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少年老成 : young but experienced or mature; prudent and capable

神色自若:look perfectly calm
英俊潇洒:handsome and spirited
能说会道:be good at talking
鹏程万里:have a bright future and brilliant prospects
孜孜不倦:diligently; assiduous and never tired
精益求精:always endeavouring to do the best/ constantly to improve
品行端正:a person with his proper moral character
和蔼可亲:be courteous and accessible / gentle and affable, kindly;
amiable; genial
仁至义尽:do everything in one’s heart and in the line of one’s duty
任劳任怨:bear hardship without complain / bear responsibility without
日新月异:change rapidly / change for the better day by day
日以继夜:non- stop during day and night
容光焕发:energetic-looking / one’s face glowing with health
如饥似渴:be like hunger and thirsty to/ work extremely hard on one’s
弱不禁风:so weak as to be unable to stand any breeze
三言两语:in a few words
三思而行:take full consideration before taking actions
势均力敌:be well-matched in strength / balance in power
深居简出:dwell in deep seclusion and rarely come out / rarely face to the
难舍难分:can not bear to separate each other
怒发冲冠:be so angry that one’s hair raised up his hat / extreme anger
排山倒海:topple the mountains and overturn the seas / great power and
旁若无人:act as if there was no one else present/ self-assured
破釜沉舟:break the caldrons and sink the boats
山川秀丽:mountains and rivers are magnificent
大好河山:beautiful rivers and mountains
水落石出:when the water subsides, the rocks emerge
轻描淡写:a light sketch and simple writing /not seriously talking
全神贯注:give one’s whole attention
全力以赴:dedicate oneself to
人山人海:huge crowds of people
赏心悦目:be pleasant to look at / enjoy what to see
生龙活虎:a lively dragon and an active tiger / full of vigour and vitality
盛气凌人:be haughty towards somebody / absolutely arrogant
师出无名:carry out a campaign without any justifiable reason
深思熟虑:careful consideration
身体力行:carry out by actual efforts
神机妙算:clever strategy and shrewd tactics
声情并茂:be both excellent in voice and affection
声色俱厉:be fierce both in look and voice
生搬硬套:apply mechanically / imitate blindly
大惊失色:be so terrified that one’s face turns pale
事实就是: seek the truth from facts / base on the facts / be practical and
十全十美:be perfect in every aspect
十字路口:a critical turning point in one’s life
石沉大海:as if a stone were sunk in the deepest bottom of the sea
史无前例:be unprecedented in the nation’s history
始终不渝:always persist firmly in
世外桃源:land of idyllic beauty / a fictitious land of peace
事半功倍:by doing half the work, one will get double the result
事过境迁:when the incident is over, the circumstances will be different
适得其反:be just the opposite to what one wished
适者生存:survival of the fitted
触目惊心:see the scene which is dreadful to one’s mind
名列前茅:at the top of the list / be among the best successful candidates
守口如瓶:keep one’s mouth shut as that of a jar
手不释卷:always with a book in one’s hand
手忙脚乱:act with confusion
手舞足蹈:dance with joy / talking exaggeratedly
载歌载舞:singing and dancing joyously
熟视无睹: care nothing for
数一数二:count as one of the very best / count at the top
水滴石穿:dripping water wears through a stone
水泄不通:even a drop of water couldn’t leak out / traffic jammed
车水马龙:incessant / endless stream of horses and carriages
顺理成章:(to write well, you must) follow a logical train of thought
顺水推舟:push the boat along with the current
四面楚歌:be besiege on all sides / be surrounded by danger / be amidst
艺术素养:art or skill accomplishment / attainment
谈何容易:easier said than done / not so easy as you thought it to be
谈虎色变:turn pale at the mention of a tiger / something frightful
逃之夭夭:slip away / decamp / fleet
天翻地覆:the whole world is turned upside down

