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21446-25483 THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS {V' SCOPYRIGHT OFFICE , ai COPYRIGHT ENTRIES PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE ACTS OF CONGRESS OF MARCH 3, 1891 + OF JUNE 30, 1906, AND OF MARCH 4, 1909 PART 38 MUSICAL COMPOSITIONS INCLUDING LIST OF RENEWALS NEW SERIES, VOLUME 38 No. 7 ‘The Catalog af Copyright Eutries is published ia four parts. Part 3, costalning the entries for music compositions and dramatico-musical compositions, is i: sued moathly. The entries are arranged alphade title. Plan wast: ta understood tn befor two hase ualsea otherwise stated. Titles reading ‘w"” & fying “words by,” ‘‘music by"')are tobe understoodas songs. Boags are uaderstood to be with plano accot opr in this part are as follows: “E,"" Clase E, Musical compoait positions; ‘‘A,”” Clase A, Books containing masic; “O'” implies copyright registration of a published wer followed by date of peblication; “© 1 ¢,"’ stands for copyright registration of an wapeblished wort, follow Dy date of receipt in the Copyright Ottice of the pristed or mamscript copy. ‘A list of renewals made for musical compositions under section 2% of the act of March 4, 1808, will of this issue immediately following the text. 4, 1900, in effect from July 1, 1909, provides that the Catalog of Copyright Eatries “si court as prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein as regards any copyry FE 28, the prices of the various parts of t weceececceeecceneneeees $3.08 Coatribvutions to Newspapers or Periodicals, so 20 2.00 300 ‘Tee Copyright Act of 1908 provides that, of the articles deposited for copyright registration, the Librarian Coagress shall determine what books and other articles shall be transferred to the permancat collections secure such possible retara the claimant of copyright of record should make formal request for the ‘which must be separately and definitely specified. A suitable blask will be supplied Aremest. Address Register of Copyrights, Library of Congress, Washingtoa, D.C. be ? é t

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