calls iJf F~ogmn.utins, by' 1'\:.\1', EldMse FeatherndJ Friend !hat ' elped Chanseilhe Face of 'i/!;leli1e Con.serila~~Dn, by Mar:k ODck,sr

VisiltO' PIU:ne n-13 November 2:000 Pune, n~saing iniihe' shadov.' of the We.stem Giha.ts, With its hills and ~ we:ll known: for Ita bird life and ~W.,"S d'E1fghted

\ft.lihsn the) !;un rose there was a feast. A .blacklNinged ~t", hu rtled down In uncharacter'astia fashion and saren an electno '!Ji'[reabove us, il'l.'iliiltng us to :hav~ ~ goodllMk_ We tound it lat::ked 1il bright recl eye and thp. 'felloW' legs sh:::r.,lm in tlls ..e .paBn.tin,gs of thi's birtianri dooide(l ~ could be a f!ilm.o;!le, thQuglh 'fhe, books G(J. not mei[1<1i:Dn El. dltl,erent ~!aur sDhe-:me for- W1e OS>E;)4i€S, A f1!!~il>1I' f pE'!!t'l-fowl walked o ~wa'j .Iei;SllTely Into ii: ga:rtiiS!lc LaJrgegrey uMmbJed on:llhe ros_d; '€!·dVB ted bu[our,s, Joras, whlite-eYE:s, whit@"'spatte,ij fantail flycatchers, red-breaeted flycatdher£, rese findle~, spotted muniae. a pair of gr'ey quails ~!}ickingsaBd>l 'M(h e!maziFlg

rapidity from wlhich

the grass on ITr!" mind.

'lhe edge

ot the road},

a lonebtack

fOOstai1, tailor birds, j(]ngie wren wariblers, and some clhel"S


BI.rds are a plaasura, but rtiscua~ir::g th~rn .vilh. l)m.ow!edgeaJb.I.€;· fli.e~~ i5 equaFly enjo.yabla. I'n the. ·~Vening. the Gol!l!'s h~d

rnvih!d a. 'f@w ~iuJr~li st$ wl'i<:!se·e!l1:1'iJJ$i<JPitn;lnd knowledge ~as 'beJ}'Ond.lhe e TheJr III'l~eMlve. Gb5E:!VaJ;i(ln~ ha:~'B led w~hetiiMQ\'€iryQf s~..rer<9;1 speCie::! ~I'i arsas 'OUt1'l!oo tll,f'j· range indiiCared In the Bibl.;;;,tO€! B.OJ.B. by .sA, Qne sucMsl. theSlrlated:b~n.tll"'iog, But th$nighli-ght of t!l1eeve.nif:'l'~ w,~Stl'Le flIEl:::lFperiEl£-{r'efl!;lering of the reJIS of oSeV!l:lr,aJ'hjrdSby Ki ran Pu;randa:reaind @rm~ of 1h8 CiIt~~.ffl.~f'th~yVifGrIl ttl r~:lCi{)~d ttmir cOllfs, ~I"il t;,.. e bir..:ls Would accept tlitem as th&.tr' own.

Re:V!1:!rl:ingt.q !he Press: R'eloease; raf~rr~cI to, the

are a f'e\....ext$.·~l:1i :



".", ".1tIic ~d IiIt:WS i~, \lh,e~ame. tbrces\vhl.oh oauoSoo I'Inny that of IIM-e 'Atinr.tiot1s .of.he par.t 200 YC1lff, - sueh m:; cLefo~·~fiQn. e tta!:lltat fr.C!ijjmentilitiQn, and introdiJ.ooci pr~'(ji:'ltl)rs - acre stilil \i~ruI.MI tOM~'
The new a.8>:9M9ment sh()W$ th~· number of bfrd Spr-.oCi:BS thmt'lJ:o!:ned wilh gl(l~I: ~;dino~ml msedlmma1iMIly by 7:'5" 11~11 in 19M to ·1 'IS6 [I!I .20Q() .. as;hooking 12% of ali bird

Blt"dliie tCitematiCnai
infheJ ulyi AUQtJ1lf :2tl.QO issue I had' referred i'9 the Protect.;;;i B.I '.r:eg"rdin~ 1h~pl!Jblk.atiot"l ofrh~eatened Birdsd 1he WO(rld, 'l.nd 1t111;ipO:!O$i~ility of our l1aii.,ing 2 Z§Q/· (Fts, 'U'::,500} wl9dGn WQ,,,,lde<l'Iableu~ to sponSDr one pa,Jg~ of nl~ text. ApPtlir-emly the booR h~$ ~",n p~bli$h9d ~nd Was ref@a8~d by No'or .of ..JdJdal"l in AmmaJn durif'lg tillS ~I,JCN(::o;ogr~ss hetd theee un Ocldberr. ASBlc' RahliiltCtnl m1l55ent me a :CQPy of tfle.. PfSlW ~~~<llo:;;l!il!~Q ~';hl,ohI ['b!~r here.

A.lola! M 482: 5pElGi;36 are ~lm\l olliLS6ed as

Gri tloal



The ,counl:ry willi 1he h,lghest number of re'oorded :bir'd e--X'tin.ciiC'r;'Isfrom 1BC(I iB~h:e USA, wlin !h~. mal~lrity Of~haS9 from 1:i"rtl1+aw~~illl Mands, Th~ ,,\!Iii:_fi·mmpad vtlltwa and t-ang.
.;1$ <l; re~yLt

MI':>u9ge~1;on now ls 111at we; cffierth~ money weha\!e :::d!ect@c (aPiPl"O)(im~:tely R';;,OOOUl- to d~1e" th~ lM-e'st bE;Lllg ",n t..lO, of RG~ 5-OW- from Mrs. PragG!lii N.a~'ak}to ~he B~JHs" to r t!mli~ ·llmporta.nt Bird. Are~ {lEA) programme. BNH$ a.s you know Is the Indian p:;i;I:!~r~o'f:BU.I trust'thi:S(is<ilgre~ahle tDall dO,n,OIS, ,and a lingt.. ~ ~'@p~y from. the donmswCl,uld be ~ppre[(:i~hH.L

use and r::<haf!g~$; lfit itI~a11l'i'Qc$S$ruJJg p'rar::UQ$$ f'e-sl\illtltig

Near£igiloo. in 1984"

i)illsd YU1h.~ret!a'!l8 .... wf~rsd e;4l"8malYI'Olpid decdit'leo inlrrd.Ol Q't >iir.i@aw" QQmpQl.!r.dl;ld,by pOi!Oo,rli'filg" pe<§itici~e fBiJisedi cr,itic:~! Irsfilflg {or b.p1ihl, .ha.... b~en :Lea$~ Ccruoem inG



,." ·tha e,tho9 IMh~nd 811"dlllfe'almportflnt EHrd Ar~a (IBA) programme." ia' identif':;ing a, netvi'o'rfi: of some 2;0;000 sites w0I1dwi 00, ~
Lr,t liS play eur partin

th61IBA ptQgrail"Glms ..

Vultures. in Kerala
~, !3LJbil:i!Ol$h Na'gal', K~.ontll' 1370 Oi)2, IK9r.aia

s~ualioifll ooncerning our VlJitlire pc.'PulatiQln, ~n manv partS of our rounby. thB deGiline of vultu res ls beil~g r.eponEid, as is; ~j"ddet~tt (ro!'iO! ~~. not§~ ajppearinQln ~he r,ecem: Issues of 1he News;lettet Bul. 'fjx us i n K~,aJ<iI,tI1~r~ V~no dOl,lRtleft- me 'Iultmr;: has he(}ome ~'!ry~Xlihd h~re·for more than t,ij'(i d*CarJes, W(r Keualftes:, C'a,) be '~mYd' th;::t ;;t~ in *,$ .q~$>e' of li[dr~G~',p(Jbl~(;. he~Jth el~", 'l'I\9 ha¥e oat a'K-eraIOi Moder ~f'!

r.:Vibhu Pr,;:,li sh .5!nd Dr. Asad Ralimi9:nl he.we bm~g:htto ..a ·th~ '("I()'!i'r..e' f1mitholdgl$ Qf all: illJEfr IndIa trJI:i:' 'alarming

N@jllai(anm-n (1909} rej($rnlto the.. same pericd - tile 1950's and ~940'll; thE:![:mfiod diuring whidHt1oi:l Held work: for the HlspemlvHwNk '.VaS done. His; lS'iident from the tllbl~fhot tM VU\~Yl\9s'ha\':~, b.."wm~"", 'inere ;;isiJ'lgiyrarsdUri;rlig li:'.~ """'htm:y, Too.€!:i i;diliolil of N'Elela!k,:mtaAI (196'9) ~\!tI~ Pl;Jblii::lhed h'i 1:98~ and ~nthi~ ''''IID~k ne has t];'l.. 'nlioned thatarl the .specii.;)$ 'Of


M'J\9 ooooml€!

Eo.i~.l.e.m.,]y mm.




rom i$pacl:es
1. Red4!EMded





'JUii'lJJlfl TfQ(}OS cawLJs

2 .. LQI".g-bltl61c.!vulture
3.White-rumped ApHrI·'frurr'l



(1992.) wQS1l1iainly based upon th~ fi.... work'm M~cha~ ld ,JIMk'sorii dtJ.rii;'l,g. the pMi!Cid' of 1 ~ZIF72 1:1an,o around 1ha Pe'.riy..' WII.:;Ifife, Saliotuary (77"t sqJ:m.}, stipplerri"enred arid iJj1.r::!talf:,d f tho I~cl.d ob'&eW~'dQflisof AnUrew RQbertson O bet\lil;<en1 H(113~m1 HH;J2. TI'J';;:Y ~1iy th&~. the CI[)Ga~itlinal signtin~$ 01 ';ulturnsfhiaJt ttl[;;Y mpor1 oouldbe indu.,.~ldu~1s 'lI'~l'ld'ering imo 'lhe SDl1mUillYfmm tht;! ~djoilTling Tamiilladu


VIOl Ittm~G,VpS

4. 'EGY:01iaril vu~lrur:eNeop,'lwm ~rc.l'irJp~tu$

81!':1~la rocord oHh(;l' CinewO<!Js prc·ba~!ya},tW{lglE'ir. tSrl;lekiumaf. 1991).. TIl8' So1l;arus 'J'I tflie. 100f :SpijCII~S as !fie can find from published ni'<lr-atl.i!re j$ :iOI;,J'mmOil!~s~din Tabla 1. TIOis oove'l!J, a oeiiode:f 'soOilt: S Mcade-a, fl\t)~ 1!:lDS 1'0 '~9G,~.. It 1'8 warth rrHiiriltJQ,nf·n,g.· thgt tlf'festalus a'Ccoro~nrg to Ai:i ,(l9!S'g}apd 1I:he.oo,

rtl,er:e ls 8J

p.~Oi!nS. illis "IOM mentiCl,'13 of an iFist-aMe in 'FebruWV 1001 T ;",Mn, '81,18:1'1 d~atl eieph~tH farled li:) a~r<J;ct: lJ1y'':vulture.s)., a O J.Bf~r Pelot, who had vmrkerl ;lit 1he Pariyar 'IN:i...S ror·4 YCGfot flrom. 1900- 994 is also oHhi$ opinion". QI.l~ingl~is ~tu~VOj;t Perlyar~.Jafer ha,:l ~e:en~ ~tih:;tIl W el<jlphant oarc.a$~S, all avera_geof 4 Dfloi.e m 11~9r kl~ls,per mo~th; none hadl a~
\j~lh;!re~f®dll'1gl)rrthElm. AI:I[ili:$ ~ghtingi;l·.al thel.\iilire-l'Urn,j:;ed v 1!J,ltu~e e,re en ~h@' astern ;1li'cieo~ tne WMlem Gha1a, w e be.&O)1gillg to T~rnjlni1l!dll, IMHhin file ::oanotlHlry, he h~.d obse!Ved an oO(l!islma~ I"6d-li1.ead~ 'illJ!turs., (PI!BiS. COn-uti.)

!i'~~ 'I~

~r,~ !11'!1'~ 1~!~



~m!ll t~ ~



r.,,,,~..... .,

:F\"~."l'fu!) \



!l="~in<'a [rem 8Dm




? fi.~~
.~~~ ..~




nM 00ln11lOO1 of8ti.JlIlml



~~g,.!3itl ~;~ m;:S;~,1,;f.:J1

oonducled by thre;i'Jalkmal' Re... al~ .Sehlsing Agel~t:)'f H"IR:SA} snowed tl'lat 1235 &~.J<· for,aSl In i<eral!ahOlJS bae§! de.for.e5t~d withfJ'! ~ ~r:iorll'{fie~s tnarn 1 ~ y.ears.IDlm 191'2·75 to 19EJO..:EI2. lN~r ~~$I' F. Land--<use, patfe-:m ~I:so oh~SI-2r;1;paddylieddiS .. rid .Qth!M weotla.!'lds':'oVePI3 cOJWertBd to p1fffi'ltafian of,nash orQjl!a;,hmrh:!9~af;}tC'., monro"cu~(Jro.l plant.mOlli.ll ~l1e r'llhh;;rE:.eve;retI mare .ar.EmeM Inr.:rr'ltlretls il,f DlIiidlin:gs - Do·th ~Qrrl'f!lii!~ial ~liIcI oJorne<sUc, ca_me ~P. TIi~ e;,;;toel1f of land
h.O:ld~i:lgs~1~ dee~a$ad an(j

99"\ fr~Qime,[rt\l;tLa$







1;' 1l6~ C(lf1l!1K'f"oll Co')!I"'>;II1i1 ~.~,~

"'~i1~1' f~j'I! ar~ I "·Wl\;j,,,.


land c(;JilJn:g was im:pas0d after 1h~ enactraent oHhe Kerala l!....af1jd e"furmS: Act ~ W1 . R . 2.1'lS$1ii:cide$, Wlilh the'\i}reer. re\f'@I~iQ~' 'Q',f the 1000's,.;n'IQ:tkle .and other IJhemiMI pesti cHJe.s sazne i n ~'Q rr'tl~ularus e • and IIlIQlsorlmToome. use 01i pe9Jtlc[:]E!:Sc~JCmriinueg. iln greater t'llEaI!1,tlrl" tiWlrtis rl'a.}!': lna 9IT@!:t Qt tnA'.Sa; tijPtn'rs 1'11115bee.n well doc~merrti?(j.all over tl'rlE!- world. (N~Wtooh' '1979).


R~~d,"QI Lir~~nlr.t:rt.


In the 18'9(J':$" ,chgctkWsts ct"F.! hirrls a.frru·,st ,n! trJ9 Wild'liJa Sanc:fuBJrJes ot K.erai3! Were oom,piledeiithe:r by ~"di\fidualil\ or grQup$ of ~r.jlll!; the s·ightin.g ,of 4 wMe-r.umPM ~'tJlru res ~t W',;'nad WL'S ~S:ihe 0n1y r@ ~Grd~\!'()rtrn!'ll8,1IficrifIm. (\'V\m,§[j Pko;:l S:uNey Report, 1£196), Jater Palotebserved a Ga:ul' cal'C'M:r being eaten by 2.'0 white-rump=<!l and" 7 ~-Of"!g:·:billed vultul[(;IS at B€Jgtl[ in the W'ynGid lto/bS, l(lciGentall'l, ~hi5 sancf.uary is ~nfig;uous with the rv1u:dlfma[aj and BOII1dipl,Jr WLSs of 'fa.m~lnaoi.1lu.and Kal'.natal<;a r~$pecth.'ely .. TllB Par-ae$jFl~k~cfaVo!J, Snak~ Par;~. near KaUlII"M; !'lad a capm."~. immOl)'1\.!tewhiie'r:umped ',vihich wtls.colle.;;tedine. n~i:;'t,;bou:riflg p!aJC~L 11'1 JLir.~ 198'9'. ths ~a:r¥ got <111:"1 eloclroCtl~d whM~· rump@d~ Azikc:-d€:, 10 km nortlhJf KairUl'IJF. FI~centl'!I',. th~re Wili.S a re;-p.Qt:J: HIe Wllil.&"fl!J mr;l'eld YUltUf6 na,stlng at Tholpatty,


3. OI:I.m~l'es Livestock I:lUI~ur3·~ffifill:ics A

Dn K~ra!a,


M~a:Ii1~gemet)t and Soclo·

a'l>el$$Vth,",~rekjrtj,"aJIndia" ~ead (!sittle must nave

Elil1g~e larg'est


f~'}(I,d: sm,lrc:e fo:r ~he vultu


1H~S<tm'i'al'ls .II'Ol oornrmemed wl~1'i6~rporlae''()U1 the IO'N lUL.Jmbs,r M Qf li'ilest0GK 11'1 er,ala. 'jn the 1!9m reri'tutY·. TOpography of" the K
area wiltl odefl~e for'O!stc~r tull ofprec:tators lik.eTiger and! PanliNlr and ~"an~ of $ ~~liUre might ~'1fl1,",e ·bOlarl ~'<lI'~asQr.r fortllis. t~e soelal t-ab'oo, which ro-tb'id ~e,lower castes irmn raising!et::lws and (lonslimil'lg nillk pruducts t..such~nar::) ~El07,1.!'!ri3-rd anq CQrrno, 1e2Q, Ih..9gal1 "i 837), Tile num b~J91'Ga,ttle rseorded .br the hiffiorjans is. 'gi:ven i'n Tabto J I.. It ~5l' 'eyide:rrt~ha1 the FJi.lirn boor 01 jiYoCs~Qck h.;liS irlcr~1ts~d! almost ~v~mfoltl ~rJ~ ~'l:B fi,rst Q[J.;1t'1iPJ llh!'!' 18th o
centLlry, I)",M"! IfIMn that 1;h,ereis nrtl!)Ortio!"a! increaseIn



,Du:ring my childhood da;r.;: {1geO'~) ~u rglY Yill&.gt: P:31tlJirM. :Kann.·~lr{Carmanoro} [it: North k:;erala, I remember ::;~i'l1g V1!l'It:,J'Fe~ tiUlhl;j late 6O'.s~Leop~rds ''''''€irEl still around, tholU.;;lh the<re was rTI(} for''''$~ left jn l1:;; ,~I'~giOl, ;;:nd'they 1J!>'!;l;:;l tplifj , doltleS1:G callie, i;iflc! dbg8_1hH missing calfl'f! were usuaUy 'roimd' by the villiage rs tiS ha.l"8aretl CaJl'(';a65'&f3, f1>erwa~hirig a lhe ~!Ja~n9 vukures S\I'JOOp tlm ...n, A1prllJ y;-iiltl~H:: :iIt:OIJ.arr:!s, vultures also dfc51aiPlPear~d, ReGently, ~ met S!r"I elderlY geml'~man there, ''!'Iho lor'd m~ o;l!bQuta largE: rcp-m Df vufuJres that ha :saw save-[.al y9ar~ bsck on a tal~.i!U$tor.\i~ .s;cna!ilf,:g tree 0{ a near.byvi llag;$, Dt!;r'~ngr;liFdwaiohiing fn Hl-79'.~? ..;:.nW rug- ItLr!g u~ a. vtJUu re I h1ld In m~ vi.llag;e ~\faSlh-at of an li:;gyplfi3in

lIl:e ~aooa~ailab~ityfQr '\ruHurss 7' This i~ wtl9re tL,'110 j)tl1~r ra.o:ton::eOtlCernir'ig the ,iJl.wr~gIfr3, if.) m1'111:: !<::€fal'-i ~Qc:.'iet1come ~D Itrie ..
Tl:I::i'le I~ T-w] :Nl.lI'.bi!HiI 1&ii $""rc~ BlHlllilffi\lI \~,afl!l&

C~~1~, !:tfut€l8j
H9,:>99" ~,i'S2'

TO\!iJ~'<Iu;'ll~ (ff·J!)aI.'o ~=fl1gfi~ :i7'.!&1

~rea. Wlej;~.j

in u\l'erhead m\lht on 20th October


"Ihcugh hard data such S~ roostcm .. nest ceunretc, are mt, ~ackiog, the di~app~arance of'Vulturss from 1~e s.kiss of 1(e.ra!la
isa foregone t;ooncf.LmiQil, What: eouid i;a1{e' l'i,app·en$(;!j tcrthe vultur~o 'Ofr.:erala? ,Pmbablf a o'Ombinafioll of 5ev8ra1famuFs rather than ;$s,ingle ons must. hav'e caused their po:pui~l(ln deciirle snc local €~lntc'itio;n. I 'Teelml!9ot the fo ..O'WilFlgfa:ctQ!'...<; l must have contributed greatly row*ds tbis, : ~.IHliilb'itat changes

'1~ ·Ccm!


