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Important for reducing your tummy -:

1. Sit upright

2. make tummy tight & and do'nt loose

3. Do some walk after every meal

4. Avoid Ghee/Butter/Oily/Fried/Processed/Junk/Sweets & Salt.

5. Do some stomach exercises every alternate day.

6. Choose stairs instead of lift

7. Sweat out .

Check  flexibility of your body :

stand upright, now bend down & touch your toes without bending your knees. If unable to touch your
toes than your body is stiff and very soon you are going to welcome so many diseases and joint
problems. so please start stretching exercises today

Personal hygiene

Bath Daily, Cut your nails timely, mouth wash after every meal, use hand sanitizer, use anti bacteria
soap, use deodorants specially in summers, use mouth fresheners

Always prefer stairs instead of lift, walk maximum, avoid continuously sitting, take long breath in
short intervals, give relax to your eyes in short intervals, take coffee to boost up the work efficiency.

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