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you can follow some routine care at home to

prevent the hair from damage.

 Always keep your hair clean. It will protect
them from dandruff, itching and hair lice,
which ultimately results in hair fall.
 Always use the shampoo and conditioner
depending on your hair type. As for oily
hair, you should use a shampoo, which is
meant for specifically for oily hair.
 Give regular massages to your scalp and
hair with lukewarm oil at least twice a
month. You can choose coconut oil, olive oil
or almond oil for your hair. You can even
mix these oil and apply the solution on your
 If there is dandruff in your hair you can mix
camphor cubes in coconut oil to massage on
your hair and scalp. It helps in reducing the
 Rub a lime on your scalp if there is dandruff
on your scalp, leave it for 10 minutes and
shampoo the hair. You should use
medicated dandruff shampoo and oil to
apply on your hair when they are suffering
from dandruff.
 Never comb your hair when they are wet.
The roots of the hairs are the weakest when
they are wet.
 Keep the hair wrapped in a towel for a
while then let them dry in natural air as
excess usage of hair dryer too damages the
hair texture and makes them weak and then
ultimately they fall.
 When your hair is falling, make a mixture at
home containing Amla, Shikakai and dry
neem leaves. Grind them together and apply
this paste on the hair before washing them
off for a while.
 Whipped eggs mixed in curd and henna
powder help in preventing hair fall.
 Eat healthy diet including green vegetables,
dairy products and fruits.
 Drinking coconut water prevents the hair
 You can make oil at home for falling hair.
Boil henna and neem leaves in mustard oil
till the leaves get almost dissolved in it. Let
it cool and then filter. Add few camphor
cubes to it and fill in a bottle. Use this oil to
massage on your hair.
 Mixture of almond oil, olive oil and castor
oil is equally good to prevent and stop hair
from further falling.
 Get your hair trim every month so that there
are no split ends left.
 Include at least 2 nuts in your daily diet.
They help a lot in strengthen the hair.
 Avoid using too harsh clips or bands on the
hair. Never make hair too tight.
 Protect the hair from dust and sun. Cover
your head while going in the direct sun.
 Apply hair pack on your head at least once
in a month. It can be henna paste, curd,
eggs or a combination of all.
 Wash your hair every time you apply some
chemicals on your hair in form of styling
gels, creams, sprays or lotions. The harmful
chemicals in them damage the hair and
make them to fall.
 If you have got the bald patches on your
head then apply onion on the bald patch by
rubbing it and then apply honey over it.
Leave it for few minutes and then wash off.
 Boil fenugreek seeds in any of the hair oil of
your choice as coconut oil or olive oil.
Restrain it and fill it in a bottle. Use this oil
to massage on your head. Its very helpful in
reducing the hair loss.
 Eating iron rich fruits and food helps in
preventing the hair fall. Include apples,
beetroots and jagary in your daily diet. They
are rich in iron so help to prevent your hair
 Eating amla in any form or drinking its
juice too helps in preventing hair fall.

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