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anothr day

widout ur smyl...
anthr day
just passes by...
bt nw i knw hw mch it means...
4 u 2 stay ryt here wid me...
d tym we spent apart
will make our love grow stronger...
but it hurts so bad i cant take it ne longer...

i wanna grow old wid u...

i wanna die lying in your arms...
i wanna grow old wid u...
i wanna be luking in your eyes...
i wanna b dere 4 u...
sharing every thng u do...
i wanna grow old wid u...

a thousands miles btw us nw...

it causes me to wonder how...
our love tonight remain so strong...
it makes our risk right all along....
d tym we spent apart will make our love go strngr...
bt it hurts so bad i cnt take it ne longer...
i wanna grow old wid u...
i wanna die lying in your arms...
i wanna grow old wid u...
i wanna be luking in your eyes...
i wanna b dere 4 u...
alwaz b dere in every thng u do...
i wanna go on wid u...
"stayng wid sum1 u really luv even if u knw u cant b 2gthr 4 a lot of reasns....
is lyk standng undr d rain,
it feels gud bt u knw it'll soon make u sick...."

"its hard wen promises shake...

its hard wen a relatn breaks...
its hard wen d luv is gone...
but d hardest thng is:
"still.. lyf goes on...."

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