Gtln-W M!M~" m',lW 35,(.$M~9



.C""lji" ~a

'1'9~ CflntlJl'j'.


U~U~1!l ,;ought)!' gi'ie·jlle. wlJI.

ta!s.I numt:e~ far I<erB!= in Ih~rrr'S'l


Ii) 11IiI.crease ~litIhe POIPU latiM £I'oo.sity and Awareness t Soc~al H~g.irene·:


Th~ laru:'lsG:a.l'le Kere:la has undergone md10iill changes of dur.ihQ tlt~~8t'flv\H:lecades sl['ilr,;e Indt;;i'~llndi;!pendenn .. F(lr€!8.t 'l!.
t:o\<ef"'from .44.. 1% of th,eo 0 tclal geographical area in 1'900 'iVa$; r'eclljO<ld W 17 .Qi6%~fll 1973. [) Liring. e: tCl 1() ~r$ from ~.9E!{lto HJ7·3. '1"08,!ml'lua.l rate 01 de~Ati(]:n '~l,olS246:.32, i..~., about orr~ p)§:lFcerrt of1hetp,i~1 geographical lIr~tL A stUdy


p(fJlu~a'!iQn density oI K~rala. has i nc::reasoedl from 1;,3:4"71 iSq.mll~(In1VaTlII::o.n!I.) and 163.8I:sq. l'ni!8(O:'lchin) in 182.0 (I.'Vard 8, Connor} '10 27.2isq.-mileln 188;1 ~'It.ogaTil1887) t;,nd now to 749rsq,I<Jn'ii in 199] (PcIJpulatiQIfI $tati3t:iGS" 1991 Ce..nSiJiS). A poP'JlatiQl~ dens:i!y of 1.tiis clim'el'iG'jo:n ·flnd! iihe peculi'ar layout of Kerala 'l{i:I~<lg~s,whare the houses. are well !CUs:tribwted aJnd

'f i r2t

not ln :::Iusklrs pl.a:~9,

do rJot.allow c'P~n d~spq,$aI of carcasses

in tf'Je'

fIi!l, ~.~li,[Tl <196-.g,}Si.,7js of KefiJ/a. O;d;:>rc Uniwr,sity Pt'€ss" r-,lad~fjs;. 8iflkfi r; ,..U~, & C,,M, Inglis (teSO]. T!J~ B&"G!;;d S(JI.J~t)em fmJi<l .
GO'l9mn1~m Press, l'JIadras,

TM <lWare n ess of 6QG:iaJ hyg'~~'h'e afM r i'l1de'p:~:mlenl,je made P9(lP~e. o away with this prGit:jiced

.&lto.geilh~r" Tfilh d1efll'lite1y ..:ff~d~d th@;fCO::ld .;5!\lailabiilit;;:o~ the. wltUlres,

~i) ChOi!lngJe. FQQd Habi~$ iCmtl Social Taboos: 'in A GClmhina=ion ti~l,'erii!iINolr.;H';:I,,!JI.!,J,r.a1 uph8.l1!\,(~isinee the s late 19;5i1)'s c<fnd BG's changed fhe· co,,~ple~ [OJ;Jtiloo.k the of eve;rage i\e.ralite in the !:'.{lll'l;" 'Ia~f ~ tlla'20th ~nilury. Gow 1 o ,:.:Ilaughll?r W;:1~ 1't;:9aili6ea by the state g!OV$rnm$H~ anj .~ coCJnsL.j~J"abI9' nunrber of [H:!oopie belon·ging, to certain oommup.l:tles, for wl10m bG,~f >eatin9 is taboo" started 001 i5!:irnlng l1"His asa ;:;:"68:P aource of protein. The sitl,.!,a.t";ofl n'lJW in Keilal8!ls ;flatllhe cattle, J~ei'anaI/Si~haV9.;l! natu~al d6ialilTh::mgh 1I1!l !:irC!:;;:;;b~(JdC<litt!e orto~ are prone to vOlrlQlye; di·~e.(lsl\ls LEIHkc the country ma1t!e (a:nQfhe;~erlda:W;:larfild spedes!), once diagnosed ~ocur;J:b]c,·they end :LlP at the b Llt.chefs. Th€\ cattle ottllia b.ord€ll districts Df f\airr].!1!llika sm:l Tamillfnadu wh.ere qbW s]~LJgh1:S!I"i§l u;;;n['j~d, a:r~.,{;JlgDbmught to KElrala. for rn.8:':lt.11f1I other "11'0rdB, 'WS' Ks;ralil~s: <lire ccn;sllJmi!l9


8ue4E1nan, Fr~nc':i~ (Hit)"n. A Jt'Jl;rm.'!!y rmm .M~Hfras ·tnrQYJjJh ina m!"1f Mys.,"''''', C~r'lOl{a' ~t.d M.lI~W,l', (!'Ie·prlnrt "1:998), MliltFi !E:C!lLf<ORllcl'llR.,. !:El~, .:.\Ie'.... D!3lhi_ Serv fergU"ilOI'1l, 1'-1,8,and T,F. EioUn;irllon (1 OO~-19[l4). TM Bimi; ot Tra..-a!'1l~cre- with notes or!~heir ~',iclifioa1;fon')Q.J;l\'tli3/ m If;i!'!B.r.·~r ,"121_ Hht. &1Ciefy, "'tii,;, 1:5, HL G<lf~"h, K..N. (t:J-l (HI89) KBf.?!.r..·SJ'~!~G&el~r Voi: 111· ECOj'i'Qf~iic ArI!ilI'r$.. Ii{~rala Q'OI~tteer", DepartmEillt, GC'l9rnrnEn1 ·of Kel'3la,

Loga n, WHIi al'" (I an t) Ma.l.ab ar, FubliC3t:iOr,:;, TrivaF'idrLJm.


18181) C hariithlam

Ml>nQrI, C, Actiutna {1901 ~). TI1f'·;hi(}$li'lt~ M~m)cal..(~PJWJ;.1 ~9S), K~ralil G1lz:~:t~;'5" Thin..I,i~iitlnth~pl:r~ii'i, [ N~if, Sattlis Ci"liNKIrar r1~f)t) So.Whw'l INc-s.rtm G'1'J:lt:!:. A

BiiJ~Ib\r:sW C~vnse.f'I.~ttQ.r. PMn: INTACH, NS\'\' DeiI'd.

NeP.iI~·k8ntsn, IU(.




food thattih:e vultupe::; ~hol<Jld l~a.""9,

('lrml :cn rl(':df.l!t,') ~y!'h"j[.)). KetBr~lfulS. P!Hi.';}~ik~l. K~rlllil SBill1il~?I~d~mi" TlimlJ(_

of sCOl_varlgers liki;l jJ$ tli:;r:t1k kite h;:J"!<:i j'fl~ been ObH:HVed III most psrt of the state. 11m SUit thAr<ll~ GF.lLJ5Edm ,aEarnlfl - DL B. Sreekumar reports ~hal the black kite has VRrlished !rom the iI{(1ttf!Y"lJ:lT! tQ'.wr!>lillCE' 1!tHl 1980's (P~F~.COm!l'J,) The factors I 11a..,"@ listed abOV'e 8Je ~U9~a:5Sum p~h:l!"'1$oo$lS'd ollre;;.soning . .A. tl'i.;troug;h iirrrv~stiga:1io'r1'OT'i this elasste ease ,01' l'jC1'llI:e:.ctlnction i'5- n,;:;,oossi'l!)' tl~fm<R the same" f?!ig hafjpens to ~(eto;;nOlh.ei' ti!YJ '$ip~.~€lS_

IntDi'CS"lLl1fgly, tieclin.~· tn ~liIe poplltel.lofi

(1g,e01 Ke.,.;o,'arhi18 Pa:kshital (Re'Ji'&ed: Ed) .8ah~a Ak2dfJ,Tly. TrikL'uf, N~W1O"rJJ., ~19,1,"B) OfJ;J.I~riooSwiog)fa( nSf}tars. T& 'A. D·Poyser. I~. F

Sreekl,lrfJar, R.'S_t1.9'il1} ()il'i!~"'e9u-;;if<ukJ;!~ Afo'g}~ivs .r:r{~G'lJIJ5 '

in.K"=!,ala,. ,huma;1 of ihe B~xN'.M. HiSiI. SOcil:t_J.'~ Vol.

'W,J'Ud al'-{j: Gonnor {1863} ,!MmOir' ThIl"1.JYa!!1:I[)th.apuam. r

a ua


5ts t$" s.

(He ~f'lt 1'084)

Q~ thfJ


or r,tJe rt~Y:i:lr,r,:;ore Ke ra:~aGia ~a'tte,e-re,


(linr],) U.


of Asian Brown F~ycal!,cher(Mu5'icapa dauurir;a) in th,e~ G!angetic Flood Plai nsot West B'engal
N. SL Road,ln


hom of T .O,P., Maida 732 l'01. West Bengal

t:'l f5t JanLial)'

&. 88~ 00

2000 A.D •. I went to" Sa.gard~ghi (25" '04' N i=}fu:r "M menr 1~1I"!1 B!rcI'N'6btl}hln\'f- 'liVhi~ 'lI.I;li!Ch[og

and the southern

parts of the Western gh[lTOi (A!i & Ripley 1972} axt€inding UPIDifleGir10resiin GLJja.~ (MLJndXl:.jJ" 199C1}.

bH't,j very muclfl restlessl~ 10ra.g1ng mr if]$Gc.its, OTIB" .$hh,'lEring it$ t~i:1 [t!? p ,u~ GQlo!!Jlrwas reoordedSls c;.vef-aJ1l~rrpe;'" PArts
U!=!P0'ftail also, broWIiI., Vncer palt6 trern thwat. 10 ~~ndll'!rtail C:Q< .. ~r;t.s mere whi~sh; a ns ~y:elS, 11£ VDc!3.~izaflon wa!il some·thir,g!ij<.!!: "trif":.lrrf, \,I·ery. 9haif'_ After .oooer.,,'ingi the bl:rd 1pr rrrere then 2.0 tli,im.tta6 li!lrbl:lgh 10 x 5.0 binocular g:t a ~$ta:r':loe "(l1 ~.15 i!iI'. ! iiijer:rllni~d! th~ ~~r~e;io:s:as an adl]lt ASiian . brown mycat...,h~r ~fi:M~P"Ol d,;jiJui'[.,::a}-in the ~iel)j (Grimmett ~t_ &1, 1i OO@). q:ownlsh,

!;u:1"ds there at aroJ;Jocl" G84~ hIS, I S!iltJ a. 5iP:,:ur;oW-:;;i;red ilmw;;:ish

vent whitish brOWl-"lI; ihmat-8 dJl;stlnct '.vhlte ri~g aroiulild

in 'I'Ii~tcr it spreads threugh mo:st of the I?:eninsu~a but wClil1~ In ~he '.Gi'ialS cf ~f1.e Southern r.en~n,sula and recorded from 150[; il'i' below In the Wes.t'Eltn gh~ (A! i 8, mplA)! 1'97:2, Ripi.ey 1~p2, Gr.lflmert et.~', ]00'8),. in ttreEa,"$1e'rn partee of .lndiO!, it j.$ ~(jr1ed as -alpp,fIt'errt!y 'lEl'JY S(iarOfi in I\ollarl:ipur by Hume, [in

the Cact'iiarHI[II1s b-V Ba!i:er and h"lt:lce Gfi ro

hrll~ by G,m:ilWin·

,PlLJsterl; also r~oorded trorn all p~l1$ of the DOlt'iglad'esh by Fi,~stli.j (AI i ,;flo. Ripley l' 972}<!l1d ~~mOl.~E!dI <111$ SCirllF!;:::§ p.o;,s~g@ m[grarltln Baiflgre:o~ (G(imm~tt 6',r:ai, 199"8.)Ths ',saga:rdighi' is a man made Fish wl1iva.tlon centre (]·f We::rt
Departmem., sittJa-ted In the Maida disuf,eJ: of re~ngl.!ilar shape h aviug, an ar.e.a ot.c, LSO ::,!q_ikI'l1.surrounded by ~griGuJlural Ilands fA IMango Bengal Fjs~ety

Afui, rom~LJltin.g 1he rci,",r:ences I found th~ fie' knowJ'li brs8ding raJT'![I_e9 Of A~iF;!1 brl.l~\(n fly("];l]·~.llhi8[ JI'i II,ndb ,oor~sisls ()~ !!'nee distinct areas: Tile Eas~am hlma!a'l<J,s, 'th", "Vindhya. r~~s

Wes.t Bffi,nga:1. It

GMarJgJ;'~ra' fnr:fiooJ orloh~sanj

fl.7 1mJ, from MddaTo'l'l'n

'The Mallda..d'stric1 i!ll~!P.d ~!i11'h8 !nd'{)flood plains, altitude vO'!nes frR;,m (SA.i:fll)m A.S.l. The tIIeighbou r~~1g 0(:1I,.Hl~ry, 'lh~~;ang1acl9sh is. also situate.d ir'r the £<i((jEiII(."Od 'pIBllas, (G81nfjEls • Brl>hma,putra), The Maloa district is <II. border disirtGt 01 bella i~1 the IndV"-i3ooglad<lsill (t::ngli~hB.azar}. RI:fu;!:clJccs ~


flIii,$.,. &. R!pi~i, .0, (1972), HOLr,d SfXl!'; c! tl19 Slr'd~.o~ I ndta arod] P<lk,i$!8rt.V~L '1, ,D;l::fj::rd Utili~8rEiil'f ~re~~ B.NJ-!.S;.

The, hiCl,lli ~]l flyCa.k:h~~r (Mu"scicapa r:J.B.WJti~)1 issoa,id to. ~e' oommon inlilel3.m\;:,la(Jeeh, Sig1l~;ng'otttll@"sp.e·cies at.this> loW altitl!:roEi reve~ .as weDss In the Gangetic ffc6d pla;lns 13 notewc rthy. Or i~ 001~1dbe rhar il.. wililtlAring 'ranges eD:Jternd;ga !~PID thl1l :Gangetic tlot"d plains ot We:$t Bengal.

Ginl m'uli:liLl,FI, Il'Isk'pp, C -& Inilki()p. T (t9o;fS}, B~rd~ -oj' lIll~ Ii'f'Jljlj) Suocq,HIle-nz.c.-..iom UnivetBlty ~.ress,D£>lhl. 'Siri rnm~n, hfupp, & rile;~'pp'T (1 QS9). A. p~kel guJ~eto ~;e birci~ o,j tfle India~ ~bcor;Wli;nL Christopheir He!ll'!'l. Lclth:;!l';"n.


Murw,Ul:JoJr, T' f1.(;IOO~ ,Extelflsacn oi br'eediF'lg

raflgi8 Qf hrewnilyc:atct"LeJ,

Jourrral of Bomw'\;' Natl!"rRIHi:st~1¥ S.~dE!ty, 81'" 14& Rip~y, S.I). 1'HS2).. A Svnopsl!;! 1'0 the BFUE of Irfldiiil ana Paklstlp.. Ci;.:rlOfd Un'lJell"Sitl" ~~-es:s. ELN ..HS.

A Su'mmer Survey of Wetlalnds and Waterb~rds near Mad:ras



Flqshi'Valle~ Educa'iuonCellire

•. Rish!


P,O, 511352:,

Cihiitloor Oist,rl:P,

nile <till Qf H$ ~roe, ~gsr to go eut 1';t;ll,.mting bird;e. irllne . '. '\i'!,~tLands in 'Ii,Iirlt~r. wry fEW of us ar:e i r"Qclined llJl~'are

Nf!$dl~i"1~ to s~y .~ '!'>las 1hQr b!~ flat as 0<'11;1'. ~ im~gin~dit a;s woul.;] bg. Th~ aVail.alJ.ilif.y at Oil oaraclijBIi t.0"'tt1€ mdb~nty a!!~d 1

th~ 5~~d.c of Q(l_r ~{'J(lts,n the snrnrner :rr.rJntbs-tti see !lDW well i C'Uf wate~b'rq;$. thriv~ in ths pJncl"l pe~iodlli'hen '!li'at~ris sca~ce

aA~ tile ::;un is hol aim;:! b!ai::if:g. L.Jlfre many 0lijl<lr~'I !:09'y,'~s cQllITipla(:~nt and rather ~8ILJc~ to rnrr ...: out of my ha~ . uTtil ,I r';;OEl[",·;;)rnan assignmGIT~ ifrom .tl'lG: IENIVIS Gflmr€, gNi~S· to Ui'ltierllhlo!t. a S:UiY~ of :tili)ft'E:sh\I,,'B.t€l mretl<irld:9 oflli(? ",J~'1me Chtn:;l~p"J't district (now Kanchipuram aJlld lr.f'!.!\!alf Will'" df.stri.:C1s1 in U,e st.nmMr o'f1997, Th9 'fllal('\wo:-rk. as :epree:diovar!he w

mcnrlf,H. June 10 Augus<t

TElible'1 Wat~rbcdies.

