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NAME:__________________________________________ DATE:________________________

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Complete the following activities…

1. Numbers and Operations  Grades 6-8  Sieve of Eratosthenes

What is the Sieve doing?


2.  Algebra Grades 6-8  Algebra Scales

Give an example of an equation that you solved:


3.  Algebra  Grades 9-12 Line Plotter

Remember Rise/Run when plotting your graphs. Give two examples of graphs that you
plotted and what the directions were:

4.  Geometry  Grades 9-12 Great Circles

What is the distance between Honolulu and Sao Palo?___________________________

What is the distance between Rome and San Francisco?__________________________

What is the distance between Moscow and London?_____________________________

Do you think airplanes fly in a straight line or a curve? Why? ______________________


5. Geometry Grades 9-12 Platonic Solids

Draw and write the characteristics for these Platonic Solids:

Where have you seen this before?_________________________________________________

6. Geometry  Grades 9-12  Pythagorean Theorem

Show me 3 examples of what you did on this activity:

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