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1. Bill and James Raymond have worked for their father’s company for 15 years. Their
father, who is president and now wants to retire, wants his sons to take over the
company. Bill and James have never agreed on anything. Should their father try
another succession plan? Explain why
2. The employees at Donnelly and Associates have noticed a case of favoritism toward
the president’s son Jim. Jim constantly breaks company policy. The president is
planning to retire in a few years. What should be done about the growing unrest in
the company?
3. Describe the legal concerns over family business succession citing the actual case
that took place regarding this topic.

1. Seharusnya sang ayah ketika ingin pensiun, memberitahukan terlebih dahulu kepada
anak-anak mereka jika sang ayah ingin anaknya meneruskan perusahaannya, tetapi
jika sang anak tidak pernah menyetujuinya maka sebaiknya, ayahnya
mempersiapkan seseorang sebagai mentor terlebih dahulu untuk anak-anaknya dan
tidak langsung melepaskan tanggung jawab begitu saja kepada anak-anaknya.

2. Untuk mendukung pertumbuhan perusahaan, maka seharusnya president

menerapkan kedudukan yang sama bagi setiap pekerjanya, tak terkecuali bagi
anaknya. Ketika dia melanggar aturan, maka saat itulah dia perlu diberikan hukuman
yang sama dengan para pekerja lain.

3. Transfer to family member

- Role of owner- full-time/ part-time/ retire.
- Members able to work together?
- Income.
- Transition business environment.
- Loyal employees.
- Tax consequences.

Created By :
Ricky Suanto - 1200943966

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