'.,.as ~b'let.d COIIIer:<,ltot:aj ~ t10 wdancls$prea90'~el'-the"l3 . talu,k$, This sUiFVe;yenabl€ld ,me to '~Wit v a fious ~;lrts of ~he distn.c~I !"reel neverbeen to before and gain a fir,S'l·lland id~\!l. of th~ w.atGfitlQdie~ ofc:ri~c1,lJ1 jW!p'o;1o\ OtJiF r!;;IiijV-e wo;a-or'brrocie. I wss abr.e 'tl:l work. ctItt a detailed. ItJnera,ry using the Tali . 'ka mapiS nbtstned from the Stat.£!.GI7.-Jammeflt om'Cle. ! cov.efed thl<: rnedlura-sizcd al'Ja imgs r tllil:k"" uSl!Jal:iy but soma of ttJA: smalle-r wert) IlOoked l!it'.'lJhenev~r possible, [DetiiIJ'ls 01 the S'Uf"i'€.Y (s, ®iivetl rn BL:C'eros ~ENVISNe\v:s!8tte1) VoL 4
N,o. 3 (1009)].


501) or more im:lividWiRs !:lIf'W3tl!lr~l:lirds



B1h J!J~e
1()~h ,Jm~




Gr~ p~lil"llJil - Gr8l' heron - l6C; Spc.:l:iill dD;;k.oF"till[1I $tQ#: ,60; ~iI~d, gotidlW!- 1
Dabcl1idl" .• l(}j;!~ Purple Mf0J':I; Grey herDrI; Q~ill S~ort .3..~



1&:h June


Dabe!"ii~.•. OO:l;G!~~'~R, 5; f'3.it1;l~d-$~ ·1JOO".,.;. ~'\'li$k"l;lred ~mn. ~; PhI.:lasant4;"lilei:l

jaf.:an2 • 2; G{S~ hl300n • 50, - 84; 'Sp.CtMbil! • ~'"lH;PSJn;e;:l sl9it -llti· ~5"; Qpe:nilm Sltrlt '1Q: C~!'f1lUm.nL . gOOt~ Dabd'Jt;k· 5\};-; G~JWlf:~t'15iJ+; G(i!jj ~~(CI'. 2:10+; r;~~··10C'+i UICl2 ~g~'. 50; ~~$ar '!'lhi~ling l~aJ .. 10 D<lb&'irt··.61JQ,~d r,crcn . &"0; lndian ~hag- 300; L.l~le egte1.1Mw}wre>;i, ~oct. D,ilichldk .,:3..t(1); L!1l\e ~rm.:.,,a,"f~· (}!);, L~~r 5 ·\'WliS1lin.gla~ . 2i5; Qcriian.·jGElI- I CO; ~11f-:li=JNr;,~Oit:e'"!;



31<;1 Augu=t


Purpl'>helooibrtle ~n.t


Stiperumtuduf TllUy~lIur

S1n June 10000+

t>o<i'il" i5.00~; D~d:\\ik·N.OO:

~r~' pelk:tilfI'" D~N~k

Ij~!~ 1)::ntt;)[~,"1l:-2~!)';-; Com"





Cwl·'HOOO;>CoITn~J.ant 5!'9,100Cl-tPurp1!;hei<J!·l C~l2; ~.;JiS~_nt-t.'JJIDd r~t':~ll~ • 10·1,5~ •

4 ; 6b;;s~ iW•.

2; PurplOlfr'lOQth~n "3~~.

.. Others '.'!,IBm ell)' or dl"\i'~ngl up. Of th~, ordy-etght t"nk:o had wactetbir.d populations in e~'$ of $00 individuails (See Ta,tJUe1) ranging rroIl11-22: 6paci,~%"The rnaximu~n' numool!' Qfl:1irdSIo!,ll~f8 s~n a~ ins Pao.r:ltli R.es81'V>!Jir (10000",,)' WfJif':rf1:a$. tih,s fTN}"xvmurn SPQ'D.ias div!£rnity Was l101Ucrild. at MMll!.I":mrimkam (22.;!;pe¢ie.a).
::l~ w~r

Of the· Ho walerbQ:d~es surve:y~cI. on 1)/t8.Mii:I some amount

Tne WN'.ey yie~t:led a.·wtal of 39 oSPeeioo()fl,\,1at9,"bj~d&.{Te:b']~ 2;)0 a!l.dan add~t~n"J e9<spscias or I:anclbfrods (SeOlAppendL':j". Uttle egr~t 'il;nd·p'(Jndheron w~r~ th~ mo~tfreql.!R.1I'I11y em::,Ql.Jintgrad s,Pflcci,*" is>~l!!nin 34 and:)O 'Miltla:nd.~ rre~r1ively w~e.reas coots [5000*) and' cormorants {ca_ 4QcrO} wel'l)i' rlUli[jeriC'~~rlthlj: mQ~~blJ!n!dam :o;p~e'~ ,Atlea~t\ 1 sp.Bci~ of lony-dtisltlnoe mr,gJOJ:lJIl3 we[e rclmired d!1J~lI'Ig tt-IE:·:5U rve'y. These: cc-~I{:I her be. blrdssta,1ng tMmligh. 'the Slum'mer Of birdstlmt d f1ave arcr1.Vol!!d ~8.rIi~r (cornman san>dpip~r and &>ClITIe' (l1j]!l!r 'oVaid:~rsarekno'Wn to a,rrh,IIi;!' J~I)~r ugust in Mla:dras)•. The by A p,r."seill:>eof 34!:jreeter flIarnirrgo~t ~~ad'Ur$i!'!t;::kO!m t-~nk 'On 2'1o~August "".as a. t:lig surprise,

pOjpula,tiloos :lfJi~J]mm9'r I~ only they are· better malnta!ned, It was 1"o~ln th~tse-Ye r,al (l~ the l.i\Ia.terb rrd!e,s'MlufJ) gman:y d rl.;,g!-ectoo airnd had siU$d up heavily, The bUFld's we<ie ,not, ma.lr1'l:aifl~dlpropa~lyin O![hEi'fs and ·~a(.'€;dtnunj~~e ttlJrE18re inlhelOliTil ·of Elncr6!l:ohmBl1t, waed infa~tatio:n, pollutioo, brick Idl ns Bt[;,.Th."Usnavair:ahoil'ity of Alac,trtcity sl!d suko;iclislS{ lean fi9,c'iilities qffls:ra,q OJ' ~g:ov~~n!TI~fltsGherne'$ [hI~ve led to proUfera~ion of1;tle bOrei-WBII SYS~ITI Qiinig,;LtKlIli!nQ ag'9F1c!I1l!l1 f'e.SlXln::::ib[eJOr"im maintBnance of 1hl:l$eancii~w.itt'9roodies have Mgl·ectedJ them as they ami ne Inngm used! iby th,~ f~,rme~" a very da:J:"l@eroustrend.Th@ o'\!@r-e;o:p[lOiWJ1iO-T1 of ground water wr~ho\Jt a ""'I regard 10rits :redhaxge cqjld make thf;:;; unsuslaio11atila for <li lIol"l~ period,

I am g mt.£lu ~ to the ErNV!S Ge ntre, eN HS .C! nd w Mr, J .. _ Diin~@i,!"Iot"3Q'ra~'1 S*retary, 'BNHS fc r :!!living me:rhe C opportunity· to Corft::Wd:thi58l..11li\1'ey ancifm hi~ @!f)cOll!ff!9S'mer:'Jl

iitit Of rbiirl(:!$ :Seen dwilll!_:l the survey




Usl of w~,t@(!'bJrd,!;:!;E!NI ;!Ind tmq~n~y('If :!:i!'ji'ltiOl,g U~I~,@ogrel lirtirP. g~be or dabohic::k Li!tle [)cml'l!<l:l'1t


Pond til;!l'Cn Remvattle,:j i

[;ire~ h,p'~G:!1 U.1. tlormGi/.an1s


14 1')

Ble!,)lW~ig~~ P~.rple I'IBrbn

Large egret



SP0rre(ijbi[loo<pt::lism lridlanf s1'iaQ . Catlt= egret Pa:ih.~~ .st.:!'JJ:;: L.:<Sse' .....:1Ii~'ililft9! l teal lmll3!r'I mD!lm~,rlI

:8;'" 5 4

.. ~

lh'i1i~k@ 1em re.::f

'lI'I't.ii~b~a.."i1:a11 ..... atF.lf\P..n

4 4


Spotbill duck; Whit>;! ibl~

CottocJ leal DF'."i''ier

MaCliar,e~rat wn:;...ri t'lg;~d. ph",vQ,!


· · · ·

1) liltle ~ rBtie ,or ~[Ji1id;;;. 2.) G!"l;l~or 6Voilea"billl8d [pol!ear,; :3:)1 Lrn1~' 4)' Indian shag; 5.) lndh,m liarle-r ::tf S!1aketJi::j~ 5) Grey heron" "'i'} F'1,J1ip1~h!3ron; S] P0Jld ilai'il ll Gor~qr;J~·liirq;. ~.} Cl3,til!;; egTet; Hi} I..arge §grgt; 11J r.ts~;!egrH; 12)L'itlie '~gret; 13)r Nfghr h!Jrofil; ~4) Openibill slo~ 1,S}POIinte<:fSllmt; ~tlc) WhiLIE?·itJt~.l7}G!O~5~'bi~_ i ~3) Spooflbil!'; ~9) Gre,-~te,r~larrh1tlgtY.20) U!s@i;!or "Whi!!>Uiri~ te,al; 2.1 j "Gl'lt'lf'iney; 22)S .• 010ill d_L.'ck~ ~; Gottor) t@~g: 24) Blac,f';WingJed 1 ki~e; 2S) PF.Ji.<!hkt"'~ 5J6) B[(!'hrriiny kire; .27) .'3'hikr~ 2®) Wh1te~yeQ t~J:2l!."Jrd: 29) Cl'l!s.t~(j IMwft eagle @) Sllort-tD@d<eagle: 31.j G Fe;1_;" partrr.dge; 2;2) F.l ustsrc qua iJ sp.: 38) Wllit,p.:l1rea$~ed~',8tet!!tJe,,: i14)1 lndian moorhE.I'I: .eS) .fi l.IIftl'le moo r:1en~~B) C;Q!"J1lff!o'f( 00(1'(: S7} Ph;8a6C1rit-ta~I~r:1 jm:<lr.a:381 R,e"d ~ltledl rap",..ltVJ; 39), y,.'lIa', .... ......
1 f


2 2 2

wa1tlefHa:;::w['ng; 4(,)) LlltI(lring~CI P[I(i"'~i; 41:) SJM[,;]ai!~,j gOdW1<; 42) ~~arQh s~I~rl.J;!ilJ'~J {?j; 43) Gr.;e[lslu:n1:; 44l Gof€llf, S:§I!1dplp.8,r,

P\.llplAii m99rt~E!'n·

Cc,mmon.samipipfiOr Gm1!l'lsl'iank

:2:~ 2: :2:
r r


B1ElCkla'iled il.otlwlt P1"1~~5a.rit-t<lm~dI J.tcanli'l GlulibiDed te-:m Spo.'ioo 5am.dpip~r

Greerr ~<lnrfpjJel'


1 1 1 1

Nightheorcn MarslT 63F1dplp~r {?')

LI.I. tflm Dabchi~

4~~ \iN\.ld cr 5pdted sand~ip~r; 45) CCfrmn:m ~<iFldlllpi8r: 47) Blackwihged slUt; 43) Whj5'ke~d terril; 49) GiullbijIIOi)<;!hl:m; ;'~J~ dQ...-e; 1) SpotWl ::!mfl'l; 5"2') U~tl@ b~owl~ dwe; ~3) ROI;~ Ri~ 5 rirlS1~o,~~~I<#~~; ~1P"i~¢! o;;re$tM ~1J,~f<.ory; GtIilliITilOti r,Oiwk'GUckoo 55,) 5!5}-I.n.dliII'I kb~; 57} Sm~IU g:ree,nbiU,.·r;I.malbiha;SS) CrQwphe~Slril; .!S8.~Cdilared iS~Q~'~; 6~) :Sp~"'Q.g'l'ilet; f,;i'li)Nli~,~r5p_~~':HmJS>~

Greater ftamingo Glossy 1\;s


sv.1f\;. 63)



86-) Wh iteiHeastoe"d ki:n:J'hshe r;: £7') Small _gte1!:n ~bfj).e-!!.a<18~: 58.) bl u.eotarl~M Ma,-sa t·et: 69~ In ~ra n ('sHe;': 7>cn H O(}Pg·~; 71 ) Go'cle nihaa:ked ,....or:){:lpe.Ck~r, nj RiJfo~'e~~'in:ll;;;lc I;i!l<n [ill/I<::' (
7~} Blac~ktellie:d fir;,.;h'la~ 7'4) Small s~I;<:~k; 75) Com!f>Cfi1 ~~lIow, 76:) R8d,r'l.lmpM $w,,!,I:Q'w; 7'1) Ga,d!e[} grio.!,,; fa.} ,~I"Qk: df9ng9; ?"la\l" ~hy@''lG.lkiw-.s.~like; OO}Brahmifl'f mytla.: !J1) ComrllOr! m(I;',*,-; (2) 1f.~~pije: 8u) Commcm 'l'!'oQd-:sfHti:<,e: 8~) C:orfi.rnoi'"lbra~ 6.9)nedwnredlN,ll~~I: 00),Wliii!~b'r~ bulbul: ail) O,lrIlii1on MbMer; ~ Wl;itl®.c;~~4baP'~r; 00) LarQ~ grey babbEe':; OOlAall'l' w~n-

·r:t41 i-',

66) Sm~tl t')1~JAkingfi~h~r;

\v1hiChrare' :seJdOm ,seen in large cQJ1Qeti!J'.il!liorf;;; werEl f'lcti 1:Min Ilarge n Y fl] be rs Oif Ii! p1iO ,0'00 'lbi rd's_ if! s.~v"Qr~1 wail:erbodies. Sill1flif~rIy 'OOQts w~re =tiitn in ai:least thrA<a M!'Ijq; In n,L.lmbe:rs,exce~dlni] 100; cormosants rJ~ fQur"ti!!!1:ks (300 aod ab.ov,e); ,OO!tt01ili fulal ~5()1Jol.8tThlmnE!iri: Spcflbiil' ,cl'l£cIc'in 1hre"e . t~nb3 {1 C!i[H ad bi.rds) <ilFia g:[1;¥ heJQJil (100.& 210) at two tanks. iti6 5,.."'!QttBdbilled OT gifEly pe"licarl was 8'nOOLU]!lFl;red at ronr ta)R:k~ - Kalilpattu (6J; MadmMilaikam (1);lf'oono'i ("4) aJrla
_S~rUIDavQaJ ~5}and, the darter





and\!jEldar!111afCigal (5).. Baaedain .~nYrnb:ersoo(:l :;;p.i;'dies ilh~:r ~I.!PPIDr:t, ,all e'igtlt: renks l~di~l')tabl~"'I al'l!i of imp.o~nJ;9fm$usta:j!')ingW"a~~rflir{j pC'Jp.L!Ile~lOt'iis;lntf:Jei'la~h summer m.Qnth~,In lhe~tlld;V ~r;~,

W<lIItIie;'~. 1) JUi'tgUl, Wr'e.'l'ws.l"lJler;,-G2) TailOttli I"It 93) StreaKed"fM,aiil 9 wadJI'8J; 94) Pl.a~n wl'!lr.4.!Jaltll~r, ~}~gple I:'Obfft; ·96) II'iI='iian rO'Cin~ P~~cI bU'£~C~~atf.lSl padd.)1i~i(:l1 pJpvt, 99) l,:;I;rcg:epiel!!\'I'~gttajl; t'Q{I) Purp le- su~"'ird; 101} PiJrp 1e"'l'LIrnp.;:<;isl,!nbird;l 02), Lm~ n's; ~1;; tQ3} YeIlQ'It-:!rir.oated ~Jlfl.lJQ"W; to4~ 6aya W!ll~'fIf bird; r


i:3i.;!cil::f,I$'d m~Mi3i:





mLIi'lie; l08}.spmtEd

Tile otf'IiE1rwa~rDooies

Gould ·.?!f,so.~u~plJ'[t ~~['


,Nesthllg 01 Comm:on Grey Hornbill

D'r, AfiC., RASToGI' f:1ile I was e,njQvJf1gmy daily walk fn II-!-enile moming !!J'f . " . 15th April. ,2000, my attentio,1il W~$ caught by iii pair af 'comman grey hornbi II (~N: indian grey nornbill o..::-yc_e'l"ru:' biros'lriS), l;II,i'hki'h,we r-a bUSy insp,eclil1g a tm!E'lOr tlho!Jt 3 im:he<sin di~e1.er_ The 110le wafS acou· 12 ft, abovE! 1M ilF-UUlld ill ~ha IrUfnkofan Amron Tulip Tre,e {Sps'.tlJ,[itj~-compa','1r.rfata} srtu.e.1ed inSida It'le campus of Na-lioo~ Bo'[;al'uc:alGardSClt. Luckriow. 01'1 the .samG 'tree high u_p £ nest'S of pi'eo myna: werle aIM, present. OlJ_1.flth At'ril- (Fig. 1) .lndJe ·W,"$ (m,m,j elused except for a vertical slil which 'WI'IS just wid~ e:nough to a,_c;Imittl ~Daak. Fet'('l.ii!:re hombill S8~n movJn!} bp.-hJrnci 1his sitt 9th May - Beak of, tn,1lI hQr'rlbll!1 Wa& seen Gaming


Ptledi~tFicia:l"I, 385, Olel HaJderganj

LLi~kr1OW 226 '003

. -

Summ!!u:y 1) ,

Fig. 2

Fig. 5



of tlile slit

and tiler! goJti.9back into i1t two featne:~ w:e~eseen expelled throu:gh 1~ slit, It S>e901f1E:lil as' it st.!!: was cleaning me nast. f}.s-nghwa,'7SJs) at one ti me by "OJgutl}l1alinr', FJ!;js were d~P'D(:lJt,ed: In: his crop, hii;l.·mad~ 'ng one fig to the tip,oftl:J:e beak and lfnifin he w; to illS partner insideth~ nest; the same act.was n~p!O.,aleU 0,4 times.
131h June· (fig, 2) Vl'ilrtioa! slit found pam,a1ly hmk;;!l"l bul: on:I~' f:lf.llr$'it seen feeding lI;,etam il',/> ~odlay' as the oock. h-ombilr can;,e-cIos,e to the nee-'t fe!:lbJe voices (ahg~,~e) ,of the young 1'th

Vi,,raI110cover :1:. 8 openirl9: 0' the hQ11il: was completed In jlJlSl g rla~.s_ .2) Partial d~ti!a·ge to the. )'loall en 131h J me mlght be due to

red her 3-4 figs or BM~ra.n (ri;OW


Cock hombi II seen feeding hsr. ilnsfde

tt'te nest


$Offie preda10fY animal.


