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Common Screen Printing Mistakes

Originating over 2000 years ago in China, screen printing has gained popularity rapidly and is now one of
the most widely used methods for printing in the promotional products industry.

The process of screen printing is very intricate which often leads to some glitches or errors in it. The
problem with these errors is that in most cases they are irrevocable. So the only way to keep them in
check is by keeping track of the entire printing process and staying alert throughout. Eliminating the most
common mistakes in the screen printing process can help save unnecessary costs and save brand identity
from being marred. Here are a few of the things to watch out for:

Fonts: Printing the wrong fonts on promotional products is a common error in screen printing. Wrong
fonts show really bad on finished promotional items and impact brand marketing efforts negatively.

Wrong Shade or Color: The wrong printed color of a brand logo on a promotional item can not only
harm your brand image, but cause people to reject the product as a cheap imitation. So it is crucial to have
the correct colors of your brand logo printed on your promotional products.

Smudging and Ghost Print: Screen printing has to be very precise. Even the slightest mistake at any
stage of the long printing process can spoil your promotional item. Ghost printing and smudges occur if
the print screen shifts even slightly during the imprinting process. So it is imperative for the screen to be
steady and in the exact position during printing on the promotional item.

Ink Spillage: This happens if the colors to be imprinted are not mixed properly or are not thinned to the
right consistency. Blotting is one of the ways to correct it. However, excessive spillage can rarely be
rectified and your promotional item ends up looking shabby.

One of the best ways to ensure that your promotional products are not spoilt is to ask for approval
samples when they are being processed and double checking them for all errors. By rectifying the printing
mistakes on your promotional products, you are sure to have a successful promotional campaign.

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