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Credit- NASA

Presented by SANAL DAS S7 ECE ROLL NO:35
Copyright © Dave McDonald 2006
y Astrophotography is a specialized type of photography
that entails making photographs of astronomical objects in the night sky such as
planets, stars, and deep sky objects such as star clusters and galaxies. y Astr
ophotography is used to reveal objects that are too faint to observe with the na
ked eye, as both film and digital cameras can accumulate and sum photons over lo
ng periods of time.
Basic Techniques
y Point and click y Eyepiece projection y Prime focus
Moonrise, Stanford.
58mm, F2, 3 sec, KG ASA 200
Moonrise, nr Alton
58mm, F2, 4 sec, KG ASA 200
Moonrise, Orwell
58mm, F2, 5 sec, KG ASA 200
y Recording events (conjunctions, phases, solar activity,
Deep Impact) y Advancing personal knowledge y Share your experiences y Real scie
nce ¶A
picture paints a thousand words·
y Can capture the constellation, the star clouds of Milky way. y Used to delicat
e smudges and puffs of Nebulae and Galaxies. y Extends past the brightness range
the human eye can see.
y Expensive. y Suitable for High-end applications.
y Astrophotography posses challenges that are distinct from
normal photography because most subjects are usually quite faint and are often s
mall in angular size. y Successfully recording objects that are invisible to eye
leads to a sense of discovery that is a great reward for long hours at the tele
Advanced Concepts
y Focusing y Polar aligning y Advanced processing y Photometry/astrometry y Nova

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