.ones· i1.eard.

14th .JPHf3 - (Fig. a) 'Brak-en Slit f_ound f8paired, 22mI: .h,llne: - (Fig_ 4,) Silt 'founel eil'll8iJfg:e.r;L Her CQnlinemeJll sndsd otdhis, day. ZlIb .,JlJJ::!!i. ~ tAg, 5) Slit found lrepaimd, but seen feeding '~e nes!f:iogs_

S)' Young ones,' 'lIOic,"$' were l"I<!i!Eli~dmorllifi Mel 25 dayij; .aJ; 1 U'te com plalion ot tiDe 'waif , 4) Mo1her left the, ne$t when the nesllings we're 14 days 'oldL Hoar('JCifl'Il~Mmenll pe'riQ(i'w'as 2 months and ~ days. 5) 27 days taken by the n;;-sflings 10 b~ ffi8li,Yle enolllgh to, hnve tile JiBsL 6(1 Cook t1Cf'fIbili WEtS seen i!lt\~e, nest only_';!ihile ~aEldiJ1g:his., f-Ie- was nwe~ ooen sittin:glsi,ffilIreiy tn the ViGiniily ofthe nest. EXC8f9~on 151h Aprili, both parents ~vere OOV9'r 5ee,Fl1'og~,tller' at 1he Re~~.This 'behaviour poseel d'1fficu~tty lin locating Uwe Msl . 1)


ne&tir.g. activity took 2: m(lrnhs'

ami 26 days,


one parent

10th Jury - (Rg. 6)


four.idlllmilly broken, nothing

inaide the' nest, no trace of f.arn Ily in the vignity.

Dougl<!_$;A Bird c;,aI:emi;it'[iOfN'urtill",rn Indl3 '191~, W. Th!'!rnrel' & Co" Lo.lld~,m,.PQ,~5 7fl, 95, Ali, Sa~m: lin.s Bo3-!I! of IUl(j~a:n BirdlS, 12lh Edi:iofl WGl6, O:dnm Ulli'ffimly. P-rwe;, Fagcs .202, 313_

How Birds make use of Nature's, Medicine C:hesl

S. RANG,Il:SWAr\i11 Rish~ Valley w~Sh!tOshar~ with r-ead.errs cf NILBW soma surprising facts contemed in ano rl'lr.tlfJa b¥ Bryant Fm'IO'l.... pubJished in Nsw Si;ifmtisf clat~d 22 Janur:try 200G, :It is tlllAo.l "KIlls: ,all known gem]s" ami starts wilh ther W.lij.~tiQn ~ 'Why dC-EO ma.n.y birds gr~)[-:mthemselves w1Ith ents! or seek .qUt spsclal greener), W Ijtwltb!!i~r ne$<w ? They are just foiibwi'flg ai n~atth:l ElJi'Id hygieni,o ro .. linE:!~_ Also this artici§ makes me feel that tilare mucn scope tor ,olJdwatch.;;rs to s!!lJdV minut81y Mow birds sge.k rAmedi~ fur the·many Pl\Oblems~l'iIill peat8vil their t'lay-to-day survrll,aL Educa.tioo Centre (KFI}, Ri'shi Valley 517' 352, .A.,p.


B.tyru"it Furlow's i'l1le'res:1 in how birds com ...tJt ecto-pamsftl'c in'ladi'lf.I5 has helped 1'B'.:9Allhcw b'irds: .;:ombaUh.e-m ,by tapiPing nanm,,'s m.edieine d'iest. MalJfY specioo fumigate theLr .1e91s 'nith plaillib:: to buoot ille health of their'otfSj;lring a_tld pr()!ol'Y their ~l,InrtiV·i3Il, And birds ClOflfUYlioolygmonn their featlhers w'Jih anls S!I] th!:l!i' ~ ben€li!:from the insech anlilbioQOO,sacreti(lrn:. But :p8rb~ps the IOOert:l:iiiz.:,me·thArapy 'Of all ,b~lo!')g$' 'to the owls that nest w.iih I!ll;ive sltake to keap pa.!olI~i~e~ cheek, fen Ni8larly ,OJ f.ifolh of 3111erecoh 0",,,1ne9~ have a t'e~s;irj,ent o~i d s n ~nake that nQ~ly live$- LJridergroUl,d_. Fi'E'lff Geh lback and

Robart ElaMri~a from 8a~l()tl.ln1Vel$iWin Te:<ea. round th<'lt theslil mLuooned 61lHliiss Which SliM'1€< 00 a diet ot anhrnpm::l t3irvae make life easier f'DrUie ohiJJl~-$.. "'CQ-'J.!d~!;JfB 00 why parEnt o'l,vls b:ringth~-$I'I2.~ to fhei~ F1?Sl u",hQjfTIed? NolJody's sure. BlJt chicks rsared j ·.n:eS1$ccmtalning snakes do 9r'oW r~stet" and are mlIti>'hmar .. DkeJ~l'"o 5uJvii,/:e,han ,1tIoss grooming up t l \v1ful1lut aSfrlF.i;ke it:) Ihe::tamil,,!. M al\'j~n Uici-; worni'!, 'emulating say Ihe scientists: Wheilil€, the bird',;:::m8dic:aJ ~leg\ leamed o'r innate, v~e'(:¢ul-d S"JIIbenefit Rom it. says lFuJiJIJ.\\I',
"alrds ar@ tlyingpe.trlcffishes,Je!OHiing 'W1~h IlItlcrobes im,ide and oW'" sa),o'8Date Claykm, a parasite ewlogi~fmm!be l!Ini~;i!rsiW of lJIah. It has; IQng been knC<1.!'l.r1 some t'rerds i:ldl1 h,esh that green fofiagero n~>OiTI nests, Cjne idea is th8!l g~een'Elrihelp'S

SimlG, Wilrlb€lrg~fS gl'0j; $'li,Jdy, Q~lf;lr' r8~~rahllh'B.'S, ronfirrrmil the lin!!o:: ei:w'ean fc,1ii; ~ and nest reuse In b song"birds ..But if'llhis"isil'lr'lrrElfbalfumiga.tion, 1I1elio~WS btougrbt to the nestotlOl'!t to b~ Titll"i iii _vp!atile ~rnpotlnds tnat ;17!a:.rm parel.t~"l ..ArId Ittis is 'WtJaI.,re~arrcher-61 are fin::ling .. 'In India, tor e~!;IJrnplB, house spa-r.row.s .nest throughollt the. bl'eedlng ,S-eO!lson witt;, ri~m lea'l,l',es, whi~tloolltai:fl :"')ltc)61erol wl'iJ~dh is 'aJ " na~~allln~!!IQt i':'I!peIJ!1llllt end aJ'50 disrupU:i &'J9-&;:liyiflg in 1kikS andoth8. DloQfl·SllCkif[]iQ~r,asf~$. Tbere are researchers wl'lo do rlQI ag~ae wilh thls il'lterp~ ....IloI'!~ reP~ter lFauth ~ H '!be Un;\iler5:'ity of Maryland!I-Ia' suspects 'ljhat bnngring ),eavS'$ ia pSirt tlf CQurl!lh['j:) dlsplay'_

'keep'thJe nests ven) hurriid; tram d-r@clsUTl~llIht.

is thar it shades chidt

HI:l:Wav>e'r.< md his team @..drlilil; i'I~ ,t:n~t~i;:e.ywa$~d UwJ,r neal t!O.1.ies, '~ilh, 6h~Qflne breach JI.J!>t b~h)re tn@ !!Ixp!f.rimenl to, prevent "scrtoP"fraBIilB oenterntnatlon • Also it must be saki d'I&t

PeterWiu'loo[garflrom lI1.ti LUn~ver5;ity '01 ~!Jgst Sound an Washingt.oill 51are.s ,~, ! jf '!he
green fo.Jiag'e, in fain ~or0.sts and maritime

B-.rtb-ot.l'lthe th$of!,es, ean becountered.

rumodil;y 'lllieQry r,5 'laUd:, why:otnowr1d, I"l;!!sts,of such tilirds ha..a ~imales ? He <'IIJ;s~

~<lirns eut tha~ yOO, 1II11d regn~ry in shady nests bafiaalhlhe g f<JrestcanoP¥ :and in sph~rical nests. where chickis "re prQ~:tad fr{lm'U~e ~1iJ1l. Ir~d~ocl,over the ye$1I'S ~thas bai:oma cloGarlhat tJi:r3s nesting In. ",~an·shatiE:,d. rngh~bumklily. l!ies cavibies or ,:::omrad nes"lS us€: green foliage mQre etlan tban open-cep restel'$-, $()i/ttl ArnBfican mOrit-; p!;Ireikeets" for ~rnple. a:r~ l'aiinroresil bilrd9 that SP!ll'-~ all yesJfin mass.i\!B,.ca_Qnies~seml:llifl9 ramshackle epanme!'lt blodks. Each nest: is 'OOvsi"Ad and·the,y are slacksd OneH.lpCn another, s-omedmes 1"5, more-yS'1Sl!" Mo,l')Ik parakeets hring greelli rea'ii6s. too tJCOiI f'ias!t$ iro.m th.€! sLlrm,lJn~ing 'mre5t r but Dnly during the 'tm:!.erJil'191 ,~;!lS(ln._ 8at!;: in Ihe.iillJ(J..;' 9-lros Wlmberg:eIT noti~d th~t tJrrd's of ~rev, ,~iso 'lJS~ greenery .e.1Vet'] ~aoific 't[rnes. Th~' 'l"egut-ariy r.aplenish lh~ spti~:9 if'! their whlile their' nests are ,in-CUbaili..1_Q1 andsltiKinty ,atle-r l'Iawhrng. He re~ised th-et_1rl-ng, 1I'!'(ltl,ld oa mest vuT"Q9ratJile to' pemSil,es af ~trl$ lifrne :arp:::l '!lIrOi'l'1rj~rli1d:Vl'h~:ltu:::r,ell'W illligijt bEl t@:kiFigi-a~1intl!llg)gDffile, voDa.'ie. defemlive eharnlcals thai: some plall"ID IUlf're e:,,,01l,1'f'ld to combat Iccain ii'ltedJ!oi'l's artd @tV.;;H1i8 h~vores. It waS" the' first hint that gfjgl€l,rllIDj nli.ght bethera lei k!VI~ b9rd's OWn [lI'Ira!1J'ilf-\f.,WiltibBrg,Qf, reas.crteu {fiat ffh~ m,e~~tiC'n idea '!.'IaS correct. UlI;I >b'ilDs H10S1. \o'L([n~rable W parasnes ~\f.)LMf,al!m biI' Iilkew to w~O'rt,io herbal -r-em&1ic~. Some);;iq-r;j~r'lk~ 1~ in(ilsling iri: ~ caNiti~,$ tr1.;l:d", by animals: ml:i5,~reuse nests '~ror:ll.~, pm'nous year, other bird$." li~e many !a.tlt9is. simp!y C'hClO~ to IlJse thB same neliit agaili.aM ag?in_ The risk of irrtastl.1\iQrl fram para.s:ltesc1hat can kil~ wh.ol~ broqdsis 'much 1~lgh8r i'll ti"re5e f1lest$ aM}$-1)th&~ I3frds ~'o'6uldMe<i to !l'!lOJo'l\i'El' mO'ol€sqpflTsti~d my? fuI fi9ht:ai~ thal"l.1h~Me burJding pl'isti:m,l ne';;,~~ ~I"Orl1lW)"'atc1ii each seas.IJ-a,

just beoaJJse;gveenery aitraCbi liiates it does net 'mGan. that it OOaS·nt IUlTIligatl:l~e nest. Femal~ may simply prefer ma~ tt,~itp.1olaC:Hlleir nests well a~if'lSlt parasites, pc·ilrts out En ri.ql-l,e B¥cher of 'tile LJniJ.'!l5il1siiQy OJf CoruClba_ Even H:elga Gavlnll'ler Q,f M:ix Plariic:k Insntute of AndelJh~, G errnarry GorrIirm.ealthat st;arlir:1€1spre-f,er to ~I;J[JH I, 111~[!; will'l 'lea'Ves cOl'ltalnlng natural ·antiibio-Ik:$h ~I'J~ i,n&3ctida:es though he betimes Ihal gm8I18:ry is a sexually sel,ec~ed: omamen' to se::::ure mora than tine mala 'fo:Ilol'.'ing Ihe ,same JUI9aS' PQ!I;oodo:


Ii 1"fEllilts 8ra,lM~s for diseaws, 'plumagl!lals.o suffers :U1e same tate, A new stiI.dy by E~ward8LJ,tt ~ Jann Ichida 01 ohio WesJ.eY,iii'"li!JnIV9T"Sil'l s'ho'''fSlhal bacteria can deSlroy adult pllJ~ more quicl-::ly than anyboqy Sl!6P~f:lrl, In tEsl tubes, chickGnf®<ltr'c il1ooi)lated w.itih ba i::feria. I'r·OOI O;\IBld birds' f,eatflers irap[,~ry fell to pieces. ei~l1. thE;1)'~Utl pc,(nt ,au'! Ihan feathers, O~ wi~d bij'H:lS may nlot be hLJr:nkl' SUPPOOl th8,"i~ tevels f'J"f hum1:dily Mley.-aaw If!to;<$,U,\.Jibe~, sun, baetena are capabfe ot' Q.&gradiing adu)t pi mag:&. making fllg 1:ie-ss, effi(;~entand disrupting f'ea'.M;ers.' c~aciity for ifisiUliaflun •.
Clayto' .be5-e\;'~$tha;a-dt.J~ [mlefllng. dl!lst-bathi!flg and pemaps even aO!'JJu.a.1 mo,ultTr,g ;;!It,aeN'Qllrtl~r'lar"!/ dap.tatlons 'to the a El~i'YiTv~1 eha.1!e;ng{ls posad 01" rTIlcrob'i'a! f~athe'rcbllJ!s~e:r~, 'T)usJil'11g~d g,~nnjhg may ptay:a rote ;in microbial cki~nce' by 1'iIl!'l)nilepllJll),fl9~ too dryto support bacteria", Iii,e ' speou1afes. He al S:Q be!tslIes ihat "anting' rn~yreduce, ba.c~e ia 1))' allowing h~ to' ac'qWlire a!!1tiDi(im~ ,Mora liM from ' e meh;lp~ellr9'1 glf,t:im:ff;;of ants" •• secretions which ~()J1ta:in cCkmp<';lUno$; !>llcb ~ at.Ucinanql beta-hi!!tdro:t:;Y 'fatl,Y acid. So afillifil9 R[I:~y i},"!p lJii]fdlS ligh;t- gff infec:OOM. 'A,il5!'lg - lrli3etl not f1ec:ess.ariiyiflV'~I1;"e, an!:s_ H, i~ 'only H hygienic: procedure in birds. 81rds hOl.'t'ebaen seeo 8Jntingli'Ijih mimpede5. Tllarig:ofl;l


tlQw!!!l"sand/lfle :wbacoo in cigatette butts,

Qrac;ll!!:\l and S't!l.rfinos

ViJl:mbergef ~hldi~d r49 gpeGie.~of No(lh American. al1d'SooIIh Am arican biooS<lf PI:fIY~ VVhat he tbund COl1lirmed ~iis sU5pioi()I~, r1~arly' 8'0 per oer,t. of ,nea re.uoSB'r.8,'im~llJdgng ~'I.a ea:gl~, noMgrn Qosh:awls~J'Jd (j()i'firnl}~nbtm,ards:: fmri.etlfi'es.fl gr.e~ ttl t!ieir ne!i~5, Of th~SEl birds ttlattltlikl R"!3{V neS,l:SeE'fillhYQar sudi';) ,asthe tai/tl'llf o,wlMd -Eliuf( ,ctLan'ting.go.shEjWII, b'arral'!'" 0 4 P<;!F eent w;e 13rEi9rnleaves.

mst'h ball $ • !~p@llearfefp;I'lar,S t'rom the .... ~~ll~e~Marigold [:!stals oor)tain '~i'I:o®teroll,like m:atgosa r..eav:esuse-d by hGulOesparro.w,s in India, ClaYWn .once' w~,t(;hed'a graCkl!e silling ~vilh PlSGs>;af a dis::::ardsd limi;l' truil in a city park~ Uce WkelD from doves. and kept ovemigllit' if'! a (llsh vtitlla smaD piooa of 'Iim~ die:.::!in large num!;!'I"m~l'; any of 'th~e had nol m
eve.1'iIoome-: ~ (:(l-rrUMl 'lMfilh fhre lil'TlB, but appe,an;:cl -t~ be,dying, I'-Iow bird:cl !Seleot Ulef r Iinedical:i()iri i,E; s m:l""stary !

m.e~ ~


anoim !ilerlj~el~'~

w~h !]@J'CIengrs

whi:&e,I:b~, billei< Ibtosand ctQ\l'J¥IOil'€int. Ti1Ie:re 'l'/e~ just: t'i'lithsub,adult o,T.onza,wing,eJJ JacafI!9I., Se'Ver~1 COOl's: aM Irtrle gr,elJe

A SflO.fitT TRIP 7:0 f!AN.D.fPUIJ •. SOllE UNUSUA.L SIGtfHNG8. DR" A ... iL PI'll, 12, Kumara F'~tk E1ist, F

l3t;J~rore sea ,001

fis'fli!l~ Smail EIfI'- _ ,and if;laddy bJrc{s w~r'e in tJ-i.ap~~phelY. 6f fri~ ere w~$i <i ~aft Qf dlJg~ • 118\S~r VI' .. ..~ b~$ted waterr,en wer~ b1l5¥ f,or~~IO!J. We ham the,qtllF ~nd 'o\!iln>e~fhis cdlec~on

rlbl!1lhlf'!.rinl9 ·a~'nut, rMo., W~m .r.,Tght9di'11 Shetl'1l'kere. ~1lJ)5f pG.6-~J:leMysere Air~Clrt rl"ilter~51illigly, Al...iLof t ~hem we're -iast .asleep willl1if1.ii r !leads on [hei;r !backs at .8.. D 3 inlilie momi:).g, TJ,uzy W~i~ ~bQbt:1l~ up and ,dOl.lVn in'Ole water undisfuifbed by tt:Je traffIC noi~e, Comtllonle~t The :;$
rn the.same Ig~Ej, about 50 ~p0tbill:sd pe!il'-:;aJltf5 'NQr~ sw[ml"l'lit.'lg in.!;l.~irlle; a'iongsid'e 01'18 soother. They were dj,pp!ng1rr~.lsh and corn ing up, mo..,jraQi srawl.yforwarcis ill !<I si~gle ijn"'. Th:aywere

from; tha: ~road.sida.



my return from BaJfI:dfpur ..

