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Subject Code ICT 1002 Lab Test 2

Subject Name Computer Application

ASSESMENT Total Assessment Final Exam Grand Total

Student Name
Test 1 (10%) Test 2 (10%) Mid Term (10%) Presentation (30%) Marks (60%) (40%) (100%)
Rosliana 9 5 5 25 24
Adelina 6 6 5 26 25
Christy 7 4 6 24 28
William 7 8 6 27 32
Donny Tan 5 6 8 24 15
Elizaberth 8 7 7 23 30
Liew Foong Ching 6 6 9 20 26

1) Create column chart to show Total Assessment Marks for every student in the class. Insert Chart Title, Axis Title and show the actual value.
2) Create column chart to show the Grand Total Marks for every student in the class. Insert Chart Title, Axis Title and show the actual value.
3) Sort the student name list in ascending order.

Prepared by,
Siti Salmi Hj Kepli

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