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A very good morning to Madam Nor Ashikin and fellow friends.

In conjunction with English oral test today, I have been chosen to speak on the topic of Computer Good and Bad Effect. So please lend me your ears. First and foremost. The good effect of computer is it will f acilitate the communication. These facilities can be measured in terms of ability to communicate at any time. In addition, broaden their views and knowledge. People can get various information from various sources, whether from within or outside the country. Lastly, facilitate the educational process. The ability of media to mobilize the major human senses lead the process of learning is effective. Then the bad effect of computer is wasting time. Because a large number of internet users are often located in 'chat room' to talk to each other. Besides, it will affect our health. Use information technology tools can be harmful to the user, such as defective vision, exposure to radiation, etc. Other than that, existence of false news. Existing facilities to enable a variety of new web sites are not well established for the purpose, such as political sites which do not provide true information to the public. Last but not least is losing j obs. Impact on workers who feel threatened livelihood such as in factories where the factory management to reduce the number of employees because some process is replaced with a robot. Thats all from me. Thank you for lending me your ears. Thank you.

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