Conflhulng ourl1lrivD we~aw pail'ltAd ;:>tl)r1<, bral'iiil(i[rry' ~re, piflfaJlai'i Mitll3, IJI'ao:k:w,ingsd ,~~ilt m'1h1m nenk1)di sfl;l~k fmm 1he _ ear, W",ikiing 'llafly r.noming. tile' ~le;;;t day, .10 a. thic:kBt Gll!,lm o.oU:e!J!I' ~pl~fitat~" .a[~ :s pre atll 'over" 2 acres ol lan,d the: fQl~O'liIifig b"i'rtL5 'oIrere Se€lT]'i, y.@~all',iwa:gfa;!; tai~Of binj;,pu"p~e rumpedlwHbrrd; SJIT1all oooo g bM~a1€r;'!l roi:;:irl; b!t~ ~ :shrike; Q1zyhom! .f'HlblbhH: :br9Ck .wInged ~i'te'; lim@ scalvb!llli~tj: gr~e.n v'rcmf{l'E:clmr; 'lll'hifu bre<JIstecfkingef!sher; mcquF< taJlecl! ,drQJlQ'O; Ire.epj.e; yenOW 'l;h~G:kl;!d lit go.1~an'b~k:ed WObdpe~ri b!ue 'iYll'1g;ed 'pamkeel:; r~d w.j1!i;~It~re,",.bu~bl..lll.; fOoorlrM.;Ied parakeet,; ,orang~ 1'I@"a!(!~dg:t;QUint!th'r1)1sn; spotted dOVOl~'io:r~: gr'GIoo

dr[vilJ9 the lii:!OhfY~rd bY'swimming .in 11.line 'and thaj]ld!ppili1~ th~r h~,ads down 'to caltcih then"!.ifltOl'l' were OOmmilJ~ iIy fIShing,.

The next interesting, sight WOl.\S·red 'oVanted la~'lI'ir1lg: divinQllt! a ,zhase .8:.way ajack;:;:l, scoNamill!g alarm at the sarna, time b~LJSA the nest was on the g FOund ii"l a lieHd 1I18:Uto a small b~.!'$h-The jackal hOl<Jarrived Mpii'li9 fo: catch Ihefl€:i:lfJlings .for a sMal", Ultimately •. he 'was oo:~leld_

barb:et;, .;-epp'~rsrriith;

OOLlCil!l; dro~go; hill mynw.' com mCil1i myl'!a;.~Iden Qrlo1:~~junglb iowll~ ~d I'I'Itlflia; i{M~ Ji8d .... ntei:l pl,.'lbul. e .


Ibu..5/h cha:t ~,.;a!iet mfnivet;

slJf"l1€'trlirl@. Aftedollb:li'lIing KWaboul.2()O yards,!~l.lddElfl!Y: di~Qi?Ver'ed that he was ootually oorliting for a. m;Ofiibr lizard wh~oo wacs ruJnning en, fh8 ie@jp~I@ road in'l us. The owl1;'!l";'ll$ otual!y targel{rng: this rul.lmal whldh evenruailW; iumped a iot!) <I pool cl 'wate.r :JInd ~P!H:t Unifortunat~ly, W~ 6a me ~h the 'o'Iiay of his gel.iitl:9 his dinner. The' lJ~ds si.ghk!~ du,~ing th~s trip aw as follew£; : 8po1ted ovdat;W.hita br't:I<li&tOld'lklnjJliisher; DrongQ;R1;:.dI vMiJltlEld'ilg~ 8p,g~bjn~d P.~!it;;<'ifl; Whito! ii;l.i$; If'an~l'ted"E;r.o,k; PU\tpl~ . mcmheri; P<,!r1a:h '<ute; Spotted dove; Ut'.:he· greM; Grey pal1J~clge; f'iied WCI!i!ail; Btuewi ngecl par.a~§et; G(]ldlan bac:kEld' woodpedlmr, Gr8Cn barbel:; .:fullgle. fowl:;ReelwhfsK~red liullml; Cc-pperemllh; Gf'E,y hombm; .M~pie re~in; tJ\lihilGl b.fO'Wsd ta:ntailed liY{;8.tchEl'F, II eQr8!; Pi~d kirlg,f.iElhs r;BUBh r~rk; U.ttilOl cormorant: Gray .heron; Bi;;I;CK iois;Whi!.a l!iacfI1ed 'Stork; Brahmihy kite; Corm mOI"l triyna: COlrJl:"!'tQfl1 t9<d; Coot Indi\<l!nrobin; Y""llov~ w.ag1;all;RoSE ringed par~keet HOClpQe; Peaoock;: Ritd ':.I.!ffi~d bur.bui; Cou:::at U~Ua l"!'1~ni\!ets;Ore$ted hawk eagle; $hikra; Great IndJa.n no m.ecli)'INI;· BtOVi'I1iojlODd' 0'",,1; 'G!reei1lbeIHlaier.; Jlungleb.atb1et11 Indiatlrtflio:r; Paddy Ii~ld pipit; Tailor biro: Indian ""'''',g; CCHnmon sparrow; Whlta

We were allHpi'ised td. spotthe gr8ffJt l'rTdia{l' l'Iol'llreGi01N1hop.1Ping frQ~f!ilfeB totrea, rn shcrt flights, sJot'lQ 1h.e same, d¥r>eCmoni011 ·OOMMEN TS CJN TriEilJliWSL whrd:hi our jg.!3pw';)s tra~!m 119,- Hi;I~em~ de'!:~r:mlnoo t(1 do




V'~S'll1J1inr.riir1, G8ndhfoo~r

hil!!l1Idld biibb~e'Js; Flufou~ bll!.Gkad $hr~k'<l; Purple rurlliP@"Q S~i"lbh~; Paddy field ~ alrt.ler; Crested'ilt '8,,~l8<, ..

J ho!"j~ !,Ie;,;;;;! qommonly uw.J~r'S"lood .[l(ljth1l~s'ul birds and f:!av€I not put th",~r g~nElri() n.<!~s in bracke,ts, I hope !l1e ~eeM-r omithOingistwill' exous-e meiornot usin-g1hl'! latin rlrut'li€'S, whtc;.h I av~r·l1se, in my O\yn IProfe:sS!io:n J


.KODl4iGU. [MtAfl PAl

,ON A ·Sf-tO~r TRIP


A volei~ of biJlI'dswere $e!etn in a, !o1tU$ ~~nd ]u:st 'oIMld:e P.0riyo:pama, There lUew oo~~egaMon5 of purple mMmen,

lflhis,Jscoori]atfring rnore ro add to m~ r.esp-onses: to VoL .4{). NQ_ 4,. July-AL:lg);lst200jJ NlBW, The OmrI11fj!()giGaITolJ'F 1]1I3J~:. HiIl~.:;.~.K.(§L.:Idi makas ~nter:esting reading but rm ... :some c oommeflfs - alwaYs so easy fo i'llake a5XJIl,lIt other pe<Jpl€l's, oompositiom~f'd ~.e:;i,tiCt"1S; {r} - this il':litialljng pla~i!;: ra1Ih"iilf 'oonfQw!'l1iill'l:~hbY!: given fne Io:,":f~' solifh;em narnes; I $Ilplpo~ h<C3to Qea.cosptad. 8bl re:ly the Di.M. 5ac~dgrrnte must b9 ~er,~, o!iQef'1mn -alh{)usand years ? ~t'!Nllui,o gCl ba£!'; !fTlro pr,ehi$ID<ry _A. temple ciDns~~~d may loe-'~iiored, trees m&y.OO ag!9<cI, b!.J~§!lot the, !5;ite. The arnn.or's lang:ua1.tJG is dl< woca:mre "a.fff:r.ill iin{!3 Nl ·(Jf k! r':!bJ~ :aoo; ,shpp;ping v..e drov~ ttlwards Srifl~g'a.r (omp!rex and as .cou~· Would d!?Jr,,anO' WQ mg~ 1ilA!l {!C IF Mr _ Pi. M. Rey Who siP;: in hi$: .CJfflc~ of too jurrgJE! !oogefhen;l·a,ni1 aft;;r' oourfiilinillig put re51$,"\iations at K. GlXIi'l>'f'ii,oorriirm~d ••••," Irlthe n:e.>:il: pa.ra we M . .,.,e,~45me-mt!ers ef nerthem S.ti!O!HlIIQr, .30 memb.ers ·of dill!:! ElJlrll.sian bl.a;r::k\vfl'lg:El~ slil\;2 m~i'Tlbers o.fme fDa1nt'ecl $'!ank, 2 members, of~hegldfj.aU~1I1ire*J1ed spa.t-bnled pBii(JBn ..__."Tll~n, su~ety. . ~h(ilr-.'l;'eQlJet talled dron©o'scaili oannot bs cumlj@d with -~hat of il!!a ttoo pie. (!) ~hough ther fOml.Br'!;lIOulci mim!r.'t.ela.fte~. Perhaps Dr., littaif'Jgi linay mi';:~ tr), F!mon,ji1'hi1li1e l)~rd~Irippii"lg among! fallem le<.'3!"'~(l' iF'! a 'l-n@st ;mmrn:QtJ'le~ manf'ie-rfs .ir,d~ a! MoM,r;ifh lfam and no!. M_ drraro. .~ (}(lurd'l\'I.t blJt 9nt~e at tfn~ ~Iugq: t~@E I:::ww.ith ~ qurr1n( m \Je.W/JR ", .." A '\leI)' enjbyabl,e a;1i~le feel~~ly w~rtwn tnou:gh ttl", :OOeritlS1i: t1'\eiaufum camas In appar@nl by- I'Qfhirng c:iiher!l1an hrsfuantdn~· 'Ih-e dl'il>"eii of'1ih8 Q~.h je~p, Mr .. LQrlIga, fQrn!$ ,ti\<!rnt~1drlvlingJ on ~e narrow .0 feet wide "fmss{ road', IlJPOI!CJd doim11he<ghats", Th,:9 next liims' ~find my;.eii~ou;tlh w,iili th~ wirlt"sling shovall9JfS. I wi>!! m'5~e it a paiirri: to· ,,[git this QbviQ:L!sf)f del~t.aJblfl pl.:il~6 arild 11i1aFclk Dr. 'Ubhgifo:~ @king the' trQl,ib!ieef'Mrilin;g <fml:ill3a1~ to read. ~ know hmll' ~iffi:'CIJlltjti11i·ror,a sctentist who w~i~ ;seie;rnilf,i~ ~peFS to GO so for.pq;u.iI'an:;o.tlSJl.m:tpUon ;:;ftdWEHtll mllli1tfo;fll1l!nkY(JiU, S,jr" 'for mavin§! ~~nthswJ,lbhi!',

C~pl jaldeep Chanda mlghHecneck'lhe·lde:nlity alee of the "J":erek's!l!rrlJdpiper Or,..Da¥11 ,and i':ir~n;6We"averOO [Jayi Ii M~d:8

ID be r:~omooked (I ~m glad ther·el~ a "7"10 the name) slnoe,

1M ~irds ~lI:mb$ out " .tJ~d!ing p:lumag~ .;md. mal' WEll. be COfilfusedl with the C)·iller COmrnD'ilar i'!nd mon!! 'wldF--ly 1:'lp,$pe~e<tIvJea~'er$ ot-Ih~ :$ubcQnti.netlt. . lin ~sp~s~'to Or;A,nJrlactJ~2lI1 KJ;.Imar's~e!)f)rto.f th~ r"9!JJJe frog! ~h.a!",e a .slml!ar·@-_xpari~nef.O! whi~h ~s,hoold ~:ave'l r~pon'Eld.. Le:at mOI'l~oO't:J, e. pe8ih~t1J h8Jd ha~chednvechlclffi I't'ii a trielld's large \;l-:SIrden. There:"is ana:ttr3:ctive ws.:n;;r bOdy innallrtea1 by .SJeVierru l:arg~ (,rogs, l15h, f1~st1ie'lled t~!1Ies And J9 \il1!llt.eclby th:aU$U!I!I'aoool'tme-:m 61 bTrd!!; ·kl ~I~h. drin~<, balti,'e·.andm~~~IY

When!;zd '!!he Pf'.;rkM~age!l' M r, ATUf1: Abh'lfBinkar he .iRfc;lJi!1iiedrne tha11118 CC;Hiflm'(lll mGOgQOS8 (Hr;lrli1~$.tfJs f:I1WaroSI) has been rngllJlarill seen preying upemthe jmr~nil:€ ll)ight h9mfiiS f~Jlle:til'~ro:Flii n~t!;. tM

LimJeGOi!T!"IQr""n~·ate 'Gomrilooly round OJ] the MU:lfII-'Mtltha rNer and: are regl:Jia~ys.een in title eVEiiF.Jing~nsmall tIocks of alboUi\:
30~'40 birds, while r0itlJmQng from the,j[ klr.agin;g grCllJndfl_ Thay il~"'€J baeflob.s:~rwed! rOMtilln'!l (lin .S! private islaned~nthe Mula-MutM river neartne Bur.o ~8ifG!8n ~f8:aWhiQh! is aJ!;lout: \5 krn, tIJ'lIIa-y from U"!e n1~51rfilgl shes.

:A..ccmdfn~to IiflY .kJrro\vJl;ld~ thj.s· is "the ~ilfSt l!eco:rd :ofUia

Mlfr'lGrafits-andlh!:l night

(iPf8:o'!..miOlu1y) to 21dn1Jre tfn;l'ir rWlacliIJTI:=. in fh!lwmer .. OnR" morntng, one Q1 the pea chicks was 'found In 1he ja\\I\$ d-a. f['09! .aM Feewed ~n:tI).e ni"t;k Clf tima. in ~l'e IiJidktis; .f/l.e peahel1l ~Isw over 1fi!l-cam p.ound VIaIl,Md sino!! tne Jd~B>r, h!lsS!!v8~:al
UfJiflP,ighlll3ss o~!cka w-erecarm,JI'e<f and f·EI~aed in ceiP'MvI[y.-·they~re·a1O'1il
mangoos8, Sf1!aKeS,'ll'Bfl'IHiJs·and· avian p~t[ators,


nas!i'ng Tn tha city,




tul~ f1~~ed peafol!tir aodhave j:oi~.e(r the w~ld b'rds. Cdmi('ilg1 back tn too . , yam II;ll3no'l,gf) d;;l.~g_ht<')r- ,~h(lulr;il not be. indignMrt edd[e"sinte fmgs.areVQrraoi.olls predators and ast)'Jlundillg-ly larg~ anlmals, If sri:vc.mffrog::;;:ar,C!: confined !D ~ res,Meted ap.a,ce, they wm ready swallow l;he.iIr
r:'e[[owsas ~::;~ge 1h8rT1lllelves'! as IT,Ifad larglElfir:09:S!rrlg~r

A f.i·IfQYmrT FOR I,N,FORMAnON A801IT .BAR.HEAlJ£B GEE.!;E. PRAKASH GOL~.! Socj€J:tr •. j S, Ab'him,1'l"lshree f-{o'/Jsing s.ocJe:t:JI~. Off. Pll;5h·6!il A()~.tJ, PloiM 411 fX)8 :Btrdiu31d].GrS;;iFf! Fa"QlIlflstEd to }l!ndly.s!3rf!:lm·;a IliIfo"rrilatlonon the t.'iumb.~!ir!">.; t'Ii<i~e- of pl~~$ ~lJisl,Slate· ,als.o), h1ilb'ibt,fjock ~i2.oiI,.cl$!~O!.8. (lJfai'liva ~wld depaJiL!lFE!-aml1lulIY ,o~rnefr:fu,faij&s;tiley thll'lk R~a5au~ ~~head~'~e$e (Art-!il~r .inWr.,"}seen during
thls winler.

tOo snail newlk,eddUlcl\iingsl mC>Qrhen:;;, ClOnts, etc ..Whi~e<!: kD.alis IDudargs!.O t~.c[!;)le,"?ra~ld[a"mlJstoo'lle- g~parl rma ieg miistakil"l€1 i1: for .a w-orm {:t S'orts-. The f;rog W8iS mer~ly mSPQt:i~ing to oo.~ic iniSfinct tti grab so:mEitl)ilng U~,il mov.e~11i.~ Iloi.oor oou~d ha,v;e-made It :ret: go hacllt ]!3!dBedFrnddie '~'!JiIh' irs l:iJaflll("'a5I pras.!,!Jttie <l po I'l"d hSIDl1i er a. eonnerant w(!Ju~d ~(] bu~ thl:1:Ei frog.$ a~ ~ot par!" of.awB~'s normal exlpe,rience,

P; Q. MGCluskie

Sag 208'

CHAN~"Na BY A SNIPE ..U. Ge.1. BALJtTS1t1GH ':5'~h!fa".

