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Estados Unidos Mexicanos

Miguel Angel Luna Gamboa
Colegio Cristóbal Colón
Topic: Genocide

México is a country located in North America. It has borders in the north with
United States of America, southeast with Belize and Guatemala, east with the
Mexico Gulf and Caribbean Sea, and west with the Pacific Ocean. Its total
extension covers over 760,000 sq. mi, and is the 14 th largest nation in the world.
After Díaz resigned, success of the Mexican Revolution, Madero was elected
president, but was murdered two years after. Finally the 1917 Constitution was
made. During the war period as most as 900,000 people died from a population of
15 million in 1910. In 1938, Lazaro Cardenas expropriated the oil companies,
starting some conflicts with countries that lost their business. Starting in 1940, the
phenomenon named the Mexican Miracle. The economy suffered of a substantial
growth, but the social inequality between social classes remained. Catholicism is
the predominant religion of the country.

The delegation of Mexico totally disapproves any movement motivated by racism.

Mexico, as a multicultural country, promotes the diversity of tradition and customs.
This diversity is what makes our culture rich and unique. This also applies to
religious tradition, non-discrimination culture.

After participation on the World War II, the delegation of Mexico encourages all
other countries to help to stop these crimes against humanity, powered by an
immense hate, and ignorance, by creating an organism to prevent this from
happening in the future. The delegation of Mexico will stay firm on this decision.

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