天高地厚:high as heaven, deep as earth

天昏地暗:a murky sky over a dark land / in a state of chaos and darkness / total
absence of justice
天涯海角:the remotest corners of the world / earth / globe
天南地北:far apart from each other / be separated far apart
天诛地灭:be destroyed by heaven and earth
甜言蜜语:fine-sounding words / honey-sweet words
听天由命:resign oneself to one’s fate / abide one’s destiny
铁石心肠:heart of stone / a rocky heart / be dead to all feelings
同仇敌忾:have the same enemy and hatred
同甘共苦:share someone’s joys and sorrows
同流合污:associate with evil elements
同舟共济:cross the river in the same boat / share with someone in trouble
头面人物:protagonist / those in the upper echelons of / top people in the society
头头是道:closely reasoned and well argued / clear and logical
突如其来:come unexpectedly / arise suddenly / come all of a sudden
土崩瓦解:crumble / collapse like a house of cards
推波助澜:help intensify the strength of billows and waves / encourage and
increase sb.’s influence
推陈出新:bring forth the new through the old / the new emerges out of the old
吞吞吐吐:mutter and mumble / falter out a few words
脱口而出:escape one’s lips / speak without any consideration
拖泥带水:do something sloppily / be dragged through mud and water
外层空间:outer space / deep space
外强中干:be outwardly strong and inwardly weak
万籁俱寂:all sounds are still / a profound silence prevailed over all
万紫千红:a profusion of colour / a riot of colour / innumerable flowers of purple
and red
置若罔闻:act as if one had not heard / close one’s ears to / ignore completely
忘恩负义:devoid of gratitude / be ungrateful and act contrary to justice
妄自菲薄:underestimate oneself /look down upon oneself
妄自尊大:be aggrandize oneself / be arrogant and overweening
望尘莫及:so far behind that one can only see the dust of the rider ahead / so
微不足道:not worth mentioning / be not worthy of mention
微乎其微:very little / very insignificant
危言耸听:say frightening things just to raise an alarm / exaggerate just to scare
为非作歹:break the law / perpetrate outrages
为所欲为:do as one pleases / act one one’s own will
惟利是图:be bent solely on profit
惟我自尊:extremely conceited / no one is noble but me
身强力壮:be of sturdy build / be strong and healthy
娓娓动听:talking in an impressive way
问寒问暖:ask after someone’s health with deep concern
无病呻吟:moan and groan without being ill
无法无天:be absolutely lawless
无能为力:can do nothing for someone / cannot do anything to help
无以伦比:nothing that can be compared with
骑虎难下:ride a tiger and find it hard to get off / in an embarrassed
气势汹汹:in a very threatening manner / an aggressive posture
始于足下:start from one’s first step
淋漓尽致:most incisive / describe fully
助人为乐:find pleasure in helping others / be generous in giving help
高大英俊:tall and handsome
满城风雨:storm the whole city / cause a big scandal
技艺高超:one’s skill / artistry is incredible
目不暇接:have too much to watch / the eye cannot take it all in
目瞪口呆:eyes and mouth are fixed---terrified / stare in a mute
能说会道:be a good talker
浩浩荡荡:(the army) moved like a great flood / vast and mighty
举一反三:from one sample you may judge of the whole
惊天动地:shaking heaven and earth / earthshaking
金碧辉煌:gold and jade vied with each other
家喻户晓:make well-known to every family
急起直追:rouse oneself to catch up / endeavouring to overtake others
截然不同:entirely different
龙飞凤舞:like dragon flying the phoenixes dancing / beautiful penmanship
玲珑剔透:very bright-minded / dainty and exquisite
临危不惧:face danger fearlessly / be brave in a dangerous situation
两全其美:satisfy both sides / be complete in both respects
满腔热忱:full of sympathetic feelings / in the fullness of one’s heart
酒肉朋友:a mercenary friends / wine-and –meat friends
绿树成荫:the trees make pleasant shade / trees shade the street
春意盎然:it’s a furious spring / luxuriant

唯唯诺诺:say “yes, yes” repeatedly / be a yes-man

未老先衰:premature decay /aging ; become senile before one’s age
乌七八糟:in horrible mess / in great disorder / turn things upside down
无地自容:have no place to hide oneself for shame / feel too ashamed to show
one’s face
无价之宝:a priceless treasure
无事生非:make trouble out of nothing
无缘无故:it is without rhyme or reason / for no reason at all
岂有此理:There is no such a rule! / How can this be right?
千方百计:make every attempt / every possible effort / every endeavour
前功尽弃:waste all the previous efforts / waste the efforts already made
生动形象:vivid appearance / lively looking
山川秀丽:mountains and rivers are looked beautiful
和睦相处:live together in peace
漫天大雾:foggy sky
面红耳赤:flush with shame, feeling ashamed
目不转睛:one’s pupils do not turned / watch with utmost concentration
南辕北辙:go south by driving the chariot north / act in a way that defeats one’s
逆水行舟:sail against the current / tide
夸夸其谈:exciting and boastful talk
救死扶伤:heal the wounded and rescue the dying
惊心动魄:be struck with fright / horror
津津有味:eat with appetite / read or listen with great interest
举世闻名:be know to all the world / be world-famous
急流勇退:resolutely to retire at the height of one’s official career
美不胜收:too beautiful to be absorbed all at once / be a feast for the eyes
流连忘返:indulge in pleasures without stop / enjoy oneself so much as to forget
to go home
凌云壮志:have a strong resolution to reach the clouds / high aspirations
大汗淋漓:seat profusely / drip sweat
连锁反应:it has chain reaction effect
热火朝天:be in full swing / buzzing with activity
真挚朋友:very close friend
春色满园:a garden full of the beauty of spring
昂首阔步:keep one’s head high and ahead

委曲求全:condescend to do a thing / make a concession to achieve one’s

未雨绸繆:prepare against raining day / have forethought
无烟瘴气:the atmosphere was foul / a pestilential atmosphere
无独有偶:it happens that there is a similar case / not come singly, but in pairs
无精打采:in low spirit
无微不至:considerate right down to the most trivial detail
无中生有:create groundless rumours
气急败坏:in angry desperation / get so exasperated
千里之行:a thousand-li journey ( start with the first step)
琳琅满目:a superb collection of beautiful things / a dazzling array of beautiful
言简意赅:concise and comprehensive / give the essential in simple language
勤劳勇敢:hard-working courage
精通业务:be proficient in profession work
美中不足:beautiful yet incomplete
锦绣前程:bright prospect / glorious future
目空一切:look down everyone / very arrogant / proud as a peacock
难能可贵:praiseworthy for one’s excellent conduct / performance
炊烟袅袅:smoke curling up from kitchen chimneys
举止大方:conduct oneself nobly
九死一生:barely to escape from death / a slim chance of surviving
精打细算:be accurate in calculation / budget strictly
皎皎月光:bright and clear moon light
集思广益:benefit by mutual discussion
落落大方:be liberal and dignified / generous / magnanimous / natural and
流言蜚语:rumours and gossip / tattle and prate / hearsay / lies and slanders
正气凛然:awe-inspirit righteousness / with dignity and honour
熏陶品行:have gradual good influence over the conduct
锻炼身体:have physical training / take exercise
风平浪静:the wind is fair and the sea is calm / the everything is going very
聪明能干:be bright and capable
春光明媚:a bright and beautiful day in spring
安居乐业:live and work in peace and contentment

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