Go::lP.j,)js~. Rancflj~ Bf~r l

.NESTiNG COLi1NIES Q·f THE lITTLE CORMORA1il7" fP'iH It LA,Ii; ROt;:OR AX N I.G EF1i:) AND NI~HTHf.RON ,~ye":~e'ORA.X N-veT.ICORAXj IN .PtlNE C.ITY. .MAHAR""SHfflA. KfHA{II P{;!RAlf'iWAA~; ~,2.(A.,. "'f'r,a-s.t1i01nt",.
PIJJ1~ 411004

ReeefTltly a friterttl mdi vm:medi1halif I p0trs1tsil!:d w.ifu ll3I:Flllaimng SlIM~ 00 my'fEet: Sfr)Irk.·~~9~, I rn~ht inw~ vaJiCo~V'WI$ en my! eal\l8S~ E!tit.0nlflfl m'Qmlng: of Fa.'bIi'lJ.<I!ry 25 a~0015 },M. ~~\'a8 left w~1'iI ~ittlacl~ciioeman stand' ;stfJc,k- stili Jormty 'five minWl';l6,. lea_nln~ my r~ghtshoulder agllll'rlst a 'Il!'e~ W~~'e-ady tl;)e bil'iO'@:lare. AI! thdS while. lhe_ b~rd remained ml :3. pa1t::h of mud,ooo:.e, water C![)id reck altog.,.~~r' !1Lea:smill;g a!:ioul<Orlfl
meter radius, I' 'I,\.'ill> ·[Iefi puzzllilfig' how mwmh o,f the fa fTsoo t"hC3f«, Yl-~ qO tll~i!l ijny ~p.ae8, O!"Wa;$ the,~@gISO $fianly nt'iat li1~ hrrd ~OO r(l p~,!'l;~~~e >'In, dillgentlv, plll!.l~ng !f'Kjt $IJWiI fur One mQ'mlllnl?· ~t~nce I semeoj·fur ihe t'o'rmsf ::.ituat.ioo Olf81m ftg:shO!l.!ld havg· swJk:hed p.1aoos '!.!'lINchW9m Irl plen.ty_ lfIiiat'the Ibiro was a snip,e, I nad 1110 doubt. IBul "Wili(ih one. I talad no rdea ye~

~ ~9th 8~~.t:'fLbi;Or 19fitS, ...'h!I~ Ol.r,dwattNngl Irb:rll~KamI3! l INsn:FU Palilk g~tllgte.tril"l fhe ~e:;utm1he cily,'~ 1000fad fuun.utwe. n~t6 or~~'llittie C\l~mQr-@n~tRhafaCKlOO.faK ~.Tha-,ad.u:lt oormal'al'lffi. vil§a"ei.n'oiJbatili'n.~H~g[!i~. The. OOrlfiCl'~ we're using o1lbandoJlIerl nests: of the: hla<!t:-.crcwnBrf l1igh! n;c;mn (lIo'yf;Ii!}f),"a)( .lI1ydicOlliX)" One of the 1301 ~>ar.get_M;6S ~l'IltM ji1SIr.k, Girle lP5!rliiclJ!ar P.eep,;;!1 (Rcus .religfu).sa} tf':-ee was selecte.j~r InSSfillg. Ttie .n,e;sm '<i/ere dlust~red in fhe WI' c:aMp_y c~ '!h.e ~i;lapai trse. When I. me.aisur@~lm~heTgJl'tffl:lif'!1'Iii,Ei.;grQMdI,i1i was rOl!Jnd L{I baEiilo.1l1:l 1 Q ~lii9~®'r&. ·DI¥ifl.Q lli@ iPaHtoc! aI <JbMiNMiOfiS tall<J~'t@ 24'1f'1;S~,p~mt<ar ~ d.:id rlQ.t ~~rdi ' }~ny ln1elr.~~tlCiI"i b~ei!!JO 1;he J:_mm.o1rsnts and nlgl:!it ii,e,rOlrlls_


He VlDUki be alt!)ut

thirty IP~'S: from me and

b-incwians aiklrQed me !ll,QodVisual $tudy~ iA.llhol,l:!jJh.·:tihe ird b is Ti$h;:!c by al1 booRs as a ocmmOl'lwllrll1:e.r vlsrr~r to tha
lilubro.n~im::.t'll blli. I bad nfe'!lef e:l::pected tu 3tum:b~e, 00 '~me ai'Quild Me'Clu!~kie· Ga:ilij (23~, 66' N ;84" 57'E 472 MASL.~ tie[),aQSB lit i~. ot·t:beJla; !lwolJkras~oGiat-e '~'I[l~h n snipe. Mynl'Omil:'fg"1IIIalk: .had tai;Jewr me past a rain ~ITagti pond. OVS-F !h·Efyem :tll~s,paJ'lid has s,~rouWIJI""eirledmd a ~t ot !l'Cquatlc '!.l'ege:ta1ti.Qil.Aml as 1lIle!i'liBIffirslciriink&, the Lmshly exposed pood



fudr liile:St5 were cO'flooooate"d Qn-tlie ou~strechea brarlones .of-tbe--Mahogatly W~.

oSl:res'tt;)' Olil"l Afrric!iln M.;Ur9~~ (SL\\'l.aloof~.mo1!JJaq9-jJJ) mld t~g ·I'ef:!Ina !Paapel tl'Be itor r.I~.1ling;-f{J, 'tih~ liit'l!l~ oo:rmm<?lni'i:s" MIlle 100l1lrQr!y neelS o'f1f1~ flj~ht !ie~'O!'I$ "II-'eW Yt\ltlnOOd,f>(lQm of

t!idvffiver. ~_~~1h S~p!temb~rSilW i'Nl}e;dul~qo'rnnNa.rrlS ffr0r.:g I -ovarflead. lheys~i;I~uJO!ntly r~nd8d Qil"l th:'!O ~ep1!1 lr~8. II was l?'lSOi'QunJd~~at 1;hrei\i~ht herpns. i"!ad 5hi~etr '1l'l~lr nesting

~=d p~de$i

lichfa~e -wb;:rresttia:i and water I:)urds.

Al frr!>t liook tlt'll<s lmGrnjflg, theN;! we~ ·two, Y}nllt~ :bI'E'SiS1:e<11 wat:erli1enEl al1dalsQ MIQ PSIilQ he1"Of)5. While fhe former frlskedi a!~ouf ch*~ny !Con W~le-ls ~g~,the: latter' COlIld niOive 'b~.en s~il:J(l:S;. Tnoo the :siler]~Q was peill3tra:teel. by tine ·c~1I of a. wagta~l fni1ii~rt ;andl i~ WOi-S' in th~ ;;l!llirimpt to spot and. idemtify


slugh, .h~d MV 1000000N-edi and bbi::lv slal1ted W aM[lt :Jegrees)'Q1iJ will w~1he~erur,roWs and rreverfQrgehhe mahm~'UPro the ~r(lr\M1 Qr~r
Mp~ 10

tile 1\irst Bl'llipe tU:lwij,in ~f.1 ~e~ !!.9:Qk pairu2;'lg n~~ SUet! Mriliting ~ature.s whrGh wa1.llfl:l aid. i:o:its; ici€'JmWlt:afloFl, Whal SlifU!;:!!; :a~. tl-re!W{l mnsl;'f>irag;rmGtlc: i969Il1:"!en~:~he map 1~t thillthme .brQ1.\~~ ri'1! da:rk m'own fUII1f,oW'S frern thffi" m~ritle all thE;! ~jf down ~d 1tiE:l-.rLlIil1plJl9'i9rl_ iltei;\@ !li1r~ UroW;"Il rur,roVrS w~;re di81iii-n~il'y d:eli:o~are~DY lffit,il' ,1I1frc:dk ~uff~Viifji~ slfi~$ ~1f~9 ~n nv.QI'fIU pe.ti,Am effe:qt .,simi!:'!r to lilt:: f1\j~,!>tri;pf!ld palm ~ctuiml91 ~s I was tQ leaf(i, I'tc.,,{~f in ~(:Iy~f:cI }xlok {I: Mila only slXl wlilrtell J!'9U oUtl'l.a,fa~r;a.b:ut if.eVElr~tJ Dappen to S~'li' this bl[d.r)exl:. f.a,ztng cpire~!litowa,~s you, b~k in~jde

it that I f101!1~

tf.l,e'snq~, ~


of M~~g




BI:ROS .IfECOIUl:fCJ FROM 9A,R'R'AH IN $.€iUJII .EA.ST M_JA~~N" AAM&SH WAS ..AN1L MflR'" ana If.' C...J(Ij'&'fff."Z: 2 f! ia; V~ ~ Ko/a 324.00s. *" D. d. P; -(lV. L.), K:blJ;t z:&4,


71\IIi!!l! fI,""'~ON





Despite ~I:re leJs!'trel¥ fifily fi~e ffliwltf:bea,.L!ninrJierru~tivh~wii"ig.,

l·;iul'lino[le the cerIjJ.Lfl hetheT~e furrQws.!;l.!sa ron un'blo~eo w



jus:;: O;l1e dark

thatrrom ttie

brc~v(jJ fuiI'.lDW" fJa',lfR fhe, !'1a~e ~\G thiS orowlJI, Hallk.ed by'lWt!l 'iery diiffi!tirlG'(blJlff-i!'I!l)ite'6~l'rJ.1iil57 The fffi:$QH.IS.

md<:EirJcrg ~~Olln1Q:W.

rnO;'ltem~:lJlt m @ith~ r,jap~li.n ~the.beak ~11l:to the m l:J.dt.]f 9 j c®~lillln!!r'the rnar$,el!3 w~lbflkePI thl'O:!lIa:.,8

the tip ;oJ me DeaK lriere

Tb@c @~c;lond .stgnr~j(:a;r]t di~gnomit twtllt¥dl} ~Jj~[~~idCilmiw came t(i lig'h1 :When tl\'ie: bird Orkired me a bJIC1ad,.$idErjl1tW1i'e, Th!:iH3' was an !Jnlilli~rn:~lilli! omoQ.e-rusly ~olourn'!ll)n (il'f Qlaaor CO!'.'lt!:aSl with t!'1e o!tle:rw'~se tl9W1Ii'isnJ qro~n'l '~I'IA~ Wt1li1lnill! ed'il~6 qft'tle uppsr tail f.~tll_ers. yElt<igl~ nm, me-of my 'r'ete:rene!lboo~, nQr~I,'a:o!t1,e'la!te~ by msss@!'S\r,n~~~ andcGti~llieU\glllli", 'Of it i:'IQwkNtlfllha il~~~~ti~n6 ooth iiii "lBii'rls


tLlf th~ Indi!a!ri, IIDContlri8iF'lt" ~.aI~q ~n Colli'riF> ['!artdglJl~ ,dtl S t~ this de·~a:.iJ. La;l~r I saw thfs1;llflO p~-e~nt ar1 ,tbe ~lumatiGn in 1heFreid glljde,·to..the "'iata,Mowl GfAsia.lsuess ~ a,uilll;ib'fi cif I:KK:;.kG;I:li!l~iPp.rtorC9"D ~~y t)'Jor.a()rJ 'bird al-;ill'i>(ii k~"'cO:IDeqio!;is"iOrtfu1kli'ng l~~iJ t;e~ Ihan t~I;tl,~rLenQes.

The !Jt!'d p:rQ'i1i;d!3<'i mel QPlPott!.!'nity

eCtJ109i:otaW9i a1ngl"", At

inf>tant. ~thololg:J7I1jh'fl

1'0 'l'iew'1hiln from every

Wt;lt WfllS


wtU1~r:e Was n.@ s~n(l'chainqEf"ro coomrrn.·Qthefi.'1ise f!'<:'n"!i bmast rJOlllfnvJard:> W U,Grip Dr 1~~G;I_!~il!fea!J;I'tfl'J'fl, 1he coJ.!ouratlol'l was 'spalkling Slf'(OW 'lW:iiti;o, Tbe· airmost tliYo IMh !em:g be'flk to\li'aJrds the: 'tIp app~.eU'E.W fIf~flah, !3omethl n9 stkln ttl a spoon~im'5,. ;rM1hf'tla'l, 1h'e ~.aOOifre i>~e0l5t IwJ:<edbuff" Iign~cnaGtrmt wi1~oh lr) cot'ltrrl st mao!l9 the aye loor;: -an encrmous biMk ~p:ot There ~t\!'JiOd'a.ri,o::b'I'G\!\lnf>\emi ('JiPd:es

invisibla fle1Jk,O;;:~~f.Thl'dlaIlRSG::mieC':lJi'gm.ftb~o'M-.bars:.ovsr white. The: oV€if-aill ~lli)pTE!::9s1}on the p'lleopf leatJ:ter& en WJIi]OO of w-4B Qf fidh [fr.own reoL.tal)gtJjar te:rt<i.Ge8 le.a.d! ·'citf.sel by b!1Jffwhite rnargfrlS_ Oi'il srynllei'rflpLllseijUtSt orn::e Ih~ bi rd diG! sprBad fUi,ly aH,a.ltfl. liP. i'fu Wlf,198 lre!"r:-:pJifl~ wbiite ,un~mi[il@ OO1{~rts and s~ff J 19111 br<Y;l.~cn and b)JJiT whife bru'S !J~ ~I'I,EHi:!~"Jltmm)g SJlJrfade•



of Ute m,~r:1i: though as


.seg_mimts 01


6a~k home, It waJ;; tilroou:gh a p~or:ess of pk*ing cluE!<!f1'Qtn. U-.e QOlleG'NV'e.texte,and illu~tiMS 1rGlmboO'Jre I havedhat I short-listed two tlirdsin 'comaniion:; Ibe eomrnon arn[pe 9!~(f, the'JS!~k a(jI~_-!flJj1 tinell)! thi.e ~ep1'of BI.:~'en4 t::n~ abG>\1I1W ..Ot .etrip.e Clil.!.[t;~w) on Ilii'a -c.rqwn rul§d 1iul 'thel ja:ct;
s"f;P(ji ln '(aIJffl/.lr of 1t1e


andelle:FiIi'ng:5, ..menl they dlalllElr n(S.'Uy and my ln 'E!it!ge il;WOUpo. from o:nethit:ketlo E'!nother, The maoos oHhl;!;,lSpEmle,s, am erxtrern,ei)"d;oIouliu,1 vAtI, ri~ht 10 da.~' qjmSQflGD[or,ir en ;tht(! head ,:sind p~nl;C :)olouratipli' ,~.-:;lal'I'(jjrlg·l'.:lfUmp, Ihroalhmd abdam.err. llfJe f,etl).e.!Gs <'lire.dr,;:lo and no diff;€r~ll~ from fuinalG hOUlSe sp,a!FrmveKoept be'ing a fjttle:lighlet anotmoroe streake<t. In vj~W·af tilDi,r scarce sightih!il records al'ld very patchy o(fi$trib!!Jlio!'1,ithas been wund rel9'Jo!nt10 ~por! these sightlngs. IFlirie.rences

t::aught by uslng these nets ..ltwas a..'!IerydiHir:>ult problem, but soWed t-y aceldant, We Miio'l'lted a Family and Go.piwas lryifi!il to get. $Om eJihotoQ raj:ll'is. Seeirng U'iR3, the family I'IlOIoied away quickly. We, fallOWed qJl.llddy. and this mEld'€: tbe ehlc~9 run very' mst,.1iJ1Jl11hey die! not fly. Wheil1i 'Ne 88:\1'1 this '!IiI'e 'fel~ ~M if We oov:ered the cllicks frem fo[)(1 r s[d~" ttl&! !l;:oold bll

G~l.!ght fOIf b'~lrllcjng.

A'ful'r twa da'll~ we


to the same ~ieldlalc;t'il9\viOl Sanjay,

and RfpJ~y S. o, tl MS) Cillmpact Hanooa®k o:flhe 'Bfrds iIJf' ~n!:lia~m'.lfPaki:;;ila(), xf:-rd tini'l€lI'Sity I"'I'!3csS·, O GHmm:e1t Fl., [flsmpp c.,. Inskip!} T" (Hl9Q) ISlrois .o:f 11'I~1;l1l StiibDOfJ~lilent, Oli:f!iRl Uni~rsttlf PFflSS. ~F.\\'tlll"l P,~!!JIt'lL 'B1¥l~d,,!1'Ia, Nicrm~rI GI. .,I, '~1 9ilS) rlli~ I:lirds.m I'(amll'!~ 'Ti~illr R~rw;l, ~T$!dt'lya p··,ad~fl, 'Irl\1ia"J, Bornbal" Na:l HiI;;t,Sr;m !lJ (1{) : 47'j-4:01!l. F!.ellrl1anI A. R. (199~') B'ird~ '!;Ir K:';m,jr.;l B.uwom S..r)!;lu~~, M:;ldilys. Pr..idGSh, cIi, I?On1lt<a~ Nat, Hist s~~. as (2) : 1n·i8-4., RBihmafli {ii" p.. ('!:€ISt) T1e Effect QI rndi:a Gandh.~NaharPrqeGt en tl1e ,AV1~aul:'la of ttlli tlw· diS8Jt", J.~tmay Nat HiSl. SoC:. \l4 (2) :
MS., 23:1'-26'6.

J3A.NDINt1-O.F SARL!S CRANE· RA Jl:!'i~'V Of 'J.M;N1~ Gener<i§ N.
Cons~f'laUrJrf .of Nature,
~tf!W9b _2t).tf $l;!cr~tOlry.

