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What Can Cause Protein to be Excreted in the Urine?

• Glomerulonephritis:
kidney damage
caused by
inflammation in the
What is the Relationship Between Protein Excretion in
the Urine and Edema?

• Albumin excretion in the urine due to

– Albumin (a plasma protein) normally creates a high
concentration of solutes in the capillaries causing water
to diffuse into them from the surrounding tissue fluid
– In essence, albumin acts as a sponge, soaking up
water from surrounding tissues
– When albumin is deficient there is a higher
concentration of solutes in the tissue, pulling water
from the capillary into the tissue. This reverses the
normal concentration gradient, which causes edema
(retaining fluid in the tissues).
Possible Causes of Kidney Damage

• Diabetes
• Pregnancy (most likely due to nephritis)
• Hypertension
• Kidney Diseases (e.g. Lupus)
• Hepatitis B & C
Solutions to Mrs. Crabapple’s Problem

• Screen for any of the above causes of

kidney damage
• Pay attention to diet
• Exercise regularly
• Follow doctor’s instructions
Why Is This Important?

If left untreated can lead to:

• Kidney failure resulting in
• Circulatory problems
• Albumin Deficiency
• Kwashiorkor Syndrome
• Complications with

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