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Institution: Coordenação de
Extensão - UFMT
Teacher: Jhonatan Thiago
Beniquio Perotto
Subject: English
Class: Level 2
Date: March 19th
Aims: The students will be able to get to know the teacher and their
classmates as well as to talk about themselves by introducing (using subject
pronouns and the present form of the verb to be). They will activate vocabulary
related to greeting, names, and favorite things.
Students will review the content learned in Units 1-7 and see a video of a
Mariah Carey’s song "Love Takes Time" for a brief discussion about the lyrics.
• Checkpoint: Units 1-7;
• Grammar Review’s Exercises (Subject, Objective and Possessive
Pronouns; Verb To Be (Present and Past tense);
• Video: Love Takes Time (Mariah Carey).
1 - The teacher will introduce himself to the class and present his working
2 - The class will be divided in pairs. Each one will introduce his/her partner
answering the following questions:

a) What's your name?

b) How old are you?
c) Where do you live?
d) What's your favorite kind of music and musical group?
e) What's your expectations about the course?

3 - After introductions, will begin the review activity: Checkpoint.

4 - After the Checkpoint, will begin the grammar review. Teacher will give some
activities to students do them at home.
5 – Students will make a break. (15 minutes)
6 - After the break, students will watch the video:

a) First, students will watch it without having access to the lyrics to see if
they can understand.
b) After, students will analyze the lyrics.
c) Then, they will watch the video again.

d) There will be a discussion about the song’s lyrics.

Assessment: Students Will be assessed according to their participation.
Materials: Student’s book, notebook and Data-Show.
Critical Valuation: Students corresponded well to my expectations. However, I
noticed that some of them had difficulty with the grammar exercises and the
discussion about the music. Many students still cannot hear the lessons in
English nor speak in English.

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