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Warrior Work Week 6

Principle 6: Develop intuitive knowledge and understanding

for everything.

Now this is a true warrior’s challenge! I used to teach a lot of

women’s self defense seminars and I originally developed
the g.e.t.i.t. acronym for that reason. I used to speak about
women’s intuition and how I found even though women had
great intuition, they often didn’t apply it because their
reason would get in the way. After not acting on our
intuitions, we often say, “I knew I shouldn’t have done that”,
or something along those lines. So the paradox here is to
listen to our intuition and understand it as well and then act
on it. The pictogram for harmony applies here – a grain stalk
and a mouth. How does your gut feel about it’s interaction
with the events around it. Deepak Chopra talks about how
the cells in your gut are the same as the cells in your brain
but the cells in your gut can’t doubt themselves so listening
to your gut over your head is “good sense”. In the toltec
warrior tradition they say that you ALWAYS know in your
body when something bad is going to happen but if you
don’t act on that pressure and wait for your reason to see
why then it is often too late. So it is important to understand
that your intuition takes precedence over your reason but
you can use the g.e.t.i.t. concepts to understand why from a
bigger perspective. One of my favorite stories of applied
intuition is told by Robert Ressler in his book, “Whoever
Fights Monsters”. In an interview with a serial killer, he tells
how this killer picked up two girls planning to kill them but a
woman who was with them, wrote down his license plate
number as they drove off. He saw her do this and because of
that small action, he took them to their destination. He told
Ressler that the woman probably would never know that she
had saved their lives by that simple act. Intuitively she knew
it and she acted on it which is the highest level of
understanding bypassing the reason. Make a point to listen
to what your body is telling you and then act on it. The more
you do, the stronger it will get and the more you will trust it.
G.E.T.I.T. Together, one moment, one intuition, one action at
a time.

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