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• When was the Gospel of John Composed?

• It was the last of the four Canonical

• What is a Canonical Gospel
o Considered to be inspired by God
• For whom was the Gospel of John composed
• Where was it perhaps found
o Ephesus and Antioch
• Who wrote to the people in Ephesus?
o Paul
• Give four reasons why the Gospel of John was
• What does it mean to say John Gospel has a Christology
from Above or a Descending Christology
o He came directly from God, he was preexistent
logos of God
• How does the author for Johns gospel understand
o It was a semeion for the participation ergon of
God's creation
o He says that they are work and sign that point to
God (write words)
• How many miracles did john proclaim
o What does the number 7 mean?
• Sign of perfection
• Identify the feast of tabernacles and dedication
• On what essential points about the resurrection do all
the gospels agree
• Explain what the author of john means when he calls
Jesus the preexistent word of god
• How is john's super narrative different from those of the
o When Jesus gives his body instead of the bread
and wine he gives it to his disciples as a sermon
• What is meant but he ascension of Jesus

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