ANEXCITI'f!I.G EVENT. S~cl~ty f(J'f

00 1

.'515, .K&rnm,g8fl'~Pubfab1 .cofl:J1"ry,

De.epu'.rndl ~Jlm,om ffip-iflds ~r()m Etawah. Pioc1:ll:'djlng bel pl~n. w'e (:o'Vfm:id McIeJa.rnily from: four sides" As ClUJ drd.e 'hl"lCa.rne smaJller, IU'Iey triai:l·'t()e5iGape, bmll [;Quid! nm. The :acdults 1ef1t he t .ch~'.;:sand ft'-ewfor a little dist:amlce:" from whe~e they started making loud! aJamr GanS~Wit1lin aoouple Clfrtiirl~&, wscaught b<tiIthihe tili!3ks, ItvraB.a. \IeI)' 6xGiting event forme because .i h·Eldrn!IJver cau'g!tvt sams <:ratnQ':1i oh i,;}ki;. btifo 00 , In 10-15 m'lnyt:e.a,t'\¥o ¢Ii.1\1er.errt: ooI~ur tiMcs were pul orrl m'€ lright l€ig j ust :!l.Prn.'E the kl'!ee, of both. GhiCi'lc3, lDurlng 1h'1s pe,rlod, the p-a'ler1t5 of ,both ~tlic~~ W€n~ cal~ing oontil'lli.l!oLJsly . ..AI; wra rnUeas!Kl. lh "" CllickS, m.e pa~ili,t?il ceme C~ljSM ,and ij<~rtM Ih~ chleks to ?I !'Iaf'er· pra~~ After th~$i we plann@d tOI bcand Utf.;8Jchicks. WfJ lo.rotlJdan~th!3 r ~oiit::uy dhrclo:whasa .lett:W'lng was b'ro:kell lnti"i;e middle, @ ilt.'!tJas'·y easy to 1J11.tcli, The same m;91,hodl was folJ9wi;ld ~or:Catching a$.1r1pre'Jiou8 CI1~ck<;L
Due tp;lhe Bl~t in tnt! su~$'$ of both atter.niPlS, we· were ve'J"y Ila.pp:y" thin;:!,C8S,€:, after ciile hour @f lrying, we eeuld flot the ,~h~~ oould

~rofld, 'was a pr.ol,iq!{j'J1IQ

IElaf!ding of a $,an.i~ oral'!~, wh!qh.;hEj taUeat fl}llng bird in .~ ev-e!'1Jt to:r me, in o·ur'l::O'..m I2taWat"!, It was ,the 1~.rSl memoraMe chetm::s tor nik Thi:! b<'J:lldi(J{:r

9-\1911ti:lLJil':h a fi'!linl!y wi~h ('.hi(~.5 elJ1Ei!n th~Qih

Ipr~grt;lm'me ha,:Sl;re:SiFl.£tar1~ by the \l'iiiid~ifa tn$li~ute of India (Wl~ irll:!ie~r atlittiS MiIi'!I1~eoolcgy prt:lj~dt, lriavlr,gt;ken, ~nterei't il"l omjti113[,o!llyl Wflnl>fll'f: to iIGww what is l:zial~ilIln~.hrYltl ro .do il ;!'rjd why? .e?f!d$ ;ar~' m·",q~ ~p of pl<J~tl!; rit.!9i :';i!Ja:pe.;! ail}Jd very .!ight.iI'h~ ate llP~~n 100l!i~ ]USl abq'l,le the. ~r'lieeOf b!rdfl. 10c;ltnUCh klf:lSflnoASR:::911 be' dl'lllgE'!IFCHI..IS .fm ~ha bijr,d, t because it IJ,arei 1J~ Qtl'im Wiled ]~II' tlltl.knl£lS, Th.tlItlf't.'re, the' 5 band'sGiJ"; stlJ£~ wifu fMhti~~illig ~esive, $-e,~ «llcurea bands; ar;e:,weed ill l)iiftl1!rentQPmblrt!ltiC119J to bslid mor~'numtJer of tlfrds.The colour b~J'IOO ea8ily vlsitleJmm are a di~ta:noe. Thti barrda m;aJ I)'!P" ''fl'''l prov!~d 'by tile Irit1Oirnalion;a! CmJl1e!! FO\:in;;jation (Wismn,i5ilJ, USA), .B~ore banding any bi~,;l)etmr5$non ~r()~ll·mil~f \1'IJi1i'Jllfa W~~~OO nHhe oonnerntlrJI Sila,te if'! r;squired.

bacausEi the'sa lw'O cllicfi,;s were older and iarg9l!"tttan th9 .:::hlck's:we. had calfght earlle •. Tney ~l!ll d run mudbfaEter .Blllri InrLgaf. Next day, we ro. cffIah tit'.~.chl\Ck5Oif·!3Jhffil'ldamil:y, but did n¢ ,Bw:;.;:;ee'tlin the' 'first attempt. Theil, ta:kin4 s'U1i='port, from vl!I,a.geffl, 'lI',tetll-ed ag)9,il1. Att:er a. f.ilW mij'mtes ot hard war"~, WEI caUght them. Til':ie~e.ohick5 were ~Pll'rQXimat,~iV :1'5 days o1d, big, ~In'size and diffiCllIt to captu re, ,.
.After few day£.Gopi, 9. w~th:;l!],q li!it!e~ a h~mily with Oil .one and half mant'fli~ o~dchick.was Dvil'lg\.Calcl1ing c::~icks,In

fiot 'fly. lfhffi.


Mene ViD$lf!dra and I \I'I'~nt.~

Dm~PLJ, my "jI'13.lJnger broW. ~r'S~nJAe);', h~


I wanted 1D ha\;l9, some pr~Dtrcal i3Kperis.-'u:e in tlmndi,l1Igl.In Jial'lLJ;;(ry19:98, r m.81!K. S. Glopi $tindru' tS~F, W~I, O~btmodu(i} at Clli~ic<IWr.ldlile B~,nctuaIIY i-n a Re-s:eaJ'cn lfroairling boi.~rse '~Ir<g~Jll$ad by WII_ N,;!l ,told !:'He !hs!~ Etawo8i~ .has lh.~ rarg~t P'OPUI<'lI~'OIl .:;iF .&e!JI)S (:r.'l nI;lS in Indii:1 ,;:md tM;:L1. will €:stablish WI.! a ir;~ldI stawli1l ta,in'Jesll-gate Ihe elCoIog'1(If s-atU$ crar:reS:,whe;19 o;ilrrding also wiD! be carriied out On. M.owlirrglhls J wM; voery ,'!JapIllYlJeca.use iii was mv (jegii'$ to $t~n~ :;rorne b~Cling programme and this was, ciJlmifilgl true, ~n GopJ Ciameiio6tawah, we llJ.'l3nto ~8.Jh9 sarus efaJ'lBS. t D't:lril'1g ~hree dal(s akllJ rue'fJW? lo~ated SQme ff!!til1~1 i@c);)f ,sa:KU6, <:ran~$'in ;jgiie:uU.uml fi€llds,;;!JndWEfllaJl'lcis bull W&S\lIpln(!!ering, how ~hey C:Q~ikl be capturozd? -Small blrrl$ ca:n b.e taught by llSIn;g m,lst nAts. samr" (lrnn~ Is ·ac.hugiBbird and h·caftllot·lue

W$l1~ndlS isoirt:iCUlt beo.auseJ chicks can behind reeds a.rrd ,it is'd~ffkult tc rulU ~n W<J!~r, This v!/@HaJndw$.Simall, WIth reeds and In the midclie'lt was 5: reel·deep,. The well~r1d WdS, !i",.earin $hap~ and r~n al~tlg :.!(I;e th$ l'9ad. Atlef' half ·aTII noMf of ~ard. ilOfl\, w~ *!!ptL!~d(tyw: ellick.. It was tt~e; &mal~est of tha'! bao~l9d chie;Ks.:S'O we we:re oot veri c;;Y'efuL Sudd.enl,¥, this cllJcl:: recked at G:apt's e~e; if he hO!!:d no .!!ipeG.W.ejlesJit ~oL~ld have bflnd~d'hirn. Aft$r' thi:s incJdi;!n~, we wera v~ry' C8.f02ful'While hia:ndlJi ttre chjek& ng iBanding ·the chic'ks w:;;:,sa-iQ'l{QL1!s svsnt'for .EI. smal! toWl'llik", EtaWah. In ruiItJJB, it wEll be sotJrmof 1]8W r~rntwma:tlG:T!irm


Ac:iwo:w.ledgllro~'il"ts Iwigh t:::rfhllJ\lt K. S, G'opl Bund~rWM PiIU'lifu]ed lhis opportunity to bar.d sanu;s tCJ.anes ·and llld19 pr:apara:tion of lllis,~r'li!:le, I :e.lao·ths'nk Sal'ijay, tieepfiJ,:R:am:, ~E'iltjeev, Ve8ren~ta·,and tl1~ wi.llag;ef.i:l who helpe!cl in thE lEJandlirig. .


ASSAM. fMBHUTJ PRASAD LAMKAR &: n{SWMrT D.EK,A, Aa(Sllya'k ,fltJature Grub, ,si;,;r Gr'iiltm, So.llMlmlloy P:i2rh (SUfV~y), P. 0" Btff:r.;/fl,. Guw.;;;/lQ rJ 'l"8~ O£EI!
13m~ SANC'T1.o'ARY,


leo CO'f1;i~Oilh~i r


pooptlla.tioi1 .9i.S9t part or th$ mfff!!~gerrie"t of ,tlIoHo destroy the valu;:'b:l~ tf1'<es.Tit!!lI'''lr'\1"~t <l5500iation g~ni:JIp~ 1'6C{lrded Wfil,S, 6, 1

On 9tih: janYary 2.000, wh~n -we were On. <li regull.n visit t!~ Oeepar Bee-I 8~tdSaflttlJ,lli)' we"~re su~pIiS,ed to ~e a IQI'1~'
pel.ican'i!iithin i'I..graUp

of greater



A NOTE ON ffOM:SE Il\f;,ilRTfNE'



$e>)len .I~s..."er MJUitilntLep,taptHos jaYtmiOO8, SQt'idlit6:"6ysd poehard Aytllya n.ymU'a. ffve r'L:lddy s'I'-elduck radQrn_~ f~gi!'1@;"i, ~b9L,1,t 500. northern ~'inliitl Am~$ 'G!wra;, .and SIX rommoo. poe hard AYJhya t:el'ina. We obs~1"'JeId me pelieBiI'l througn our biifoc'Jl<trs 0<1 no v,te clEla:rly~~'I[ the· pinkish yellow bare al"ln ElJOUl1d the ,,",yes which ~5r;ha:ramerimicuf tho I06y pdiopa["l_Wheni't was on tl.ight wa o!bSOlnieciits pink law.;, prirf!;arie!l arid s,",c'onodari€ls, t;llact; to oH·wbi~E! 1j(lli\rar,tls iJlide 'Milg CO\fl\'! Thp., rilSY p.... rs. ,liC!lin is !:. rare bIrd except ~::l eastefr:i ASI381Jm, Tltn Peeper ,Bef.';1ha,shaen fooentliydeclarn1 a Ram,sar Slt9 t;.y the €iOJ.1, of In>di!al, We are lh~llr.J!J11ODr, Anw;;lruC:dfn CholJdllLry and Dr. Ra1hiJl, Baf,f'I1!aJltor tt,eir comrnerrtcn lfi;e earner manuscript. \"ie ar~ al;;;ograti;lfldl fo DI'_ 8JbhE.b kr. Taklkclar fer EinCo!!jrag'iiglJ$;
R~J'enm'!;'li: Dar.<';'!;!bl,fi'I.,S~I!<J<'I,. P .• Singh~" HA, Deep~r S~el Wiidl!fe' f'p_ 2b--4(J. TaJukda:r, B. K .., &.Bhett9c;hEj.lj@8". .A~sa:!"I"!,P~'IIJ' VQ:L 33 N.:l- 1 &2

.LA, H.ILL.S Merlin C{.;;.fsa, Ho'tafon, Norfolk. NR/2 BOW

I' have oart:hing~ ,:rin~ rjngin,g noose martins !O'JUlag!:l8 iI'~ear !Tt;lroi;l? !:,a;st year I caught aQ~!i.!f 230 . .-md 1h'is y(lar, ao fal, :havec.aRJgtlt abollrl 197oi'N.ilich 3.:2h.ave be~n r-etrap~s Worn last yea(. So ,it keepe me Occur-led, The BTO have rmllli5hed two Afl<u,iiB8: on Br6eding,Bij~ds in 19~il'arn; Bi rdiS or B;n.t8iin, a,nc:lare now sl:arti'flg on MfgraM,] EHrds~'o;mdl rr~\f~ <'J.S'l<&'d $ tQJ,\[~1e<ire t@xHQr hQl,.a$@ m martins! That's fame for you II ~ thin);:; the,y hope to p;ubh~'h i~ nel<i year.


Myw.:fe al1d l f9~11fI.a;tg:rQ"fl'ingDid is ~ ...... erui~,om6 busi n~8G~

i!:>i6, VS61ul7ifman, Gandhioflagar, Gtlja(a~ 3B2 (f22


:;'. c, ]995. Th~ &Wd1on the !:)~PUllO!f(;lil ren~ of Wa:t~rtf,lriliOat 1


5"onOlle', P. &. Us,n~,8, ~~diror::!}.'&93; A fie!dglJide t()V'.ra~erblrds0r hii a, Wiil,jli;e S~ie~ J~n. Tok.yo.

IIlHfTE-fJUM.PED VW:.."ff,lRES ~YPS BEN GALE NSIS} ARE IJ't'UW'; A1INDlAN .BOT:A_N1CAL GARD.EN. AFfUNA'fAN SHARAM. N. S. Road, fnilr:;-nt »rro». M~/d87J2'1fJ1, Weo't
B~l1g!il-J ., On 151h March 2a031-went to Indian Bo1.:an:cal Glald'sn as a pO!rt~Hl"1.e ~etd o.m:iij"!olo~y lf1llin.ii"l,g 040!Jr"$;' of ZQo~Qgi¢a! S!.IifVe'oj o1l'ndia, M~rfIiSlry of Eniifironmelit &.'s~s, G~rilr'tlent of India ~inng with othar GF.lrtir.ipF,lnt!;, The ~f1di<l!i'lBotar1ir;;!l.IGa,d~n is situatsd at Sibpur .of Ho'.vra:h ~hstrlC1;: We~t ,B!l'ng~1 ,.,no. isfaMo!.Js fur ~hagAAt ,age olt! in

Guhnal, ons of th~f1118St bl"'"dwatcning r~9ion8'on Earih and havin;g prmf:.:iCedperhap81ne ~1'!.J~sl number- 01 erllln~nt Indian bijrdwatcoor.s has MCQiV9:::1coosidernbl e "ha.!! pr~s3" thanks Nafm,acAl; activlstsanj,1the doootl!ic"tl&fii (:tUne- N<lr<l.yan Sarov~rSe;hgfuar/< All Uti~ has aefl hi8lnY of U$ quite fuz~d, Is Gtljar.;li ::!omg 00 badly?' Mus1 th~ state M, p'lloiiM ter other people's elWy' at iib! :prog:~ess7 Well, the fJews!etl:er far Bird~'iJaf(;h~f3 L'S net where oontrb"..-e~si~:Sn@8Cii begooEl iinto. to The~ot is that Guja,a~ €VB'n ibdlay has SUITIB of the' finest bird




The- h~,dq

I jF'.lI1'€!rA

CI,f 1B(l"t,fl:ni:"!<'l~1 StII'\,'~Y




Milnis-try of lE~vir(Jnl1i\lern & Forests

is IDGBited in me garden

'~ge~ef' to high I~hl thjs fact. I ¢en very rlQt"d~y make a clalm we ,also 'havealarge nurl''iib>e,of bilrdlUa.td1cers and 1!llsls.C1ha,s been .s"tronglv r-e...ealed by a gtou p c! dedicated tnr:lMdllIah~ starting "", 1'.('lWi'::I~ttr::rin GI.ij"mtl c;)II.~d "vrt1<log:' lI'ie upshot ts thai. we art) tiring1tng e'iJ'ery®M M(;IetIi.iBrb'}~ Immiilg the tcntClti .... dV [m'mOd "Thci eirdWOltQ~,,,r'9' Clo;.;b gf GiuJ,uaf'- lain $U,""" W~ b.. ;;i,:;; Sj)\'l;;;laoula:r a~ indeal a r'e our bird oo[1gregations of fl.lim in>glo~,!;QmrJl.Onand demois>eijeeranss, crab plc'VI)f~. 'arid $Q marwothar .s.pae.i~s, Bim Selo'war in San Francisco, half a planet <l.way. C<l,11 t"""~' hEl1l:rtto ["8i§:d Ifl~tLa!pa,i outs'io;f~ R aj,kOflStlU h.tMha ;great til r{f ~peGt.'l.[)I85 of f@rty years ~jJ'Q, W'G:'now ~c>ou!dl ,ke rdm<J.nd w any ather b~rdwatchti)rs fr.otih Amadea to geliJeiai~e('i~acular hirr!wtltr.hin;g V~FlU€.$, On S~J:ndi'l.y,Still Ap,,~1r \!J"IS M~oured by ·a g roup of" y-oung 1dencls in Sural by beiE1:Q;5ISk~d' to fBlls!3"sa a tape df'burd caJis reccrcec ~y a SlJrat blrdw~tcliEl,r_ ins recording is (itlt$t..a:nding'ly' dear, P;~s:@nt there was a bird phQ"tcg~a_pJjer from Parbandm"MlD shO'o'tad us ntJtst8iI"Kling b! rd pl'1ato<;jie:pi'is, We are promised an <1l,ldlo·vldeo ,pr.odtl~flon on th& .blrds of Gujaret- ~ am .discu&Stng th.e posaibimy at deve1Jopinga bird: ~l;tfl n' the ~'r:rt:f;!malio!1al webs,itELWe hav~ e:t GuI~mti li3t of Q
st.'ll'l$l rdi~~(!bird rrame$, 1hree mustrated pOck~t books {wirth i!'. bu,ffli wai:fingro .be priinted)alB !10'.-J .available In ,G.uj .r,a!:i. o


in tne::rub>cOir:t[inen~ and


need to put our

Du:ri ng th!'l>whoJe day trir:; (0900 ·i 000 h rs); led by Sri KI;!m.:;;;r Chatlelje'9 & Ft C.Sa'Su d Z,SJ .• I:recoreecs ~ruyfi number 01 whi~'efurnped vulture .(Gyps bBngefemis} within thi~, pr~miiSe-s of thegarde-n, i -l;Ql,mted al! tog.;;:ther 11 d~s"(: b;::.die!!l QI WRV$, So me Qf iflemfr,esn (:2} an1d moot 'of ~he!ll mliJtten

aJnc!r.;ot ~~r~n by. ~found th~ 'Nin~$

8( t"~th",r,~

of deadlWlRV$

sC1!:tte,h~dthrnu gh out the ~arden" I n:'J'ic:",d that cleM bod[~s. ~roS ~Qt e\fen,by ",'l1f; or ~r'!:so&otS. '!he end 0'1 the day A1 I o.oUrfted aibout (eQ~ 70) :!1tJ'ml::e~sof whl1:~~lru-'n poo \njlrur;es, living ,at t~e mernant in the gaJdsa

Iflme year 1998-1009, we,en ! vrent thereror bi rd!.iVakh~l:lg.. ! lecmdOCl '.!'e'Yfei' dfila'lh MSel1'l l'It!ril nL!mber!! of rtJ08:ir\g WFlV"s 'l\'\O'r'e good a:s ~omraffid roth/:;! pirEf.oont sltuaflon, 1;\s.1:n.lormed by $:ri K!";mar C.tlatl~rjeG in p~.t y.;!~rs 1h!'lY u::::ed to killWRVs

The decade ahsad is qcing to &SEt G'l.:Ijaratls<ilding:in the ar8(i1a pf c('lm,8n'<ltiorl_ We ~l!11VC. .strong awateness a of what

bi(}di'le[;\lit~· la all at-out and tKlp8'[ully.. by all lroB tJirdl'llSlldlElrs co:ming togelhef WG.will iIlN'IJ~mcQpoltcies"

