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Works Cited

"Breath of Fresh Air: The Capital’s Filthy Atmosphere Has Improved at Last." The

Economist 29th July 2010. Web.

Brasil a CTVC Production. Dir. Geoff Dunlop. By John McCarthy. Perf. John McCarthy.

Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 2004. DVD.

Brazil in Black and White. Dir. Adam Stepan. By Mike Dewitt. PBS, 2007. DVD.

Cook, Colleen W. "Mexico's Drug Cartels." 16 Oct. 2007. Web. 24 May 2011.


"Feeling the Heat: The Bill for Years of Mismanagement Has Come Due Just as Crucial

Elections Loom." The Economist 13 May 2010. Web.

Hillman, Richard S. Understanding Contemporary Latin America. Boulder, CO: L.

Rienner, 2005. Print.

"The Tormented Isthmus." The Economist 14 Apr. 2011. Web.

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