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| HIGHWAY | INeHUDING DiASRANS DF SIGNAES AnD SIONS LONDON: wUELisHED ay Wis MAJESTY'S StaTiOHE RY on $0 ented Foreword " THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT Tn every hnman acrivity there st standard of candice t whieh, n the common interest, we are expected to conform ‘This Code, which i itsued withthe Authority of Parliament, fete out the standard of conduct for the road. ‘The provisions of the Code ae e simple summary of the best and widest experience. ach provision, whether It ‘lates toa legal requirement or to discretionary behaviour, has hen inctnded heewie of ite importance im preventing oad accidents Tt is my sincere hope that all road uvere, whether pedes- trfang, drivers or riders will study the Code and resect fs provisions. To do s0 fs, in fact, a moral duty. If obver= tance of the ptevisiont of the’ Code, and the spirit of tolerance und considerution underlying them, became a Trait, ead acctilonet geomld eaply dacresza "They a6 3 Social evil which can only be overcame by the co-operation of everyone Please do not glance atthe Code and decide that it does not apply to you Te applies to everyone, and Tssk you toatady tana act upon fe and 0 encourage others to do sa, THE HIGHWAY CODE To all Road Users ‘The Highway Code is a set of commonsense pro- visions for the guidance and safety of all who use the roads, Consideration for others as well as for yourself Jb the keynote of the Code. Remember tat you have responsibilities as well as rights, Be careful and courteous yourself at all. times allow for other people doing something silly ut way minute, ‘Re sure thet you are fit 10 use the road. Alcohol, ‘even in small amounts, lowers your slermess and sense of caution, A fraction of a second may make fl tae difforenca hstewnan aafery ancl skaster. If you ‘cannot give the necessary concentration you are risk- ing not only your own life bur the Lives of others. Many drugs have the same effect and so tlso hus sanigue. ‘Learn the signals used for regulating traffic and by rivers of vehicles, (See pages 14 to 19 inclusive). ‘Lhe policeman regulating trailic has a responsible § job to do, When he is busy doa’t put questions to him they may distract his attention, If you ‘want to know the way ak samenna elee Keep your dog under control whether it is on the 6 road or on a vehicle, Many a person has been Killed or injured because a driver werved 10 avoid a dog. ‘Watch the children, Accidents wo small children 7 are terribly frequent. If ow are a parent or guerdias wach your own 8 children to cross the road safely aad set them an example by vour own reed ennduct, Do not let your children play in the streers. Children under seven should be accompanied by an older person When using busy roads. As a painesresaN, study chis Section GENERAL Where there is a foormath use it, If there is no @ footpath it is generally betier to walk on tie right 0 as to face oncoming talic, On.a footpath do not valk alongside the kerb in 19 the same direction ag the neater stream of teatic. Do not step off the foorpath unless you have made 1 ssure that itis safe to do so

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