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To Date: _____________
The Sr. Accountant
Department of Accounts
Lovely Professional University
Phagwara, Punjab
Subject: Application for extension in payment of fee
I, Ram Bachan Prasad Gupta Parent of Vikas Gupta having registration number
10906432 studying in B.TECH(CSE) in the 4TH term, state that my ward would not
be able to submit Rupees 75,200 for the 5th term (3rd year) by the due date 23/04/2011,
as prescribed by the University because he had taken the education loan for his studies
and he need to be present in bank to sign some necessary document and get issued
his education loan fee draft. Therefore, on his behalf, I would like to request for an
extension in the payment of fee by 10-AUG-2011(date).
I acknowledge that extension in the payment of fee (if approved) is a special gesture
given by the University and the outstanding fee (including fines, as applicable) will be
paid before the expiry of the extension date.
I declare and acknowledge that in case of non-payment of outstanding fee (including
fines, as applicable) within the extension, as permitted, my ward will not be permitted to
attend classes and his/her attendance will be blocked till all dues are cleared. The
University can take all necessary action(s) as per its rules, regulations and policies.
Signature of the Parent: ______________________
Name of the Parent:- Ram Bachan Prasad Gupta
Relationship with the student:-Father
Contact No. (+91) 7837333204
Email Id. (if any):

fax no.: 01824-500779

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