ROSE FINCH- WEED D.ESIRO.YER ,oR DISPERSER ? Sa. T: NI'AM4LJ,1"l1ld;.4, H~JA.$EKAHAN, Ell! .Div!si'Ol'I, SA.GON, 'J,A Cot1ege fer Wom~m, PelYfy.ak!Jf.~m,' ees 8M Rc'-S~ finch [Carp,Qc.ial.-'VJ.!i ~rylf'wim)$!, a rnigii<3tol'Y bird lrorn EurQPe-. Russia and I-tFme!,laYM 'is n~pott£<d to 'Jisit-SOlJth India dmirlU ~J(;:1Ip.mb~r- [")ecemb~r, Tb~lY feed on s~e<~~<, ow:?;r f bu.ds, fruits; and:necl~J, We arJ3erve:;j '038 f nehes; mat.;: hat! tifty in a 1klck.,at'SAGC N C}mp'J.5 d uring Janu.<l:ry-Mar<1n, :WOO, Th.5!S5! tin:!s WiFe reeding an tho inflorcf'iCCnCC ano seads of parthenasn (?f4tfhe'(!IWl1 fwsretophOOiJ5 L.,) from dawOl10 tU~k which brl"TlIsd iIs m~mdi8t.. FffiJlit~ and seed's of woods· Sll,C''1 as 1~,nHJ'I9. ml'l rr.(:mt~d a~ thF;!irf{1{)d. Althr,;lIgih !_.f!nt8.n~ i.!;'; aV1'iliable in e;Uf C<iInpl!J:S, these fiinch""s v,:~r* l1t:Jt ot;.$$~ve<:l f~gding ':)11 it. TwY' :$~,,",mE;O to pH·'fer P~(,h~!'IiYm i:l.mj vDraciously' b:ding .{l)."3tic,'.\IOOd, nmlvH ll1 W@.~t I r'inl~~ an,::l :'JOr1h Central jl,merica_ Par1ih~nlL1m is saidi to cause 5)<ir, allergy, iiTitatT9n and:s.~1ihma Part'wnium produc"'$ qh~mi'cah;:, whir.:h inhibit ·111.fl gm'Mh fif ('the r plB nt':, Ii '()h~M!Yi eMj'] k~6'1'!n ·as allelcp::tthy. !r:zi1hgnfum i& masll.y wine!' di$'p$r.e~; h~lry sseds bave 1019 distances in ths wirlti, Al~h0u~h, IlIiB pl::::nt is cortrr on in hllm~:lindistu rbed r.21tl ltats pnt'!ilCil.llgrly In the pi ei ng.,. it is VHY less nsi1e :i'i,e-!OtE:st Bird5S L eh as bufbu!s.;i7fYrl$, kQe:~ and barbets ere known to dr~pc.rsC:GGiilcb. ""hila hird:(i 81mh H~ pa:rsk~8;-8 (l:I?~roy seeds. In this context, the ml"1l 0·1 Nii'1 Ji'~$ i $ U!'!¢I~&r IN I eth er they je:5trGY or c iSP!ilI"SG ~hEl e

PiHNTED STORKS AB.ANDON G01.DNY Ar:TE.R SUR STING OF' CRA.fJ/{l; RS AT PA.NJJA D, G U:.M.RAT. [1;9'.. S.C_ VAS.HISHTHA, Di,st It!1m~'n.izar}0!l Of{h:;er..; 2/S, P<:!rtc/lay,g:I'fl,Mis;sio,"! ,'"load, NOI&ad., Gc./OifOlt.SB7 ()I)2
'Shal' regi 011 belonging to Blott- - Kham bhat $1M block Matar ~n Khetki diSlrict, is Mo.'ling a num!;i<;:r of wntref bCKlies with v3sHing waterlc""L famous alTlo."!them are Kanewal and Parie], D.uring my vi"sit5 to :he area druring "996-97 in !he monrha of D-ecember and Januar\,', ' came across a r1eSlil1lg c'olcl"_Yof pa'i1rted sta~ks on iIlc bank of JlopG:nd aLth@@mry [0 villag8 Pandad, MOf9tnan 3JOnests must.l1av~ baa'I·~h~re. AC(:.Or-dingto'iillag; thtisCc-lony is ihe're for lastt 0 v~~rs. I oould not weit !he ~:.:-eain 199El. On m,VviSi~ on l ?g-12-fJ9 ~ was 5hocked nut to see a single nest. Vil·agere say they ware_ fJra::>e:I~',. dsl ye ..r also t.'u~.altar 11JS":l o· i~re ~ crackers dl.:friou some celltlmony, the),' l<'lve I:e·fttlla <JJr,@a,


tll~ .salI!'El p¥i(Col I) .._ve se~n ;fii'(J1.h(;l[ OOIOfW .)f less 1DO nests onthe road-osi de pond ~111fjr _KhMCdhi, Bloc~ \

Kh<ambhaJt.near 1[}huvaFC\nI::M away from Bhal area. ihls year

the.f'e 15 no warer in "the p.ond and villa.g:::=r.sha.... .al,sG cLii. ~llle ® i'Ie5ti ng 1JI':!.es lrr1ere5ti.l'Ig!y 1here are alsb no nests Ih ISY"'ar, .. Willafs the reason ?H 8:oIe they stopped. !breeding! d:Ua to scarCity ar hsve som.ewi-cere elss ? Painted stcrks are


$cattere>d., maxlrncm

1m ~~\;liid'OrlC~ nest oJ OJ bava '.o.V<l~ hmught il!"lri bu r:g ·on !l bottle-b nJsi"j t:r~ Ii! my Q ~rqeFi, On , $1JUM::2000, I cbs:etved that a pair of whits tllroated rr-urrlas 11adocO".Jpit)Jd it The VUL_TURES IN RA.JAJf NATIONAl,. PA.RK,.. UTTAR mU1 las maCD ~(J.m18 f)r,tf'!t@tlonlS Irnslde the nest. The kmg ned:: ":'iof t"l e bliya ne,3'i: Was 0 :en~d up in the mi dc]~ by be Ii!u_nia.s PRAlJESH. PRAKASH RAG, WWF India, l' 7.2 B,. Lodi EsJa.IB, to E::rrler lhi5! nest comfortably", Born ....allte-rati:Ons inside the r1831 New DeJf;i rt» 003 \>"!ille a!~Q rnavJeby adi::iir,g aomc nct.tinq !illiat'lrlal~_ 'Thf'l');So Some. irllteJIiiS,linq noews f·or Qmithologjst~ in the- p.o,st-',l.liIltu.l'e ·cr:lcle:: ~vereobs€tvM iO:!iilj.e tbe ilest 'n -due CO(;Itse:, rj90line. em, I Wakl itl Rajajf en the f)tti 'c'f May .:WOOatldvisiting !he Dhilla ran';je, Around 09W h::,u:'$'Nhi:e moV'htl (l;iong ihe tLji dry rver bod: I carne acro<s~ Q. oongro!}latior of liultl,lr~. f€l@(!lng CA[LS DF Ff10GMOUTHS.,I3ATR:ACHOSTa.M~IJSi em a Gattis Caiu:;aS6 (p06:WJl~" a ,js.a,:] cattle belOr!QDng one te MQHlllGER {BI.'iTH}. K. V. ELDHOSE, KinllO'f!jHr'l[tlifi/ of the. (lLli~ar :s~tfl@om!imt3ns<aroy), A total oj i :;; 1 vulrures were ~[jUSR, P.B. N~. 28, i<~e"rBmf.Jf.,'-e. p.o., Kernfa ~et'Orda(f fm:T thib~pul- i "':U!udi<l1j five species of e tomr eight which occur in the lnclansebcontlaeru, The br-eak up o~ Nw A'6 partof ~rud~' of at Thatteskad Bird SEincruary, r;;n~mbl3·Df vulturesat lhc carcass ,r,itB inlrJuood : Lon] b'llsd Kerala, I "",.. 5 a~r thl·OI oct~lrr a! bi rd IOJ ihe last seven months. o vu~ture 103 witJl'S~\f@sa irrunaturas, 'o'!hita-ba:cked vulkua 39, It is fou r.d thatmBf~i~ Q~i ni"tlil gifilerBnce- in the sou nd of male S.C'lWl'lg.@ Fl)u~tw:eA Irmludlng 2Iinm(;'':Mes, red-headed vultwre and f£lnall~,-rfogm':}1 J'il:'l. 2:, IJ.J Iv.ou;s griff 0.1' 3, As ~"'€lmaie mCV$$ frorn the rcostin g plaee. it makss a SQUi1d The "'i,JItL.J:~:s we'reogBr1eraIJy il9 a hEla;lth~' c,}ndi:tion and u[ tb!:! ;oKwa.i!iylr~ief:jH' repeafnd at ::lfl intr:::'Vnl of 4-Bs8conds .. A. ClllJtlrB lot I saw, at !esS"! 4~45 were 1~ir'lg on the carcass Gommonsctmd Is also hea"rdi - Wree-",icee,vicee"".1"hg a.;aUf! call ~\'hen o;:)ird ,ot pre,), .appears is "KWOIit, prQdU900by whil:a then;">t ~"'~n, -QIlt-rw~ clo&ElI::;y- .. Eilee'N!tere adL:rll1CJ~WO bath male and fern'alo birds.,8r;(-x,di~rHrf.lIjij(ltk,<ndGne fI·om the krn away .1four1d twa scav@:"g.;r vulluter5 and a soli'ta'Y t~d call it-sAil, is oomFJ'lr~1i.~IJ' r<"re amo'.1.g ~e b,!rds_ Grtlmment$ haa~ed vUiltUH:l r1a~r a d~ad male spatted1 deer being (ro_Fi'ithe i'lOii-dei:S we~:>:iJec1l!io;:t SGa~ngiM by.$! jacka·~.

Are the re such reports from aiMer areas ;also ?

MUMAS ACCE'P'f ABANDONED N-E"Sf OF BA YA. VEER wen:3oJ ne'ar.a pond in V.a1a:da:I'O):. Wr!~HA.V h~Ub',~fiI!I,Ne!Jr Tht: Ccmr<J1 SCft.D(j~, flam NiiJ~{ '('...o,fCJflY, tlhSJ'fl.tmlf 32, 001



F'eatheredl Friend that Helped Change the Face of Wi Id liife Conservatl on

it s:iIIgi.V'8S me pause tQr tl'lOJ.gllt. ir~ is an increasingly ICD'ITll110n .::>lghJUtilnorth Niqrioh - ,)111: .~JI-m1itA bl'rd ~111lird [h~ sJ?e of :<l S~'!ian, p.srCihed Doa. de-ad tr~&, TM~rI off it. ~i.~ onq,fo.atQ~s:now-colou re1 '.\fii"l:;;ll$ to re,ve-al il;$etf as a little lthough

eg:r'el1. i:It t.ype ol

heron that


sp,8ll>d acrcss ternpetatesnd

~rG\picaJI tiludi::l<!: b


wAs:lernElllFopato A~ttlm AlJst~ lil~_

F{lIr rnuc:f1 tlfthe tit-l'i:lllhi1Fy!;In Ui'~ leg, hLi'1cJ~E:i!O: E:~lTItinel-[iKeat~oowatDr's and ectg.E!. Then they break cut ,of this immoilil.i~ into a ftenz.y of act''ldtf Lured b-y the gl mer at S~ :ter ifl 91fry, :h eoegltets p!osh thro :J:gh the' sbUlO'\ an Ellma;:t balLetic
r'l:l~iriY dance, b!;iure stabbing dawn w[th



Thai r pre:sen:.e tin Britain !$ the r~sult ot r;( re:;;em Europt;-'w'ide; expaOSion that started in thel 19SOS, 0[19 8gmt pcpulatlon f,:,sgana push nonn from P..rric~ alar IQ '!he Sp.anisTl and FrnnDh Atlanlic GOal:>tUnA rni'lt OIJtm~nAt€!dI i'!' a br-eedillQ outpos: iii IBrlt.atl\i ty

the 1960s_ TI)t!!\o' WElte seen presern '011;:!Ir,no:stall ~$ll.J'ary.sites alolil;;! the sou'hern Elilglish coast and ill 1996 the agr€lt was a.dded tollw" bill&dilllg Iit;~'wllen C! pair J~f'ed '.tl ree young ~flDorset, Today 1n:ere am up-to 1,000 egrcm. present e n I3rltl:;,h

wlF.l!anrrdsat '~my one t~~e.

The,:\, OIf!z!<n a~rd[;1i¥e- !'Idditior'l to the f1aliVi;l a ...ta:u'l.a, not. just fonha.jr rbz;:!lIng cotour t UI erisa, f:jr ttl 8i r breeding C::lstlllrne, a i whidl is dis:ti'ng.ui:&nocf by el:ong8rted 'ac.lY'f'i'lA,ltum:; :iln It.,Eo. cr(lvl'n, lJ·reast a:id baCk. The'r ars ~;Kldrao.rdj1Jaf\1' p,ll.Ime'$, Md tney ce rtail(>lly al~at-e{j thJ~' 'face of i ~rnOitiQ(l~1 'iVildli:fe conservetlen. o.l.llTlIg nfl.:::18Ih-<:md 1 gfPn r:entmie" iit b~~~me thE,fs,ShiOr1 ro adorn womel1l'g hats with these ~!~gant pO\,o,'.der·-J:)l,itf teatch.ers" The t.rf'md tk1gge,r-eda m!l.59ive trade, el3peciaily torpium€:$ t-om '!ru? h!l'ron 'family, In In1i.e_ by 1.9114 the f'E:ath€ll's, W€lr@WOU1h'11)-28 limes their ",I eight iii .silvsr.

The ;".alesraomat a single Lo-do;n auenon the Pte'li:Jus \,=ar recei'J~ '2,640 ounces of fMthers. ifiJcll,ldin~ 1e-"QOO''1mits ~'I':il'lgq [jin$,tOJ]OO bustard plumes, till;! eriOiifi!~skins of' 1,000 eil_us. :5,000 Io.:\ms snu alrnuetl 00; (J{)O ,egre.t feathers,


In rcspoass to thi-s C·2..fI'1li'lg~' a. 'gE1IJP of oommltted women in MaF1ch€st~f set up th~ Plume eag,ue, lhis eventu;fdy rrnffiamorpho~ed ii"l~:O the Royal Sc;.die.tyfor the Prct,~ctiQn o1lBiras,wnich lOOW is one of 1ne' iar';le'st 1fI.ldiit~ non-gO'.lammel11tal org~:i5a\iions i'n E'"IT::lpe" In ,.!I,mElricaa par.all~1 !'$~~tV;le'led 10 Ihlil ml1lOol111Jl1ofthe Audubon Sccic:ti;:;:s" 'While P.llfl r;],tlP.l'!1pt t(l cucwJiuaJte measures asrose !fIB w_nrlJi .[)f.'~";!JlIWJd ~\GllndOltiolilof the ~nternfttl(lnalC{)uli!!::il 'for Elinj "F're'~e'rtJ'lI,tr;;'Ii (now Birdl.Jife h the intBm~!ional1)"t;'rihTc_'"'has m·",m'bet' organi'sation:sl.lli' morelnan 100 couatrtss, CQurtesy;,Guarci.t'om Wesk(y •. ADgL!'st 17.23, .200{)



EdlJr.e.115n ""lin r.l~[;::I,;, as ~L~, (~OV""~ imporUJli: of a.'~ biol~y, eCGI'~fl~'·' ~~!v&lli:on ~r1nci!pl~s; 'blC<lI'JD~1S1y protcc:IOI'"1. ~::l).'In9i.lllnctlnClimd tJirnt~, h.1b~1' f1';~!'Ier\.'€I:tioo, 1i.,Md(l"m-th.()lag~' ere. nu r.!llion. !!il:>:. rnon·It!~;. UIFld'er ~he f1elll ;B(:'h.eme'. ~h.e iff. if.! redl~ rI"~. Ii[JUI~ .nn ,50'% fee (:oii~~~i()j;J ,~R.!;. SJ;JI}J to stuc"en.ts {15-25 year;;;, Std .Y ~nOl a.bove), 1".oUBCW,I!Kl~.ScnIC.J ~n~. uoomplc>VQI:I Jlm"Qn~ ;;'00 rnhffi' Oe;:;.o;:lVino o;.~s,.~~cr Y'ppeF age 'liml.t Apri, tn thf! !",,!!irtllIItA fur !'r~~ct1J..L;:I; ~m:l AI'p1!O~"Orl form !VM brumk ~ra'l! fur Fi!;, '25f-. fa'1~umingRri!if}1 'VaJI.,y'E;.f:l"ut;;ill.i!lOr.~ Ci!nl1irll (1l"IMltl:ltc (ftf Bifid Sll:RdiE!'!i~ reytJbl:? "'t·l!.~tElitrfi;;ilp8,11E! '" Dy Mfl. I:--"rtrl'remi~ (~~~$ IntM O:l<UP0i1)'_M:d Rs. 151-, 1co:rout:;t;3tiQr1l'D.Q'5, i!lima at Ptcml;llir.g Er.wirmmp.i1t:!li


~oiHt;tf" ; ,ZAF.AIR FUTEHA.L.L Y. Nc. 2205, Oakw<JocJ i~;~J<U'llmml.Ja.kka::;<Jlldrd, layout. Km<L'll<IfI9'll<l, ard 'Elloclt,


Main. 88.n.galor'e - 560 034, Ka.matak~, Sesl1·adripIJI.lfTl, 6angalor'~·


p'liinted and PlJblllshed bl-Ii!'lonlhiy by S_S' "I.aihar,at N a'lonara!l1

EmelfPr~, 500 02.0, Illdiiol.

G'jW5!1': Ella.cIoLOWi.J!lge!;j!;,tilt (Himsntoplfs himallwplJs) This aJm~l cosilwpolila:l ~p~cie::; has m'QI~vcdrC9lcn~h 10.i~~ e.JrI!'Sm.;:; fllman\1 waders. Stilrts fre{l'lle'm m~rshy 8I'·e~, laka- snor,el nos, pools and sanpens I"h§Y fi3ed 111 iGaS lan~J"i~lg r r\'t,n dry rnuO t;; a bally-de~p \N@ter;: most often thc~"forage if'! wmcr ol:l6lJi!. nMbut k
dF:!ep. Wt:'Emal5:rmed1hi's\i'~rd~n ,~f1t1g\liailai'id!;, pOD~2.m:;I ~!dS a! the inUl:ldel" and tBik:es to w,in!Ji!' wilh loud pnZ!~snr:[jy orr"~, ai'e.r1iIlgl:lihetf denlzens of the wctl,md. ,F'flofo ; fj,S.JiGfJlar; ARPS


3364142 /336,_majl

: navbarat@ blr ..... ~c'1I.I'I:d.ln1

Fbr PfivatfJ Ci"muIOiiian DrIly.

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