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Warrior Work Week 5

Principle 5: Distinguish between cost (loss) and gain on all levels.

We have a tendency to be very aware of cost in regards to money but

when we are in a relationship that is beating us up mentally,
emotionally and effecting our physical health daily, we stay “locked
on” because of our attachments and our lack of personal responsibility.
“Lack of personal responsibility” you say? “how can that be when
someone is doing all this to US.” WELLLLLLL, if I give you something
and I make you happy, and then I take something from you (or don’t
give you something) and make you sad; I have lots of power over you
but who is giving me that power? You are by your desire for “this” or
“that”. The warrior assumes responsibility for their thoughts, feelings
and actions. In our society and world, we have a tendency to give that
responsibility away. Someone is always doing something to us, making
us happy, making us sad or mad but a warrior CHOOSES their state of
mind regardless of what is going on around them. They are focused on
what they are creating within themselves and what they want to create
in the world. They hook themselves to the spirit and not to their fellow
human beings. They enjoy the people in their lives but they know that
they can be gone in any moment. Desire pulls us, fear pushes us……
centered people are not pushed or pulled, they move in harmony and
balance. This week work on disengaging from anything that pushes
and pulls you – don’t make others responsible for your feelings. I had a
friend going through a tough divorce (tough because of his
attachments). When he would disengage and emotionally let go, she
would come back to him and start wanting to hang out. When he would
reattach then she would back off because she was being smothered
by his attention….round and round it went for quite awhile before they
could see the pattern and move on. Instead of looking at cost and gain
and what they wanted to create, they were caught in an emotional
vortex until finally they di-vorced and their energies went each toward
the goals they had. Now they wonder why they wasted so much time
and energy, dragging the process out instead of just allowing each
other to go and grow where their hearts were directing them. Love
yourself and those around you but at any crossroads, follow your
dreams and listen to your heart!

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