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Oh god, is this ever going to stop?

“… ugh,” I groaned resting my head on the toilet.

“Mommy,” Masen yelled running through my bedroom into the bathroom, “Daddy’s here!”

Edward walked in behind Masen. “You okay, Bells?”

I stood up and rinsed my mouth out. “Yeah…”

“We don’t have to go… I mean if you’re sick…?”

“No,” Masen whined, “I go Chucke Eeses, daddy?”

“Buddy, mommy’s sick…”

“No, Edward… its fine… I’ll be fine… he’s been looking forward to this all week…?”

“Are you sure …?”

“Positive…” The word no sooner left my mouth when I turned back to the toilet.

“Mommy sick…”

“Yeah, buddy… mommy’s sick… sorry Bells, no Chucke Cheeses for you today…”

“Edward …”

“Masen,” Edward interrupted, “Buddy, why don’t you go find something to wear today…?
Remember, it’s cold outside.”

“Otay, daddy.” Masen ran from the room. I wasn’t real excited to see his bedroom after he
picked out an outfit for the day. I should make Edward clean it up.

“Bells,” Edward extended his hand to help me up, “You’re sick… you need to be in bed,

“But, Masen’s been really looking forward to this…”

“I know… you know, we’ve um… well, we’ve been talking about Masen and I doing stuff
alone….? Him um, spending the night…? Maybe tonight would be a goodnight to start
that…I mean you really should be resting…?”
“Edward,” I interrupted his nervous ramblings, “Are you ready for overnight…? I’m okay
with you guys going to Chucke Cheeses… I’m even okay with him spending the night… as
long as your sure your ready for it…”

“I think so…?”

“He might not do well, Edward… he doesn’t spend much time away from me… he probably
won’t sleep.”

“We’ll be fine…”

“You’re sure?”


“Okay… then I suggest you go help him pack… oh, and make sure he picks up all the
clothes… and you make sure they’re put neatly back in the dresser…”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Edward left the bathroom and joined Masen in his bedroom. I didn’t feel like I needed to
vomit anymore at the moment so I got up to brush my teeth, instantly gagging on the
toothbrush. I did the best I could then went to check on Edward and Masen.

“But daddy, I only need one clothes… I don’t pee anymo. I big boy, now.”

“I know you are, buddy... let’s just…”

“Masen,” I interrupted, “Honey, come here for a minute?” Masen came and stood in front of
me while I kneeled down to his level.

“Daddy tink I still pee.” Masen pouted.

“No he doesn’t, honey. Daddy knows you’re a big boy… he knows you don’t pee your pants
anymore... Masen, honey, you know how daddy made you your very own room at his

Masen nodded. “Uh huh.”

“Well he did that so you could sleep at his house sometimes…you know, like you do at Papa
Charlie’s and Nana Née’s…?” Masen didn’t say anything so I went on, “What do you think
about that, buddy…? Maybe you could stay with daddy, tonight…?”

Masen turned to Edward. “I say up ate.” It wasn’t a question. Masen was telling him he
wasn’t going to be doing much sleeping tonight.
Edward chuckled. “Yeah, buddy. I know you stay up late.”

Masen turned back to me. “I back morrow?”

“Yup. You’ll be back tomorrow.”

Masen looked at me curiously for a minute then leaned in, “Daddy has no toys?”

Edward and I both laughed.

“We can definitely remedy that buddy,” Edward said picking Masen up, “We’ll go shopping!”

“Oh god,” I groaned going to pack a bag for Masen.

“Shoppin?” Masen repeated, “I good I get cars?”

“Buddy, you can get anything you want…”

“Edward!” I screeched, “Please don’t spoil him?”

“Sorry, babe… I’ve got three birthday’s, four Christmas’s, four Easter’s and lots of just be
cause’s to make up for… he’s gonna be spoiled!” I cringed at the thought but didn’t say
anything. Honestly what could I say?


I didn’t do much after they left. I slept most of the day away on the couch. I was exhausted
all the time anymore. The nausea continued to come and go throughout the day. Edward
and Masen called a few times throughout the day just so I knew they were getting by okay,
Edward thought I was nervous, but honestly I wasn’t – I knew Masen was safe with his dad –
Edward would never let anything happen to him. Edward called for the last time at close to
ten, he said he was going to try and get Masen down, I said “good luck with that”.

I decided to call it a night after I hung up with Edward. I’m not sure how long I’d been asleep
when I woke up to the phone ringing. I glanced at the clock – 11:32. I picked up the phone
and looked at the caller I.D. – Edward.


“Hey, I’m um… sorry if I woke you?”

“It’s okay. Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, well… no? Masen wants to come home… well, he actually said he wanted his
mommy to come sleep in his bed here…? He won’t stop crying…”
“Can I talk to him?”

“Yeah… Masen?”


“Hey honey, do you want daddy to bring you home?”

“No… you seep here, too.”

“Baby, mommy can’t sleep at daddy’s… daddy didn’t make a bedroom room for mommy…
only Masen.”

“You chair my bed… it’s real big… daddy? Mommy chair my bed since you didn’t make her

“Can I talk to mommy for a minute, little man?” I heard Edward ask, “Hey… I can bring him
home if you want me too…?”

“He doesn’t want to come home …”

“Well, are you up for a drive?”

“I’ll just get him to sleep…?”

Masen was fast asleep when I got there. I went up to check on him and ended up spending
thirty minutes cuddling with him. When I came downstairs Edward smiled at me from the

“He should be good for the rest of the night… I’ll see you tomorrow…?”

“You don’t have to leave, Bella… it’s getting late… you can use the guestroom next to

“Edward, it’s okay… this is supposed to be your time with him…”

“I don’t mind…” A knock at the door interrupted him. Confusion then anger quickly covered
Edward’s face as he stalked towards the door.

“You were supposed to call first,” Edward hissed opening the door.

“Sorry, I saw the lights on… I didn’t think you’d mind?” A female I couldn’t see responded
wrapping her hands around Edward’s waist. Jealousy surged through my veins.

I cleared my throat rather loudly.

Edward stepped back pulling his hand through his hair. “This really isn’t a good time,

Lauren stepped around him. “Who the hell are you?”


She interrupted me. “Well I’m Lauren… his girlfriend.”


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